Things from Another World

Chapter 933: The legend of the thief, the shame of the legend

Tang En asked himself that he hadn't done anything sorry to him since he came across.

In particular, he has a very positive view of himself. He has always been anxious for others, and all he has thought and thought is not for the whole world. As for his selfish desire ... just to stay with Aegwin. Shuangfei, what's wrong with a man who loves beauty! ? Is there anything wrong! ?

That's right!

Although he was repeatedly pushed back by his sisters, what did he say? I didn't blame the gods, I didn't blame the girls, but I also accepted the reality and endured the **** ... I mean to endure the burden of humiliation, and continue to work hard for my goal.

What a moving journey ...

Today, an unknown thief said she was a scum! ?

Uncle can't tolerate nagging and can't stand it!

Even if you are a woman, you cannot forgive!

Without saying a word, Tang En directly sacrificed his girdle to the female treasure—the Goddess of Eternal Darkness. The thief was entangled with the thief and tied her there.

"Yeah !!!"

The thief exclaimed, with a startled expression: "What the **** is this ?!-oops !!! How can it be entangled there-quickly, stop it!"

Tang En said indignantly, "Don't you say I'm a scum? If I didn't do something scum, I would be ashamed of what you call me ..."


"Sexy thief!"

"******** Let me go!"

The thief was struggling desperately, but what surprised her was that after being **** with this strap, all the magic in her body fell into a state of silence, ignoring her call at all!

The thief, who was so confident that he could escape, was really panicked.

She didn't know how long she hadn't been "panicked".

Ignoring the noisy thief, Tang En turned his head to look at Brian and asked, "What's the situation?"

"What's the matter? Let me tell you?"

Brian scratched his head: "All in all, when I was taking Sasaglotte to Ellington, he suddenly noticed that there was an abnormal magic wave over the Lord's Mansion, and then we rushed over and later blocked her. Here it is. "

"Speaking," Brian said abruptly, "If it wasn't for Lord Sashaglot, the thief would have really escaped. Her movements were too fast and the mode of action was very weird. The demon realm trapped her before stopping her. "

so smart?

Tang En couldn't help looking at the thief.

"Of course it's great."

Sasha Glotter said with a smile: "A legendary half-elf thief is unusual."

"Half-elven thief? Legendary?"

Tang En was startled: "Are you kidding me !?"

At present, Prandall's well-known legendary heroes are just a handful of them. Tang En also knows them. Although Gene and Angus have said that there are still many legendary strongmen living in seclusion, but so far the basic Tang En didn't care if he hadn't seen it before.

This chick is actually a legendary thief! ? Still a half-elf! ?

The chick was startled, looking at Sasha Glott in disbelief: "Can you see through my magic !?"

"Oh? You still have illusions?"

Tang En was even more surprised, bent a little, cracked the illusion on her body, and revealed her true face.

The thief had a beautiful and charming face, with a few green magic lines on the face of the white melon seeds, long eyelashes, large eyes, and pupils similar to the emerald green, but it was not pure. The ears under the hood are not as pointed as the elves, and apparently have a portion of human origin.

"Biography, legendary powerhouse !?"

The thief screamed aloud when he noticed the casting fluctuations of Tang En: "You, you are Jean! No, not right! I have seen Jean! You are not him! Are you Angus?"

"Well? Do you know Jean and Angus?"

Tang En was even more surprised. Several people around him also looked at each other. Did they know that Jean and Angus had stolen Tang En?

What's going on with this thief?

Tang En originally wanted the thief to taste his methods. It can be seen that she seemed to know Gene and Angus, so she was embarrassed to get out and called directly: "Hey, are you busy? Oh, I'm in the lord's house Here, if you have time, come here ... Oh, call Angus, uh, come and recognize someone. "

After Tang En hung up, he stared at the thief bound by tortoise shells, smirked and squeezed his fists and said, "Don't think you know Gene and Angus, I will spare you, wait a while Whether or not the two of them will plead with you, you have to suffer. "

The little girl's face changed drastically when she heard that, and she suddenly felt pitiful to Tang En after a while: "Hey, Lord, I think there may be a misunderstanding between us. Let's talk about it ... ... "

"No, I think that's fine."

Tang En sneered, holding his arm, and stole it. What else is there to talk about?

Fiona stared at the chick, her eyes filled with dangerous light, and the woman's intuition told her that the chick was trying to seduce Tang En ...

Proud to be Tang En's housekeeper, Fiona will never allow those messy and cheap men to lure Tang En!

Seeing that Tang En didn't plan to relax the relationship with her, the thief was even more anxious. The hands behind his back were constantly tossing the thin girdle. However, the tricks that had been tried and tested in the past were completely ineffective at this moment. Instead, it gets tighter.

The escape baby hiding in her sleeve was completely silent at this moment, and could not be activated at all.

Now she has been difficult to fly.

"What's down, Don?"

Gene and Angus hurried over from the teleport hall: "We are busy."

"Come here? Come to recognize someone, who is she?"

Tang En murmured at the thief: "She seems to know you."

"... a half-elf? It looks a little eye-catching."

Jean scratched his messy hair and looked puzzledly at the half-elf thief bound there: "Do you know me?"

The half-elf thief shook his head sideways, "No, I don't know!"

"I don't seem to be impressed-wait !? That moire-"

Angus shook his head, just wanting to complain about Tang En, his eyes suddenly fell on the cheek of the half-elf thief, and he suddenly screamed, "--good guy! It's you!"

Jean surprised: "Well? Do you know her, old guy?"

"What stupid thing to say!"

Angus scolded angrily: "She's Serna!"

The half-elf thief slumped, his head lowered.

"Selna? ... I remember! Selna Kohler! The half-elf thief who asked you to make magic equipment!"

After thinking hard for a while, Jean clapped her hands, and then she remembered: "So, I said you wouldn't remember her, and still remember that account?"


Angus yelled at Selna angrily and said, "Finally found you! Quickly pay back the money! I made all three magical equipment for you, but emptied my family! You actually ran and ran! You still Is there some dignity of the legendary strongman !? "

"Etc., etc!"

Tang En stopped Angus: "Don't rush to collect debts, tell me first, do you know this little girl? Are you friends?"


Gene looked at Selna with a speechless expression: "Selna, you talk about it, are we friends?"

"of course!"

Serna blinked her big watery eyes: "We are best friends, aren't we?"


Angus said with a sneer: "When you made the three magical equipment for you, but to let you fight the chaotic army with us, what happened to you? You took things and slipped!"

Angus angrily shouted: "When everyone is preparing to sacrifice themselves to save this world, you, Selena Kohler, the legendary strongman with the title of" Misty Face ", did not even enter the battlefield and escaped. Now! You are a deserter! Deserter! "

Tang En looked at Selna in amazement. The story in it seemed richer than expected.

"What if I escaped?"

Selna did not refute Angus's words, raised her face very lightly and said, "How can you expect a little girl who was abandoned by her father from an early age to have a goodwill in this world? This world might as well be destroyed."

"Your father's mistake can't take the life of the innocent! And he has been dead for many years!"

Angus glared at Selna: "As a member of the order camp, but also a legendary strongman, you did not participate in the coalition battle, you chose to escape, you are the shame of our legendary strongman!"

"I've always been shame, haven't I?"

Selna shrugged. "What do you call me? Legends of the thief world, shame in the legends? No? In this case, why should I dedicate my strength and my life to those who curse me?"


Dunn stopped Angus from thundering and said to Selna: "I don't care about the contradiction between you and Angus, I don't care if you are the shame of the order camp, all I care about is that you are a thief, and You stole me, so you must be punished. "

"Punish me? It's up to you? I didn't look down on you."

Selna's heart was tense, but her face was indifferent: "Although you are a legendary caster, you can't get me anyway because of this ... the **** of my faith, but the deceitful **** Gibkensais ! "

Under the protection of the deceitful god, Selna is immune to many torture spells, and also immune to illusions. She can see through lies, so she can be like a fish.

And as a member of the Dark Gods, as long as Selna gets a chance, she can escape here and continue to be at ease, so she is not afraid.

"is it……"

Tang En's weird expression appeared on his face: "I think it's because you look down on me ..."

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