Things from Another World

Chapter 934: Selena in despair

Selna can escape if she has any chance, but will Tang En give her that chance?

Obviously not.

As a errant, you must be punished.

Tang En, who has always been accustomed to revenge and resentment, doesn't think she's a softhearted woman, not to mention that even Jean and Angus won't intercede with her now.

"Ha, what's the big deal?"

Anyway, her identity has been revealed, and Selna no longer covers it. She sat cross-legged and tied herself with a girdle, and said with a grin: "I am a legend anyway. The bridge I walked by is better than you There have been many roads. You are just a new legend. Will I be afraid of you? "

"Ha, big brother, this chick looks down on you."

Brian feared that the world would not be chaotic, and yelled, "Let her see the tying technique of your shocking ghosts!"

Down: "..."

Fiona: "..."

"It's abnormal!"

Selna nodded a bit, feeling that the straps on her body were tighter, and the original unexceptional chest was squeezed out of a small size.

"Do you think you are a legend, so can you not be afraid of Tang En?"

Angus began to pour cold water expressionlessly, pointing at Dicarios, who was watching a movie next to him, "Know who it is?"

Selna froze and shook her head.

"Lord Dikarios, the element lord of the elemental world of fire, I think it must be happy to take you to the elemental world of fire to make a few laps."

Lord of Fire Elements! ?

Selna took a breath, and as an elemental lord of the elemental world of fire, how could it appear here! ?

"When will the element lord stay in the physical world !? Projection? It must be the projection!"

Although Shelter's asylum made her sure that Angus wasn't lying, Selna couldn't believe it was true.

Dikarios opened his mouth and spewed a ball of Mars: "Human, put away your ridiculous suspicion, the Element Lord never disdains to lie."

Looking at the blazing flames in his eyes, Selna was sure he was indeed the Lord of Elements.

"And him, Eldor Kamanda," Angus continued to pour cold water, "the messenger of the red dragon family, the adult dragon, will you be afraid of a legendary thief?"

Dragon! ?

Selna's eyes widened, and she looked at Alcho Kamanda, who smiled and waved at her, and couldn't dare to associate this smiling white face with the dragon!

Angus said lightly: "And this lady Ms. Stissa, the patriarch of the Einzbelen family, a master of alchemy stronger than me, is also a legendary powerhouse.

A master of alchemy better than Angus! ?

"how is this possible!?"

Selena exclaimed, "Aren't you the first person in the world to be known as alchemy !?"

Angus said with a sneer: "I was sitting in the sky watching the sky, and Yustisa and Lord Down's alchemy is far better than me."

Even his alchemy is better than Angus! ?

Selna glanced at the magic girdle on her body subconsciously. Is this his magic prop?

"And the Lord Sashaglot," Angus continued to sneer and pour cold water. "Don't you remember the name?"


Selna's face was bewildered, didn't she remember?

Sasha ... Glott ...

Sasha Glot! ?

As Selna's eyes widened, she suddenly exclaimed, "Dragon King !?"

"I think you have a good memory."

Angus took a sip: "It was the leader of the Dragon Army, His Excellency King Sashaglot."

The one who caught her turned out to be the strongest of Prandall, the king of the dragon family! ?

The deceitful God is on!

Selna had a pretty face, and even now she was stupid enough to know she had hit an iron plate.

It was ridiculous that I was still thinking about running away with confidence. Almost everyone of these people present was a legendary powerhouse. The Dragon King is a real superpower in the realm of demigod. How could she have a chance to escape!

"what happened?"

Then a cold voice suddenly came from the side, Tang En looked back, and immediately rejoiced, "Why are you here?"

"I realize you're all together."

The visitor is exactly the deserved Prendall's strongest, the true **** reborn in the mortal world, Eutinia.

Eutinia glanced at Selna, who was tied to the ground. After turning around the girdle of the goddess of eternal darkness, her eyes fell on the magic lines on Selna's face, and she frowned. "A believer in Gibkensese?"

Who is this? ?

Watched by Eutinia's calm eyes, the inexorable tension in Selna's heart, covered with fur, an extremely dangerous, yet deep bone marrow shock, the natural coercion let She couldn't help but want to lie on the ground and offer her loyalty.

Selna forcibly resisted her impulse, and stubbornly faced Otinija, but for a moment, Otinija turned her eyes away and looked at Tang En, her eyes full of questions.

"A thief."

Tang En explained: "It's not a big deal, everyone is here for the fun."


Otinija nodded blankly, then handed Down a bag: "Experiment new bread, try it."

Tang En, Fiona, Jean, Angus, and other people's faces changed greatly, one by one as the enemy.

When sweaty Tang En took the bread, his heart moved and he smiled, "I'll take it then."


Otinija's eyes softened a lot, and she nodded and turned away.

After she disappeared, Serna's tight body was relaxed, and she asked in a terrified way: "She, who is she !? What a terrible breath!"

"she was?"

Angus smiled weirdly: "She is the protector of the pure girl at night, the daughter of Gritrens, the **** of death, the weak god, and the dark girl Otinia."

"This is impossible!"

Selna looked horrified: "How could the oracle actually come to Plantar! This is absolutely false!"

Since the Second Chaos Invasion War, the gods have rarely even fallen down. How can a real **** suddenly appear now! ? And still came to Plantar!

What's even more outrageous is that this true **** actually made bread for this perverted ** lord! ?

What a joke!

"Whatever you think."

Angus sneered: "In short, in terms of combat effectiveness, anyone here can play you alone. Do you want to run? Dream."

What a joke ...

What terrible place did she run into?

Is this really just a small border city?

Not to mention why the two most powerful legendary mages of human beings are here.

Here are legendary powerhouses as lords.

There are also lords who eat melon elements.

There is also the King of Dragons playing soy sauce.

Even the true **** appeared calmly.

What will happen next?

God of creation! ?

The collapsed Selna moaned painfully, and completely accepted her fate.

"Now, brother, what are you doing?"

Elijah's curious voice suddenly came from behind.

"Ilia? Why are you back? Hey? Your Royal Highness? Why are you all here?"

Tang En looked back in amazement at the group of people behind him.

"It's boring after you leave."

Ilia jumped onto Tang En with a big hug, and looked curiously at Selna, who was surrounded by a strong look: "What's wrong with this big sister? Why bundle her?"


"Ilia don't look at it, shame."

Tang En unnaturally looked away from her. There was no way. She was too shameful to bind Selna, but she couldn't let her learn badly.

Someone is here again ... who is this time?

Wouldn't it really be the creation god?

Selna watched the crowd abruptly back away from the little girl and she was completely desperate.

This time she guessed wrong, but although Elijah is not the creation god, she is now undoubtedly the most dangerous existence among all of Ellington.

Ms. E's reincarnation can't even control her power well, who wants to touch her mold.

I am afraid that only Tang En can be immune to Elijah's aura of doom.

However, at this moment, Selna, who had fallen into the abyss, suddenly widened her eyes. When she was in despair, she suddenly saw an extremely dazzling light of hope!



It must be that the great Gibkensesses could not bear to see the suffering of his devout believers, so he would send angels to save himself!

"Oli! Save me !!!"

Selna's voice shouted in a voice, which immediately stopped everyone.

Immediately after that, after seeing Selna **** there, the aggressive Princess Aurelia stared at her, suddenly shouting, "Teacher !?"

Lying down! ?

What is the situation again! ?

Orina, who followed, also saw Selna, with a look on her face: "Ms. Selna? What's going on?"

Even Olena knows her! ?

Tang En turned around and looked at Selna suspiciously. This guy is not well connected!

"What, what is this?"

Aurelia hurried forward, with a misgiving look: "Teacher, what's going on? How are you ... is there any misunderstanding?"

The last sentence was addressed to Tang En.


Tang En was really speechless: "I don't think this is a misunderstanding ... she ran to the treasure house of the Lord's Mansion to steal something and was caught."

"Steal? Lord's House?"

When Aurelia patted her head, she clearly knew her teacher's temperament: "Teacher, how did you run over to steal Down? Isn't your goal always the corrupt scum of nobles?"

Selena blinked, squeezed two tears, and said aggrieved, "But the news I got is that the lord here is an oppressive people, a scum of unkindness."

Your uncle!

Tang En was furious: "How many years have you been behind in this news !?"

Alleria was very speechless: "Teacher, are you talking about Baron Hogg, the former lord here? He has been killed by Tang En ..."


Baron Hogg?

No, what she heard was "wife killer Tang En"?

But how could Serna dig her own grave at this moment, she immediately followed Aurelia's words and said, "Ah? Isn't it Baron Hogg? That's me wrong ... Come on, Oli, quickly Shi loose? "

"Don ..."

Alleria turned and begged Down.

Damn ... It's cheap this little lady's skin!

Go back and find a chance to find her again!

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