Things from Another World

Chapter 935: Still an old acquaintance ...

Even Aurelia and Olena stood up and begged, what can Tang En say?

Can only be used to slow down.

"In the face of Ollie and Olina," temporarily "spare you first."

Tang En blackened and withdrew the girdle of the Goddess of Eternal Darkness, and Selna, who broke away from the shackles, immediately knew who was the most reliable at the scene, and she hid behind her apprentice. Then he whispered, "Oli, tell me what this Tang En is about?"

"Teacher, you came to steal him without even knowing who he is ..."

Alleria was speechless.

Angus was also speechless, never expecting to keep suppressing Selena's arrogance, and finally made her desperate!

He was now looking forward to seeing how Tang En tossed this guy. He had built some magic equipment for her that almost emptied his family. However, as a legendary powerhouse, Selna would lie on his account. As soon as things are slipped.

Later he hid from him and couldn't find anyone at all.

Selna's eyes grunted: "Oh, Olie, you know the teacher. I haven't been active in the Illus Empire recently. The Kingdom of Solant is also very interesting ... Come on. Say it."

Aurelia had no choice but to talk about Serena briefly with Serna.

The more Selna listened, the more surprised, and the more wrong she heard: "What !? You said that the recent enthusiastic Datang Chamber of Commerce is his industry! What? He helped you get revenge with your mother?-No Ah! This is different from what I heard! "

Aurelia frowned slightly: "What news did you hear?"

Almost everyone knows what happened to the Illus royal family. Selna actually heard different versions of it?

"I don't know about the Datang Chamber of Commerce, but about the throne ..."

Selna glanced at the dark-eyed Tang En, and then shrank back to Aurelia, covering her chest subconsciously, and then said, "Tang En tried to usurp, so the layout framed Prince Girard and killed him. After Her Majesty Victor, and then married Queen Olina, even holding on to your beauty ... "

"It's all messy ..."

Alleria turned black: "Don't listen to those rumors. I have participated in the whole thing. Gillard's affairs cannot be blamed for Tang En. The father and the king are just a tragedy. The marriage of his mother to Tang En also passed. The consent of the father. "

"Have you been involved? ... Then I may have heard the fake news ... No, wait, haven't Victor been dead? How can I still be in the business of Queen Olina and Down?"

Selna suddenly noticed something strange.

"I'm dead, but I'm not stupid."

Suddenly Victor's voice came from the side, startling Serna, "Victor !?"

When Tang En found that Olena's mother and daughter knew Selna, Victor was called out, and Victor must also know her.

"Long-term, Ms. Serna."

The translucent Victor salutes Selna.

For the first time, Selna saw a communicable soul, stepped out of Aurelia behind her bravery, and made a few laps around Victor: "You haven't even gone to the kingdom of death? Grittens When was it so magnanimous? "

"Because of Tang En, he was fortunate enough to stay in this world and continue to guard the world in another form."

After Victor said, he nodded to Olena, "Is it okay recently?"

After not meeting Victor for a long time, Olina, who has tried to adapt herself to her new life, suddenly saw her dead husband again, her eyes red, her head hurriedly lowering, concealing her mood: "Very good."

Olina is also very aware that she is now Down's, so she can only put away her sadness, smile, and thank Victor for her tolerance with gratitude: "Thank you."

Victor took a step forward, trying to wipe the tears from her face, but the transparent arm passed directly through her body. Without Tang En's help, he could not even connect the world of the touched person. Ke Duo said complexly: "Don't thank me. Without me, you should have your own life. I can't influence you because of my selfishness."

Standing next to Tang En felt a bit awkward. His status is particularly awkward. Depending on his strength, Victor's soul can exist, but he has also married Victor's wife. Queen Orina is now considered His people, now seeing the weird atmosphere of Olena and Victor ...

Damn, is it that Victor is green, or is Victor green? I don't know what it is!

Fundamentally, of course, Tang En greened Victor-although it was not his idea at the beginning, it was the only means to achieve the ultimate goal.

What is admirable is Victor's heart. He did not insist on letting Olinina be virtuous for him, but generously supported her to marry Tang En to help Tang En go further.

Of course, this is also because he knows that other people can't let Olina be virtuous for him. Without Tang En, and Li En and Zhao En, those big aristocrats who have stared at the throne like wolf will not let go. Queen Olina, who was single, was more cheap than Victor than they were-at least he knew that Tang En was a messenger of God to save the world.

For this world, let's sacrifice the ego and achieve the ego.

"Hey what are you two doing! Victor!"

Selna's eyes widened: "Your wife ran away! You are so calm !?"

Victor withdrew his hand and said calmly, "I knew their marriage long ago, and it was my own hand that contributed to it."

Gibkenses is on!

Selna looked wrong, and honestly, it was the first time in her life she had seen such a man!

Are you a saint? ?

Suddenly, Selna's eyes widened, and she looked at Tang En holding Elijah in a horrified face: "Wait! You said just now that thanks to Tang En's power, you can stay in this world !? He, he can interfere with the authority of the **** of death !? "

Tang En rolled his eyes. "Fuss."


It's a fuss if you care about it! ?

Oh my God!

Selna is going crazy!

That's the power of death!

No one in Prandall can resist God's will!

Now there is a guy who can interfere with the will of the true God, you tell me this is a fuss! ?

Selna looked around, but found that everyone was calm and seemed to know about it.

Is it strange that you are! ?

Selna even began to doubt reality.

"Don't hurry to say this," Victor's old face pulled. "I haven't accounted to you before! I used to ask you to help me solve the financial problems of the royal family, but you cultivated Ollie into an apprentice. What happened! (See Chapter 302) "

Selna heard a slap and said, "I don't think it's better to see her talent ..."

"Good talent? You let her be a thief?"

Victor stomped straight: "Did you know she ran outside every day with what she learned from you? I feared every day that I might be found, but the grand princess ran to be a thief and became Yalink The famous 'Song of the Night', if it was discovered, where would the face of the Illus royal family go? "

Aurelia said a little embarrassingly, "Dad, isn't anyone finding it ... then, everyone didn't know it before, now you say it, they all know it ..."

Sure enough, people who didn't know Aurelia's other identity for a while were widening their eyes and staring at Aurelia in surprise.

Angus was very wrong: "The famous night song is Princess Alleria?"

"I can't think of it, I really can't think of it ..."

Jean smiled bitterly, "Who would think of a princess going back to be a thief ..."

"Look! Blame you!"

Selna pointed to Victor confidently: "If it weren't for you, my apprentice's identity would be revealed? Hmm, how could the apprentice I taught by Selna could be so easily dismantled, not to mention all my three babies are here Where is she? "

Angerston's eyes widened: "What !? My three magic equipment is on Princess Alleria !?"

"Nonsense. As a teacher, of course, I have to leave some room for my disciples, and I already have a way to make copies."

"That's nice! It's not that you've got enough oil and water with me in those years!"

Victor scolded: "The treasure chests of the nobles you evacuated are not 100 or 80. How much did you send me back by agreement? Maybe less than 40%? Others? What about property? "

Selna waved her face and looked at the sky with a whistle: "The weather is really nice today hahaha ..."

Angus flipped his hands and said darkly, "Repay the money."

"No money."

"Do you think I will believe it? The famous misty face will say that they have no money?"

Angus sneered and turned to Tang En and said, "Tang En, I remember that you are very good at torture? Why not try to find a way to dig out the treasure trove from her mouth. Then we will add five to five." ,how about it?"

Tang En's eyes brightened: "Good way, I have no opinion."

"Hey, I can't think I didn't hear it!"

Selina stared: "I'm glad to meet you, bye ---"

After speaking, Serna's figure disappeared instantly, but immediately followed by "Oops", Serna appeared again among the people holding her legs, and she shouted angrily: "What the **** did you do! ? "

"Do you think I'll let you run so easily?"

Tang En raised his hand and shook it. The invisible strong desire girdle appeared again. One end of the band was wrapped around Tang En's hand and the other was wrapped around Selna's leg.

Selna's face changed dramatically: "When did you do it !?"

Tang En said indignantly: "Since it's here, just stay. It happens that I'm short of staff ..."

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