Things from Another World

Chapter 936: This crazy world ...

Selena Kohler Face of the Mist, a legendary half-elf thief.

Her life is more complicated, so I wo n’t repeat it here. In short, she is an accidental product of a cunning human male adventurer who cheated the feelings of a female elf, who later died on the battlefield, and then Selna She was raised by a human father, but unfortunately, her human father was not a good thing. At first, she deceived the female elf just to use the identity of the female elf to seek the benefits of the elf clan. Seeing that no benefits were available, she was very small in Selna. She was abandoned at that time.

Then Selna began to wander in the human kingdom, relying on the innate power of the blood of the elves, and she became more and more cunning and suspicious in character—if not for the genes of goodness in the blood of the elves, She is afraid she has become an anti-social terrorist.

In the end, she used human blood's strong growth and learning ability, and the potential of the elven blood, to grow up step by step until she was promoted to legend.

Although she is not a legendary spellcaster like Angus or Gene, but after promoting the legend, the boundaries of her career have long disappeared. As long as she is willing to learn, she can master the spells they can master.

Not to mention this is a talent!

Although the thief and the assassin are different, both are equally proficient in hiding. Asking her to train ghost agents will definitely further stimulate the potential of the dark elves.

Or use her power to obtain intelligence on the battlefield, it is definitely a weapon.

"You want me to work for you?"

Selna said, "Do you think you hired a legend?"

"Jean and I are both working for him now."

Angus pointed to himself and Jean, although they and Tang En were more like a cooperative relationship, but seriously, he felt that both of them were almost becoming employees of Tang En.

Selna was stunned: "Did you two still have the dignity of the legendary powerhouse?-Oh, I forgot, Jean, you never had the so-called dignity ..."

Gene touched his dirty beard and looked very unhappy: "How do I always feel that you are belitting me to lift Angus?"

"Don't belittle you, you're not as good as me."

Angus fell to the ground and said to Serna, "Actually I think what Tang En does is very meaningful, so we will work with him."

Selna didn't know why.

"Forget it, I won't explain it to you for a while and a half, and all in all you will stay clear for a while."

Selna asked, "Who told you I was staying?"

"Do you think you have the right to choose?"

Tang En put down Elijah and stepped forward and looked down at Selna: "Now you are a thief and I am a bitter master, so what I do with you is not my decision."

"Oh? You talk about how you want to deal with me?"

Selna sat there with her arms crossed, she already knew that he was Aurelia's stepfather, so she didn't worry much.

What's more, she still has the status of a half-elf, so she ca n’t go to the nearby Emerald Forest to seek elf for refuge. This is not the first time she has done so.

——It needs to be explained that Prandall's elves do not repel half-elves as many people speculate. In fact, they recognize half-elves as their compatriots, but often they are part of the half-elves' blood. They couldn't stand the boring life of the elves, so they took the initiative to break away from the elves.

——In other words, it's not that the elves don't want to take care of the half-elves, but they don't accept them.

-If something goes wrong, the half-elves will still run to the elves for shelter, and the elves are generally willing to help them.

"Of course I'll take you out of my clothes and drop them on the church so that everyone will appreciate the beautiful body of the legendary powerhouse Selena Mist-"

Tang En stepped forward, Selna's face slightly changed, and he took a half step back, he continued to say: "—and then strap you in a transparent car and pull you to the upper street—"

This guy is simply a demon! ?

"—Then throw you into the prison after you have banned your magic, and be locked up with those sweaty stinky prisoners, and let them put you this way and then-"

Selna covered her nose subconsciously, her face extremely ugly.

"——Finally, I will sell you to the brothel and let you pick up customers every day. Believe me, a legendary half-elf whore, this gimmick will attract all the clients in Prendall, your business will definitely be booming ... ... "


Selena screamed, "I'm a member of the Elves! How dare you treat me that way!"

Down had a demon-like smile: "Do you need to meet the Elven Queen? I can give you a chance."

He knows Jing and Elf Queen! ?

how is this possible! ?

He must be lying!


Selna pinched her neck and cursed, "If you can convince the Elven Queen, I promise you whatever you say!"

"Okay, you convince me."

Tang En disappeared.


"what happened?"

Selna looked confused, looking up, and a group of people around her looked at her with sympathy.

Alleria covered her face and couldn't bear to look directly: "You shouldn't say that ..."

Selena disagreed: "What a joke, I don't believe he will know Queen Isaley!"

Angus and Jean, with strange smiles on their faces, know each other? Tang En knows more than ...

Queen Isari also said a while ago that Tang En would become the elven prince!

Is he the Queen of Sally's guest at all?

Sure enough, within a moment, Tang En pulled Queen Isari to appear again, and in a white dress, the elven queen who had not even taken care of her hair was still confused and wondered what happened.

"What's so urgent?"

Isari looked around slowly and saw Sasha Glott raised her hand and waved: "Yeah, Sasha, how are you?"

"Hello, Queen Isari."

Sasha Grott smiled and greeted Isari.

"Huh? Jean? Angus? Are you all there? This is ... um? Half-elf? You are ..."

Isari thought for a moment, immediately remembered Selna's name, and looked at her with a little surprise: "Selna? Why are you here?"

Selna was dumbfounded the moment she saw Isari appear.

So the Elven Queen appeared?

What a joke ...

And looking at her dress, it was obvious that Tang En came in suddenly while she was resting in her bedroom ...

Tang En, can you go in and out of the elven queen's bedroom at will?

What is going on here?

Is this just the level of awareness?

Who believes! !! !!

What's wrong with this world! ?

It's so crazy! ?

Tang En said plainly: "She stole my stuff, so I have to sentence her to work for me for ten years, isn't it reasonable?"

"Selna," Isari frowned, "Are you still stealing things?"

"Her Majesty ..."

Selna's expression was quite complicated. Although she wanted to ask what happened to Isari and Down, she kept it up and whispered, "What can I do as a believer in Gibkensese What choice? "

She is not a follower of the goddess of the earth. Although the Elf tribe is willing to accept her, she cannot accept her own special characteristics, so she will leave the Elf tribe.

Besides using her own power to rob the rich and help the poor, what else can she do?

Sally sighed, wondering what to say.

"Okay, you have seen the elven queen, are you convinced?"

Tang En narrowed his eyes and looked at Selna, this girl he decided-don't get me wrong, that's not what it meant.

Selna began to roll her eyes again.

"No matter how cunning you are, believe me, I'll just wipe you out and throw it on the street--"

"Don ~"

Aurelia took Tang En's arm and coquettishly said, "Don't embarrass the teacher ..."

Tang En snored. For so long, he seemed to be the first time to see Aolilia so coquettish? --and many more! When she met for the first time before, she seemed to have pampered herself when she tried to lie to herself?

"I actually--"

"Don ~ En ~"

Coquetry upgraded!

"Alright alright."

Tang En, who was almost beaten by Aurelia's two coquettish bones, raised her hand and surrendered: "I promise not to torture her, treat her well, OK?"

Aurelia was content with this, and gave Selna a "reassuring" wink.

"So, let's sign a contract."

Tang En smiled: "I am the King of the Illus Empire, and formally tried here as a punishment for many years of theft, and sentenced you to work for me for ten years, during which you will enjoy normal All the treatment of employees, is this the head office? "

The last sentence was addressed to Aurelia.

Alleria nodded, then motioned Selna to nod quickly.

It's a pity Serna doesn't accept her kindness.

The half-elf girl stalked her neck: "Why! You said I stole it and I stole it? Evidence?"

"You want evidence?"

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "Wait a moment."

He disappeared instantly, reappeared a moment later, and then spread his hands, lying in his hands was a photo-taking crystal. After being activated by magic, the image taken appeared in front of everyone.

Selna's sneaky figure fell into everyone's eyes, and everyone watched as she put all the gold coins, magic crystals, and magic items in the vault into the space equipment.

Tang En put away the photo crystal: "How else do you want to justify?"

Selna was stunned: "You, you actually have a photo crystal in the treasure house! How much do you distrust yourself!"

"Less provoking alienation, it's someone like you."

Tang En rolled his eyes, this group of earthen owls who had never seen surveillance, how could a place like Baoku be under surveillance!

"This is your forgery!"

Selna's eyes turned and she said confidently, "I don't have space equipment, I don't believe you can find it yourself."

Tang En stared: "Are you sure you let me find it myself?"

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