Things from Another World

Chapter 937: Welcome to Ellington

All of Selna's ten fingers are clean, there is no common space ring at all, she does not have a space necklace on her neck, and her wrist is just a Warcraft leather wristband, not a space wristband.

On the surface alone, she does not have space equipment, and the space crystal did not see her space equipment.

Tang En calmed his eyes, and said a little playfully, "Are you sure you let me find it myself?"

"You have the skills!"

Selna is quite confident: "I can find the loser!"

Tang En looked at Selna up and down. After a moment, she showed a weird smile and reached out to touch her chest ...

Selna was startled, but her face was very exaggerated with a terrified expression. She hid behind Aurelia for a moment, and blushed and yelled, "Oli, your father is a stinky hooligan! "

Alleria: "..."

Victor: "..."

Olina: "..."

Down: "..."

It was clear to everyone that Tang En wasn't that kind of person-even if it wasn't possible to do it publicly-the only reason he would do it was that the clothes on Selna's chest were weird.

But the problem is ... Even if you know, no one can verify it ...

This guy is so good at using his identity.

"Hide what?"

Tang En slowly retracted his right hand: "Aren't you saying let me find it myself? What are you afraid of?"

Selna grinned, "I asked you to find me, but I didn't make you a hooligan."

"You don't want to admit that you're a thief, and you don't want me to search my body. I'm also very distressed."

Tang En spread his hand: "Let ’s stay here and work for me for ten years. I wo n’t recover the things you stole. How about you?"

The treasure house of the Lord ’s Mansion did n’t actually put much things in it, adding up to hundreds of thousands of gold coins, which were used as working capital to pay salaries, there were some spare magic crystals, some humble magic props, those things don It really wasn't in my eyes.

Selna's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"of course."

Aurelia was speechless, and she stopped talking. After thinking about it for a long time, she said, "Teacher, believe me, promise him, and you will definitely be lucky today."

Selna certainly didn't believe it, but the deal with Tang En obviously took advantage of herself. For ten years, she might slip away in two days. The world is so big. Can this guy still find himself?

Even Angus couldn't find himself, how could he have that kind of ability.

Selna said briskly: "Let's sign the contract."

"of course."

Tang En took out the ready-made contract and then handed it to Selna with a few modifications.

Selna took a brief look and said with a little dissatisfaction: "I am a follower of Gibkenses, why should I swear to the goddess Niscle Claire?"

In a contract, swearing to two deities at the same time, the binding force is obviously stronger. As a deceitful god, Gibkensais is happy to see believers doing hands and feet in the contract. One of the deities of the gods, and also the creator of the elves, she attaches great importance to the content of the contract, and has severe punishment for those who violate it.

Tang En took her back with a word: "Because you have the blood of the elves in your veins."

Selna was okay, looked at it for a while, and suddenly asked: "This says that I can enjoy the treatment of regular employees. What do regular employees have?"

"Housing supplementary travel subsidies, five insurances and one fund, etc ..."

Tang En told her roughly that the comprehensive and comprehensive employee protection made her unable to pick out any problems. It can be said that looking at the entire Prandall, only Tang En would give such good treatment here.

"In addition to the above treatment, given that you are a legendary powerhouse, you will also enjoy special preferential policies."

Tang En played the "temptation card", saying: "You can enjoy all the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce for free, and at the same time you can get special allowances for your research work. At the same time, what materials do you need, you can also use the internal price If you purchase it, you can also get a set of Ellington equipment and combat supplies ... "

"whispering sound."

Selna said with a disdain, "Who has your standard equipment?"

As a legendary powerhouse, the effects of equipment can be very small, not particularly good equipment, she has no interest even to look at it, and excellent equipment is completely unattractive to her, only legendary I'm afraid she'll have some interest in her equipment.

Aurelia sighed and said, "Teacher ... Ellington standard equipment is a complete set of legendary equipment. If you need it, you can also customize it if you can wait ..."

"A set of legendary equipment?"

Selna forced: "Are you kidding me?"

How could legendary quality magic gear be so flooded.

"She didn't joke with you. In fact, legendary equipment has long been popular in Ellington."

Fiona proudly said, "As long as we are here as full soldiers, we can get a whole set of legendary equipment."

"I do not believe!"

Selna's eyes widened. At the beginning, she talked so much that Angus worked hard to make her three pieces of legendary magic equipment. Those three pieces of magic equipment emptied almost all of Angus's family. One can imagine how difficult it is to make legendary gear.

Popularize legendary quality equipment?

how is this possible!

"If you pay more attention to the guard's equipment, maybe you won't be so decisive."

Tang En beckoned at the guard of the Lord's House next to him. The guard's eyes brightened and he quickly walked over and saluted Tang En.

"Take out your sword and show her."

The guard said nothing, and immediately passed his sword to Selna.

Selna was dumbfounded when Selena saw the radiance of magic on the sheath sword.

This magical brilliance is definitely the legendary quality has not run away!

There are only four enchanting effects she can tell, and at least one constant spell ...

Selna felt a little chuckled in her head. Is this really just a guard's gear?

When she took a closer look, she found that it was not just the weapons, the armor on the guard, the shield on his hand, even the helmet, and the shoulder pads all exuded a faint magical glory-it must be a magical glory hidden by some means. Otherwise this guy must be a moving torch at night!


Selna took a cold breath and looked at Tang En with a little horror. At this moment she really felt the terribleness of the man in front of her!

The legendary lord is nothing, there are examples before, it is nothing to marry the queen to become the regent, and it is nothing to lead the empire to prosperity

However, he was able to popularize mass production of legendary equipment! ?

After Serena was silent for a moment, she suddenly said, "You must have some special skills?"

Without special technology and resources, it is absolutely impossible to mass produce legendary equipment.

Tang En calmly said: "This is a secret, but if you join us, it is not a secret."

He is not afraid that Selena will not be hooked. Who besides him can offer such superior conditions?

Pick legendary gear casually!

If you are not satisfied with the style, you can customize it!

If he speaks out, I am afraid that the entire adventurer of Prandall will squeeze his brain and run over to apply for Ellington.

"Do you know what this means?"

"Of course, there is only one question now. Do you sign a contract?"

Selna was silent again, staring at the contract in hand, and now she suddenly felt that the paper contract was a bit hot.

It's not that it's unattractive. On the contrary, it's because it's too attractive, but it makes her a little uncomfortable.

Selna is a paranoid half-elf.

She firmly believes that there will be no pie in the sky, and behind the huge benefits, it is definitely a more dangerous responsibility.

Selna lifted her pen and suddenly looked at Tang En asking: "What is my role?"

"Help me train Ghost Agents, and ..."

Don Enton paused and said quietly, "Help us fight chaos together."

Fight against chaos!

"It turns out ... this is your true purpose."

Serna nodded, and she almost understood why Angus and Jean would be willing to work with him here.

After hesitating for a moment, Selna finally dropped her nib and signed her name.

The contract immediately turned into two rays of light, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After waiting for a while, it was not dismissed.

This means that the contract has been accepted by Gibkenses and Niss Clair.

In other words, Selna is now a member of Ellington.

Down extended his hand: "Welcome to Ellington."

"Why not welcome me to Illuth?"

"Because, Ellington is my root."

Tang En smiled and said, "You will soon understand why ... Fiona, take her to apply for an identity card, and send a magic phone."

"Identity card? Magic phone?"

Selna found two more terms she couldn't understand.

"You'll know later."

Tang En waved his hand and motioned for Fiona to get the card.

After the two of them left, Angus resentfully said, "Honour Tang, you are too disappointed. I thought you would punish her severely, and you let go so lightly."

"No way, after all, it's a legendary powerhouse. It's very helpful to me. I have to find a way to leave her."

After conquering a legendary subordinate, Tang En seemed very happy. He said slyly: "What's more, she is here now. Are you afraid that you have no chance to settle accounts?"

Angus froze, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but give Thumbs a thumbs up: "High! Sure enough, you are still high!"

"Big brother must be thinking of something strange again."

Brian froze and whispered to Saschaglot: "I remember the last time he smiled, Princess Aurelia was severely humiliated by him tied into a mule."

Alleria: "..."

Why suddenly I feel so sorry for the teacher ...

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