Things from Another World

Chapter 938: Well-intentioned Aurelia

Looking at the brand new clean room, Selna lying on the soft bed still feels unrealistic.

Just sold yourself like that?

But what about not signing a contract? You can't escape, there is only one way left for her.

Thinking of the group of legendary strongmen and even the demigods and true gods who just watched, Selna had a kind of fear.

Fortunately, she taught a good apprentice, or else this matter is really difficult to resolve today.

"It's unlucky ... why did he steal it on him ..."

Selena sighed, and when she tilted her head, she saw the manual next to it.

It reads the instructions for using the various facilities in the home.

Selna laughed and laughed. Obviously, in the past few years, Tiannan, Haibei and I have been to everywhere. In the end, when I was in a small village, I suddenly found that I had come to another world.

Yes, everything here is so novel, Selna has no idea how to use it.

"Bang, teacher?"

"come in."

Selna waved lazily, and the door opened.

Alleria closed the door and walked over and said, "Teacher, how could you steal Tang En's head?"

"I thought he was that ..."

"Don't lie to me."

Alleria looked directly into Selna's eyes: "I know you just lied, just didn't break through you."

Selina pouted: "You can't give the teacher a face?"

"You better tell me the truth, because it's important."

Aurelia sighed and sat next to Selna, patiently saying, "Town's identity is very special, and he is very powerful, much stronger than you can see, admitting something is good for us. "

"Oh, do you use the words" us "?"

Selna glanced at Aurelia obliquely: "Why, you still want to grab a man with your mother?"

Alleria jumped to her heart and looked at her with annoyance: "Teacher!"

"Okay, okay, can I say it?"

Selina pouted her lips and said, "In fact, it's nothing. When approaching the Shining Ceremony, I heard some news from the Kingdom of Solent, saying that there was a sudden rise of the Great Tang Chamber of Commerce in Ellington. I ’m crazy about making money, and I want to be sure which industry is full of big nobles, so I want to borrow some money and spend it. Who would think that I would be discovered just after I started ... ”

When it comes to Selna, she is also very wronged. I miss her face in the mist, and the sister of the thief world will finally be planted here!

What is even more speechless is that not only Angus and Jean are here, but also the Lord of the Elements of Fire, the Demi Dragon King, and the Dark Girl of the True God ...

The gods are up, is there anything more abnormal in this world than here?

If she knew it was so dangerous, she would definitely say that she would not come here!

"Teacher you have misunderstood. It is not fake that the Datang Chamber of Commerce makes money, but Tang En is not the same as those nobles."

Aurelia thought for a while, and helped Tangn to say something good: "Besides, the reform of the Illus Empire was promoted by him. Almost all those stubborn old nobles were defeated by him, and With his help, the average income of the residents of the Illus Empire has now doubled, and now the residents of the entire Illus Empire are thanking him. "

"Anything else? Isn't your father's wish for reform? He did it?"

"It is precisely because Tang En and his ideas are consistent that the father's last wish is truly completed."

"Forget it, anyway, it's already Ellington's person, and also made a lot of money, this business does not lose money."

Selna touched her chest, thinking of the gold coins as high as the hills in the space equipment, she was very beautiful.

Aurelia could not laugh or cry: "Teacher, Tang En doesn't care about the money. For his current wealth, that money can be earned in a day ... During the glorious ceremony this year, the Datang Chamber of Commerce can earn at least tens of millions. Gold coins, its profitability is far beyond your imagination. "

Selna suddenly sat up and exclaimed, "Ten millions of gold coins !? In these seven days !?"

"Yes, last year--"

Selah wailed, shook her head and shivered: "Damn! He's so profitable, but I only took it so! It's a big loss!"

Aurelia couldn't help crying and slap her back and patted her on the back, saying, "Teacher, you don't actually lose, really, you actually make a lot, do you know?"

"I can't see ..."

"Ellington is probably the most amazing place in Plantar now, and you never imagine what kind of miracle will be born here."

Alleria picked up the magic cell phone that Serna had thrown beside her and said, "Just say this magic cell phone, can you imagine this kind of thing before?"

Selna lifted her head from Aurelia's arms, and froze on her chest, saying in disapproval: "What's this, remote communication is just as good as magic letter."

"But magic letters cannot be universally available to everyone."

Aurelia seriously said: "And this magic phone, the cheapest can be bought with only 99 gold coins."

"99 gold coins !?"

Selena froze. "Are you kidding me?"

"Teacher, this is how many times have you asked today? I said that, I'm really not kidding."

Aurelia exchanged contact information with Serna as she said, and continued: "You said you didn't care about the equipment of the Ellington soldiers, but do you know what their equipment is?"

"What else can you say? Didn't you say a set of legendary equipment ... By the way, Ollie, are my three magic equipments still with you?"

"Of course it's still there. I've been carrying it personally. Maybe it will come in handy."

Alleria took three magic gear from the space ring.

A mask, a dagger, a doll.

Selena's Misty Face: Legendary jewelry that can change its size and appearance, cannot be pierced by detective magic, and can store three fixed forms.

Selna's Blink Dagger: Legendary weapon that instantly teleports itself to any location within thirty meters.

Selena's double avatar: Legendary item that consumes a magic crystal to make a double avatar that can be remotely controlled.

After showing Selna a look, she put away these three guys who ate again.

"Well, even the space ring is mixed ..."

"This was given to me by Down."

Aurelia blushed after speaking, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Teacher, I haven't finished yet. The standard equipment of Ellington soldiers is not just legendary equipment, but also a lot of supplies."

"What to say about supplies ..."

Aurelia said sharply, "The potion used to heal the soldiers is the blood of the goddess."

"The blood of the goddess ... the blood of the goddess !?"

Selna sat upright and straightened up: "Really the blood of the goddess !?"

"Yes, every soldier can get enough blood of the goddess before each mission."

Alleria took out the blood of a goddess and handed it to Selna.

Selna looked at the red test tube a little incredible: "It's really the blood of the goddess ..."

"Besides that, there are crystals of homecoming."

"What is that again?"

"It can record the initial space coordinates. When the dangerous moment inspires the magic in the crystal, it can instantly tear the space and let the user return to the recorded location."

Alleria took out the returning crystal and handed it to Selna: "You should know what this thing means."

"I know, of course I know, but such precious things are listed for every soldier!"

Selna had an incredible look. The value of this thing can easily be worth one million gold coins. The man even listed these things to each soldier! ?

Where on earth did he get so many treasures! ?

"Besides that, there are many things that you can't imagine but are extremely rare and can be used here casually."

Aurelia put away the goddess' blood and homeward crystal, sighed, and said, "Except here in Ellington, who else can give this treatment except Tang En?"

No one, really no one.

Even if it is an elven clan, or even a dragon, it is impossible to have such strength.

Because no one else could do it, Selna even wondered how Tang En could do it.

"Teacher, Tang En's situation is more complicated. Although I know, I can't tell you. All in all, I hope you can really help Tang En. This is good for you, for me, and for everyone. of."

Tang En is a savior from a different world. Aurelia can't just talk casually. She can only stand on her own perspective and try to convince Serna to help Tang En.

"Okay, I know, will I help him?"

"I hope you will not be perfunctory. Really, Tang En is carrying too much responsibility now. He needs help."

Alleria said a little lowly: "Unfortunately I can't help him too much ..."

Selna looked suspiciously at Aurelia, looking uneasy at the princess: "Teacher?"

"To be honest, your remarks make me even more doubtful if you are interested in that Tang En ... I said Ollie, he is now your stepfather. Although this kind of incident has not happened, Happened to the royal family ... "


Aurelia became angry and angry: "I'll tell you the business!"

Selena blinked, "It's about business."

"But I think you care more about my gossip!"

"The teacher cares about the apprentice's gossip, nothing wrong!"

Alleria was speechless.

She stood up and said, "In a word, that's all I can tell you, you can explore other things by yourself ... Yes, this thing is very important, don't throw it away."

Alleria threw the identity card on the table to Selna: "You better take it with you to prevent loss."

"What's so important about this ..."

"Very important."

Alleria stared at her and said, "At least, without her, you wouldn't be able to use a teleport array."

"No need, no ... Ga?"

Selna suddenly stiffened her head and turned her head: "You just said ... teleportation !?"

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