Things from Another World

Chapter 939: Chaos Godly Intelligence

Looking at the teleportation array in the transmission hall, Selna felt even more unreal.

But in fact, the teleportation array is indeed in front of her-just a few people stepped on and pulled out the identity card to activate the teleportation array and disappeared instantly.

The lost teleportation array ... reappeared! ?

Standing there with a sullen look, Selena watched for a moment, hesitated to go up, and then took out her identity card.

The identity card resonates with the teleportation array, and alternative teleportation sites emerge above it.

Since Selna is a legendary powerhouse recruited by Tang En, her identity card has high authority and almost all teleports are open to her.

Bein, Castle Caspari, Paganis, Preston, Alinks, Nanila, New Burkeso and many more ...

At this moment, Serna's eyes were frozen, and she suddenly saw that there were an emerald crown and a dragon heart on the transmission list.

Even the elves and dragons have rebuilt the teleportation array! ?

But such a big thing, she didn't hear any news!

what on earth is it! ?

"Jingle Bell--"

At this time, the magic cell phone on her body suddenly rang and startled Selna in a daze. After the phone was connected in a hurry, Angus' impatient voice was uploaded from the other end: "Sell Na? If you're okay, come to Blackstone Cave. We are testing several projects. Come and learn something. "

Black Rock Cave?

Selna suddenly saw the black stone cave on the teleportation list, subconsciously, followed by a flower in front of her eyes, and appeared in a noisy cave.


"Come fast."

Angus was standing next to the teleportation array, stunned, hung up the phone and turned away: "Come with me."

"Wait, here is ... where?"

The strong sedimentary magic around him made Selna very uncomfortable.

"Oh Black Rock Cave."

"So where is the Black Rock Cave?"

"Underworld, the domain of the dark elves."

Angus said impatiently, "Why are you having so many questions?"

Underground world! ?

In an instant, we came to the underground world! ?

The teleportation array turned out to be true! ?

Selna's heart moved: "Angus, when did your research with Jean succeed?"

Angus was confused: "What research?"

"About the restoration of the teleportation array!"

Selena pointed at the teleportation very excitedly and said, "Did you not realize what the return of the teleportation will bring !? The whole world will be closely linked again!"

"Of course I know, but I need to correct you a bit."

Angus said with a black face: "The restoration of the teleportation array technology was not solved by me and Jean, but by Tang En. In addition, for the time being, Tang En has no plan to completely open the teleportation array."


"Why do you say?"

Angus asked back, Selna froze.

After the hot brain calmed down for a while, she suddenly sweated coldly.

Angus glanced at her sideways, "Want to understand?"

Serna nodded, she wanted to understand.

The world has become accustomed to life without teleportation arrays. The emergence of teleportation arrays extending in all directions will instantly destroy the existing order. I am afraid that the entire world will be in chaos because of this ...

That is definitely not the case for peace-loving people.

The world has not fully recovered, and it is no longer able to withstand war.

But ... Thann!

It's Down!

Either the legendary equipment, the blood of the goddess, the crystal of the way home, or the inexplicable but extremely convenient magic furniture, all these were made by him!

That man, where did he come from! ?

Selna was puzzled.

A legendary powerhouse cannot suddenly appear silently, but in fact, she never really heard the name of Tang En before.

Can't you just come out of thin air?

Selna certainly didn't know she had accidentally guessed it ...

"That is……"

Selna saw the large thick pipe suddenly appearing in front of her, and looked at him with a wrong look: "Magic Crystal Cannon? Why did you get this thing out again?"

"Of course because it is necessary."

Angus pointed to the magic crystal artillery and said, "Wait aside, we will conduct a pressure test of the energy storage tank. You go to the front with Gene to power the energy storage tank and see if it can reach the red line."

"Storage tank? Energy supply?"

Angus waved impatiently: "Too much nonsense, go to Jean and do it with him!"

"whispering sound!"

Selina froze and ran to find Jean on the other side of the cannon armor.

"Come here? Come and press your hand here, wait for the signal to start the magic."

Gene pointed to a contact point next to him and motioned Selna to press it.

Selna asked, "What are you going to do to make this weird and change it? What are you going to do?"

Gene said with a smile: "Although it's not war, it's almost the same. You don't see who this is for?"

Selna looked at the Cannon Armor, and after a moment of light flashed through her mind, she thought of Sasha Glott.

"For the Dragons !?"

"Congratulations, you guessed it."

Gene nodded: "The island of Chaos was invaded by Chaos, with some accidents. Now three Chaos followers have become pseudo-legendary chaos, so this weapon is needed."


Selna took a cool breath: "The Chaos Gods hit the Dragon Island !? This is not right! When did they have such a strong power! I also found the Chaos Gods in the Solant Kingdom some time ago The trail of teaching, they seem to develop believers over there! "

"Chaos in the Kingdom of Solant?"

Jean expressed his expression: "This is very important news. You will go to Tang En to talk with me in detail later."

Selna pulled a cheeky face: "Can't you find that guy? I don't want to see him now ..."

The feeling of being **** with a girdle on her body still remained, she really didn't want to face Tang En.

She always felt that after Tang En left her, there would be a backhand.

"Don't make trouble, this is important."

As soon as Jean's voice fell, Angus sent a signal over there. Jean nodded to Serna and said, "Go ahead, don't keep your hand, just to test the resistance of this stuff."

"Well, don't look for me if it's broken."

When Selna was angry, she went all out, the magic pool in her body was completely open, and she poured mad energy into the storage tank like crazy.

What surprised Serna, though, was that even the magic cannon armor was still actively absorbing the magic in her body!

"The magic input is stable! The pressure of the storage tank is rising rapidly-the pressure is up to the standard-do you want to try it?"

Jean scolded: "This is the underground world, you will be buried alive when you shell out!"

"Then continue to boost pressure! Test the pressure red line-the pressure relief injector is ready to release pressure at any time, rest assured!"

"carry on!"

Gene gritted her teeth, and Selna continued to output magic.

The magic cannon armor made of Oriha steel is indeed better than the universal alloy. The characteristics of this alloy make it one of the most suitable metals for magic weapons.

Obviously, the pressure of the energy storage warehouse is approaching the limit, but the energy storage warehouse is still very stable. An extremely huge magic power is accumulated in the center. If it explodes, I am afraid that the power is no less than that of a legendary spell. To be ruined once.

"Okay !?"

Jean shouted weakly, "I'll be drained if I continue!"

"It's almost there!"

Angus shouted, and then the huge magic power tied the cannon armor in place, followed by the pressure relief ejector, "Wum--", the torrent of magic power quickly ejected from the injection port, setting off a strong airflow.

Even though Angus had fixed the artillery armor, the strong reverse thrust still pushed the 1,300-ton artillery armor off the ground, scaring him for several consecutive reinforcements to stabilize the artillery armor.

The fierce venting of magic power caused the ejector's guides to become bright red due to the high temperature, echoing the bright blue magic flow, and it looked very beautiful.

The accumulated pressure is sprayed in multiples with the maximum power. After spraying for more than ten minutes, the magic in the energy storage chamber is sprayed.

"My mother's exhausted me!"

After Jean let go of his hand, the whole person was slumped: "Old **** you pit me! Next time you go to this job, I will not do it!"

Selna next to her wasn't much better. The pretty half-elf beauty was stunned, and her short pointed ears were pulled down, and her whole body was hollowed out ...

The magic that this weapon consumes is really terrifying!

"What are you talking about, obviously you lost by lot?"

Angus arrogantly said, "If you lose, you have to take your fate."

"Forget it, go ahead and adjust the equipment. Serna and I went to Tang En. There is something to talk about."

The weak Jean took Selna back from the teleportation to Ellington, and then found Down.

Tang Engang just returned Isari to the Emerald Corolla, and saw them waiting for themselves, very surprised: "Sit down, is there something wrong?"

Gene sat on the sofa and said, "Selna has been active in the Kingdom of Solant for a while, and she has found traces of Chaos theology there."

Tang En frowned: "The power of Chaos God has spread over there?"

"Can't say proliferation, I feel more like a rally there, and there are quite a few members of Chaos Deity."

Selna poured herself a cup of tea and was stunned after taking a sip: "So strong life force ... wait? The leaves of the world tree !?"

After tapping on the table and groaning for a moment, Tang En said: "Thank you very much, this news is very important. Maybe we have to deal with the Kingdom of Solant in advance."

Since the post-war division, the Illus Empire has always had little contact with the Kingdom of Solant, and the two sides have also restrained themselves very much. Although there are frictions, they are generally considered to be peaceful.

However, King Klein of the Kingdom of Solent never concealed his ambitions.

He wanted to unite Plantar and become an eternal emperor like Gilad Illus.

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