Things from Another World

Chapter 940: Hero pouring tea

For a long time, the relationship between the Kingdom of Solant and the Empire of Illus was not cold and cold. This situation began more than a hundred years ago. It did not improve in the Victor era, and it continued to Down.

Only during the glorious ritual period will the Kingdom of Solant loosen the border blockade and allow some believers to cross the border and make a pilgrimage to Yalinks.

It can be said that, looking at the nations of Prendall, the news of the Kingdom of Solant and Grace is the most closed.

Of course, it only refers to the citizens at the bottom. King Klein and King Stanley both have their own channels of information. They are still quite clear about the changes in the Illus Empire, and they also have a great sense of crisis.

After listening to Selna's description, Down and Jean mumbled for a long time.

As one of the cults, Chaos Deity has always been low-key—or, by its nature, it is destined to be low-key—unlike the Dark Serpent, which although believes in Gazas, most members still have their own Will, therefore, will actively spread the development of believers, and it seems more active.

But the believers of Chaos Theology, to be honest, are not so much believers as it is better to be lunatics who have fallen into chaos.

What sense can you expect from a lunatic?

They are mobile sources of infection. A chaotic believer appears in a village. In less than a week, the villagers of the entire village will be eroded by the atmosphere of chaos. At first, they will stimulate the body's stress response due to exposure to abnormal forces Therefore, it will appear to be energetic and energetic, but it will often suffer from insomnia and nightmares at night, which is because humans are more resistant to chaos.

If you do not escape from the chaotic pollution environment at this time, if you continue to stay there, you will enter the second stage under the chaos infection. When the potential of the human body is exhausted and you can no longer continue to fight against the chaotic pollution, the whole person will become irritable, Anxiety, insanity, and people with poor self-control will start to desire more intense chaos, and will actively seek areas with strong chaos, and gather involuntarily.

Then the third stage will appear naturally. People in this stage can already be said to be completely captive of chaos. After leaving the chaos breath, they will gradually lose their senses and become completely lunatics. They must rely on the chaos breath to continue. Activities continue, and then they will become dependent and then enter the fourth stage.

Infectors in the fourth stage are also the most important part of Chaos Deity. At this time, they will come into contact with the teachings of Chaos Deity, worship the fictional god, Kaos, and begin to actively absorb the chaos breath. Incorporating the power of chaos into themselves to obtain the ability to move freely, at this time they are downright chaotic believers, and at this time they have also become a source of mobile infection.

Almost all of the main forces of chaos are composed of infected people in the fourth stage. They are cancerous cancer cells in the world, which will continue to spread and affect ordinary people.

If it weren't for the mercenary guild, the city of silver, and the elves (such as Aegwynn) and other forces have always spared no effort to suppress the chaos, I am afraid that now there are few ordinary people in Prendall.

Jean sighed and frowned: "Do you have a dagger peninsula ... I remember it was a peninsula in the northeast corner of the Soland Kingdom that stretched out into the abyss sea, where all local fishermen lived. Because of the cold climate Few people will settle there, and I did not expect that Chaos will be infiltrated even there ... "

Tang En's face was not good, and he said, "Since you found the dens of the chaotic believers, why didn't you kill them?"

Let chaos followers ignore it, but it will make a big mistake!

As soon as Selena saw the sagelike expression of Tang En, she got angry and said angrily: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, I will let them die!"


"Don't be angry, she's holding your breath."

Gene played a round game: "Although Selna fled without fighting during the chaotic invasion war, she certainly would not stand idly by, let me guess, you must have destroyed the gathering point you found? "

"Just you talk!"

Selna gave him a sullen glance, and said angrily: "That's right! Although I eliminated a den, my intuition tells me that there must be other gathering points of chaotic believers, It's just that time is tight, so there is no time to investigate in detail. "

Tang En wondered, "Time is tight?"

Selna swaggered: "You're stupid, of course, it's more time to steal your time. While the glorious people are busy, you can distract. Is this the most basic skill in our industry?"

Down: "..."

"All in all, it is certain that the Dagger Peninsula has completely fallen."

Gene knocked on the table and called their attention: "The spread of Chaos believers has always been ribbon-shaped, and there will be signs of corruption in the places they walk through. From the same place, just looking for an opportunity to exchange information with sharp teeth, you can draw a few key points, and then speculate on the source of their spread. "

"and then?"

Down enraged: "If the source is determined to be in the Kingdom of Solant, what can we do? Can we fight them if we can't?"

"If that's the case, there's no need to start a war. I think King Klein knows this information and must be more anxious than us."

Gene said meaningfully: "Maybe ... he hasn't expanded externally over the years because he is entangled in the things of chaos, can't he get away?"

Tang En froze, Jean said something very reasonable, it seems that this is really possible!

If Chaos Deity appeared in the Illus Empire, Tang En must first solve the problem of Chaos Deity first, after all, the rear is unstable, and expanding outward is to find death.

"It's very likely ... it's better."

Tang En groaned on the table for a moment, and suddenly said to Selna, "I will give you the ghost agent for training. After the glorious ceremony is over, you dive into the Kingdom of Solant in batches to investigate the news of chaos."

Unexpectedly good news!

A joy in Selna's heart, letting her leave Ellington, isn't that Hai Kuo's leaping, and the sky is flying high? Where will the world go by then?

"No way?"

Selna pretended to be reserved: "I haven't carefully examined your abilities. Maybe their basic skills were not found at home, but they were discovered when they were sent out?"

"At this point, you can rest assured that the dark elves live underground, and they have inherently mastered the hidden hiding techniques. Speaking of stealth skills, I am afraid that even some gold-level assassins are not comparable to ordinary dark elves civilians."

Tang En said bluntly: "The matter is settled. After confirming the information of the chaotic believers, report it to Fiona as soon as possible. Forget it, Fiona has too many things, and who is responsible? ... "

Tang En's eyes fell on the tea cup, and he suddenly clapped his hands and shouted, "Yeah? Yeah!"

"Come here, what's the hurry!"

Ye Ye in the maid's skirt opened the door uneasily: "What's the matter?"

"Aren't you very laid-back lately?"

Every night staring at Tang En quietly said: "Cut grass, mop, wash clothes, make tea ... What do you think?"

"That's pretty idle, since that's the case, let me give you a load."

Tang Enquan did not hear the resentment in the sound of night and night: "Selna will then take the ghost agent to the Kingdom of Solant to collect the news of Chaos, and then let her sum up the information and give it to you, the maid thing you Put it down for now. "

Ye Ye had participated in the first Chaos Invasion War before, and she was still an experienced veteran. She would have learned a lot after living a long time. This kind of work can be entrusted to her.

Maybe she wasn't used to it at first, but she will surely be able to grasp the trick soon.

Management intelligence?

Every night eyes brightened, thank goodness, finally no longer need to be a maid!

"no problem!"

Every night Haha laughed and threw away the tray in her hand, and the magic wave leaked out accidentally scared Selna again.

Oh my God!

A maid on the lord's house is a pseudo-legendary combat power! ?

How many monsters are there around this goods!

"But is it a bit overkill to just let me manage the intelligence?"

Every night, I got to Tang En's side and hugged him coquettishly, "Why not send me out? It's not me who blows, I still know a little about the situation in the Kingdom of Solant."

"You know a fart."

Tang En politely pushed away the unruly nights: "You have stayed in Hohenheim's house for so long before coming out a few times? You probably don't know as much as I know about the situation there."

"Well, you guy who doesn't understand anything."

Night after night, let's say that it was Tang En's acceptance.

At least, it can be freed from the maid work of mopping the floor, isn't it a bit of sense?

Ye Ye caressily stretched out her hand: "Selna, right? Please advise."

So rude!

Serna shrugged and shook hands with her: "On age, I am older than you. You should call me sister. On strength, I am better than you. You should call me a senior."


Jean had to cough, reminding Selna: "Selna, Ye Ye is a predecessor who participated in the first Chaos Invasion War as a legend. You are a younger regardless of strength or age ..."

Participants, seniors who participated in the first Chaos Invasion War! ?

she was! ?

The horrified Selna couldn't believe that the maid wearing a maid's skirt and just pouring tea on the floor turned out to be an old lady over a thousand years old!

But she is really just a pseudo-legend!

Jean reminded him again: "Every night, the situation of Senior Ye is quite special, and she is no better than she was ..."

Anyway, seniors are seniors.

Selna took away the disrespect in her heart, and stood up very salutingly: "I apologize to you, seniors every night, and I hope you have a lot of advice."

"The ignorant is not guilty."

Every night, she raised her long and white neck, and looked at Tang En proudly: "See? I'm a hero!"

This is the attitude towards a senior!

This is what she deserves!

She witnessed the rise and fall of this world!

She participated in the war that changed the trajectory of the world!

She is a hero!

"Oh, the tea is cold, hero, pour it."

"Good boss!"

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