Things from Another World

Chapter 941: New currency release

The next day, just as Tang En was planning to return to Alinks and spend a glorious ceremony with Aurelia, there was a sudden good news over the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute—the key to the banknote printing press. Sexual problems have been solved, and a batch of new currency with triple anti-counterfeiting functions has been successfully printed.

"Well, triple security."

Tang En was surprised at the bill in front of him.

Even on the earth, the anti-counterfeiting methods of banknotes are no more than this. Magnetic strips, watermarks, anti-counterfeiting printing, at most, are added with currency numbers.

In terms of effectiveness, it is not comparable to the triple anti-counterfeiting here.

According to Tang En's instructions, and taking into account the habits of the Prandall citizens, Tang En canceled the original intention of using rounded corners, and continued to use gold, silver and copper, but it is no longer a currency name, but a currency unit No longer tied to the currency material-he could not force people in this world to follow him to re-adapt to a new currency unit, so the use of gold, silver and copper may be the most easily accepted by the market.

Bank notes are divided into 100 gold, 50 gold, 20 gold, 10 gold, 5 gold, 2 gold, 1 gold, 50 silver, 20 silver, 10 silver, 5 silver, 2 silver, 1 silver, 50 copper, 20 copper, 10 copper , 5 copper, 2 copper, 1 copper.

One gold (yuan) corresponds to one Illus gold coin, one silver corresponds to one silver coin, and one copper is equivalent to the previous one copper coin.

This means that there is a one-to-one comparison between the new monetary unit and the original monetary value-it is just a change from a metal currency to a paper currency.

It looks like it is taking off pants and farting, but it actually frees up a lot of metal resources.

As for the currency equivalent to 1 star diamond crystal coin, Tang En did not consider printing, on the one hand because of the suspected inflation of such a large denomination, and on the other hand because the star diamond crystal coin still has some in the market. Circulation, but the amount is very small, the reason it appears is also because the original currency is too heavy, a star diamond crystal coin, it is definitely more convenient to hold than a hundred heavy gold coins.

There are no shortcomings now when you switch to a light note.

Having said that, Star Diamond Crystal Coin is actually a large amount of private currency issued by Star Diamond Bank with its own bank strength, which can also be regarded as a type of credit currency ...

In fact, this kind of exchange is quite simple and crude. According to the actual purchasing power, the purchasing power of 1 gold coin of Prandall is equivalent to the purchasing power of 100 yuan on the earth. This means that a magic cell phone with a price of 99 gold coins is actually It is equivalent to 9,900 yuan, 12 gold coins per ton of wheat, which is more than 1,200 yuan.

However, considering that the situation of deflation in Plandall—that's right, deflation (see Chapter 884 for details) —Tann had no choice but to make this decision.

He really didn't have the energy to study how to bring Prrandal's economic order back to normal, so he had to use simple and crude methods to bring this chaotic market into formality, forcing those nobles who have the habit of depositing gold coins to turn all the gold coins at the bottom of the box. Exchange into banknotes.

When all the noble backlogs of gold coins have flowed into the market, the issuance of banknotes has gradually become the same as gold coins, and the gold coins that have not been exchanged have not participated in the circulation, which will not cause excessive currency issuance, and the value of commodities will naturally follow the economic development And if it continues to rise, the actual value of currency will naturally return to its proper position, and the situation of deflation will gradually disappear.

It's up to the market to figure it out. He didn't come here to be an economist.

According to their discussion, the printed currency was printed with beautiful and complicated patterns. These patterns were designed by Mikuni and Elli, and most people couldn't draw them.

On the front of the largest denomination hundred-dollar bill, the heads of humans, elves, dwarfs, dwarfs, orcs, goblins, dragons, and dark elves are painted on the front. Each race is surrounded by a ring. The palms are stacked in the middle. The green vines in a circle of the world tree form a frame, which symbolizes the unity and peace of all ethnic groups.

It is not discriminatory against the Naga and Endangered Murlocs and the small races, but these races are printed because they are the main target of currency.

Originally, Sanye and Aili had intended to use Tang En's headshot, and they were shocked by Tang En. They finally persuaded them to use a fictional avatar-although from the perspective of his mission, his avatar was printed on There was nothing wrong with the currency, but he didn't want to make any big news.

However, in favor of Tang En, when Sanye was drawing a human image, at first glance, that human head was similar to Tang En, and she used a special painting technique to look at it from a specific angle. The human image will become Tang En, and the elf image will become Sanye's own appearance. Tang En can only recognize his fate after knowing it-because this can also be used as a means of anti-counterfeiting ...

The image of the elf is the image of Queen Isael, and the image of the dragon is Sasha Glott. This is even more ridiculous. Based on the life of the elf, it is estimated that the human kingdom may change a few more currencies. This blessing looks like ...

The dwarf was originally Durandon, but Brian had to change to his avatar. When the final draft was finalized, Don Einberger called out and blocked Brian's mouth.

The head of the dwarf is unquestionably Croto, and the orc is Testero-sharp teeth have little interest in becoming a currency image.

The Goblin didn't ask, and directly chose the image of Riviz Jinya as the representative.

The Dark Elves were a little troublesome—the mother and daughter Lola and Lorra had a quarrel because of this incident, and finally found Tang Enfei to let him judge, despite the frightened Tang En, they finally decided to divide their bed skills. Winning and losing, in the end Luo Lin lost a chess game, lost to Lola, can only be frustrated.

Innocent girl, you still don't understand the crux of the evil forces ...

The images drawn on other banknotes are also mostly related to iconic landscapes around Plantar, such as the Cathedral of Light in the Holy See, the Emerald Corolla in the Emerald Forest, and Salhera in the Underworld. They are very recognizable at a glance Let people distinguish.

In addition to banknotes, there is a humble "banknote detector" next to it. This is a machine that Tang En specifically asked to verify the authenticity of banknotes. The device inside is equipped with a device that recognizes magic emblems and divine runes. Although Prandall is supervised by the true gods, and the general folk customs are relatively simple, there are always one or two scums. In case someone really imitates banknotes, it is better to give ordinary people some opportunities to identify banknotes.

Originally, Tang En wanted to be stable, and the hasty effect of launching a new currency was too great, but this year's glorious ceremony was a great opportunity. Tang En found Aurelia and Olena together, and several people patted their heads. It was decided so neatly.

As a result, the Illus Mint was reorganized, the Illus Empire promoted currency reform, and the news of the release of a new version of paper currency suddenly appeared in the eyes of the public.


The glorious ceremony is in full swing, and merchants, believers, and consumers from all around Prandall have poured into Yalinks. In a short period of two or three days, Yalinks consumed more resources than in the past month. .

But again, these foreign mobile people have brought huge wealth. When they leave, they take away a lot of local goods, and also leave a huge wealth, making the local businessmen who are full of money laugh and agree. Hold your mouth.

Of course, during the entire glorious ceremonial day, the biggest benefit is definitely the Datang Chamber of Commerce.

Because the products sold by the Datang Chamber of Commerce are too special and there are no other competing products at all, in the past few days, the Datang Chamber of Commerce's Yalinks branch has already placed orders for more than 5,000 magic harvesters, and Supporting tillage machines, sprinkler irrigation machines, etc., the bicycles that have been fully popular, and the introduction of new recreational bicycles and children's scooters have ushered in a wave of sales, selling more than 10,000 vehicles in just a few days .

Harley-Davidson motorcycles for the civilian market have also achieved gratifying results. The Yalinx branch alone has sold more than two thousand units, and other cities have also repeatedly gained.

Magic energy air conditioners, magic energy refrigerators and other magic energy furniture products that have long been famous around the world are also selling well.

Those merchants took away not only goods, but also a renewed image of Yalinks.

In the past few days, Yalinks has repaired a new road, an extremely convenient bus system, and newspapers and magazines that can be obtained anytime and anywhere. They have been impressed by the widespread literacy rate.

What surprised them most was that during the glorious ceremony last year, magic energy furniture, which was still an expensive luxury product, has now entered millions of households, and even some middle-to-high-end pub rooms have been equipped. They have enjoyed magic energy furniture belts. For the convenience of coming back, after returning to their place of residence, they will certainly be unaccustomed to the feeling of backwardness by going out on a horse-drawn carriage and relying on the wind.

An invisible worship of Yalinks, or of the Illus Empire, or more specifically of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, has emerged, and many people have revealed the idea of ​​wanting to settle in Yalinks However, the pattern of development of the city of Yalinks has been limited, and the acceptable population is also very limited, so those people's wishes can only be defeated.

However, Tang En will not give up this good opportunity to increase the population of the domestic population. Yalinx can't, and Ellington can!

Ellington is almost open and welcomes any resident willing to work to settle.

Not only Ellington, but also other cities in the Illus Empire are also welcoming foreign populations-driven by various new policies of Downe, the Illus Empire is now dying, with unprecedented vitality and enthusiasm Welcome the tourists from Tiannanhaibei to join this big family.

The Datang Daily took the opportunity of the glorious ceremonies to disclose these news "inadvertently". I believe that with the departure of these people, the illustrious Illus Empire, like the kingdom of God, will be attracted with a strong attraction. Follow those people to chase dreams.

It's like the American dream that was popular all over the world.

Of course, the most shocking news released by this glorious ritual is the fact that the Illus Empire promoted a new version of the currency.

Illus Mint was reorganized into the Central Bank of Prandall, which is responsible for issuing the new version of the currency.

The new currency is made of paper.

(The new currency exchange rate before this chapter was wrong. The author Jun forgot to modify the draft when he revised it. Now he has corrected it ...)

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