Things from Another World

Chapter 942: Anxious Garian

The sudden appearance of the new currency on the market caused a stir.

After all, I had never heard of such a thing before, and such a sudden attack caught everyone by surprise.

The currency reform matter almost affected the rhythm of the glorious ceremony, and everyone was discussing the new currency.

Those who understand naturally understand why new currencies are issued, and those who do not understand completely do not understand the good use of gold, silver, and copper coins. They have been used for thousands of years, and why they suddenly switched to a paper currency.

The passerby was confused: "What are you looking for for me? Paper money? This thing really works !?"

The teller B smiled: "Of course it can be used, but this is a newly issued currency. Now we have been notified. We have settled the change with our customers and all require the use of banknotes, and any of our stores at the Datang Chamber of Commerce accept banknote transactions."

The passerby was furious: "What a joke! Why should I exchange my gold coins for a piece of paper !? I asked for gold coins!"

The teller Yi Dundun taught: "Why don't you want to exchange heavy gold coins for lightweight and equivalent banknotes? From a carrying point of view, banknotes are undoubtedly easier to carry."

A passer-by dangled his neck: "Gold coins are gold, and gold can be used for shopping!"

Teller B was very patient: "Bills are equivalent to gold coins, and they can also buy things."

Passerby Jia began to splash: "I don't listen, I don't listen! I just like gold coins! There is texture in my hand, and Jin Chancan under the sun!"

Teller B smiled and offered a big killer: "Now if you are shopping with banknotes at the Datang Chamber of Commerce, you can enjoy a 20% discount. The royal family has also issued a notice that you can enjoy half of the tax exemption policy by using banknotes to pay taxes-"

Passerby J immediately looked upright with a look of righteousness: "The policy of the royal family must be supported-who, do you think I can exchange all these gold coins into paper money?"

Teller B: "..."

In order to cope with the glorious ceremonies and the need to promote new currencies, Tang En waved his hands and discounted all the products of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, and enjoyed a 20% discount on all purchases with the new version of banknotes. Many consumers who have been enthusiastic but did not buy it have finally shot, and have swept away a large wave of gold coins. In contrast, many new currencies have also been issued.

The above situation occurs almost at the counter of each Datang Chamber of Commerce in each city at the same time. It is not only the Datang Chamber of Commerce. When the bosses of other chambers of commerce and shops learn that they can enjoy tax reduction policies when paying taxes using paper money, they Each one was crazy, and rushed to the Illus Mint ... Oh no, it should now be called the Prandall Central Bank. Against large packages of gold coins, there are also crystal cards holding Star Diamond Banks. Exchange your gold coins for new banknotes.

Don't think that the tax reduction is half too small. The tax burden of 100 gold coins should have been paid. If you reduce the half achievement, you can pay 5 gold coins. The corresponding increase means that the profit has increased by 50%. Can those businessmen be excited?

They wish to raise their hands and feet to welcome this policy more and more violently.

But in the face of this situation, some people are anxious to red-eye.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as the news that Illus Mint was reorganized into the central bank of Prandall was spread, Garian was immediately anxious and rushed to Tang En with red eyes to ask him what was going on.

"My friend! When we first cooperated, we made it clear that you were not involved in banking and finance! (See Chapter 450)"

Gary angrily shouted: "This is not only your agreement with the great boss, but also the meaning of the dragons, why are you indifferent ?!"

"Calm down. Calm down. I just want to go to your boss. Now that I'm here, let me talk to you first."

Tang En pressed his hands, smiled and told Garian to sit down and take a breath, then he said, "First of all, this bank is not another bank, and the Prandall Central Bank is not your Star Diamond bank. We do n’t provide savings services. . "

Garrian snapped: "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

Tang En said with a smile: "Star Diamond Bank is a commercial bank that provides storage, transfers, consumption, and loans to citizens. The central bank of Plantar is a bank responsible for issuing and managing currency. We only monitor currency and do not participate. Savings business."

"So it is ..."

Garrian was a little relieved, as long as he didn't get involved in the financial savings industry.


Garrian's gut tells him that the existence of the central bank of Plantar is far more than simply issuing a new version of the currency.

In fact, it's certainly not that simple.

Prendall's current financial savings industry can be said to be completely monopolized by Star Diamond Bank. Even if others want to get involved, there is no way, without that condition, and without that strength.

However, if all the currency is left to a commercial bank, this is obviously a very, very dangerous thing-not to say that there is nothing wrong with the goblins, but that the nature of the greed and the wealth of the dragon determines these gold coins. Most of them are only inaccessible, more and more gold coins are ransacked by them, and less and less are circulating in the market, which has also led to the illusion of deflation.

Now, Tang En reorganizes the Ilurus Mint to be the Prandall Central Bank. A central bank directly determines the character. Here is the unit responsible for issuing the entire Prandall legal currency. The Star Diamond Bank must also be subject to the Prandall Central Bank. Policy constraints.

The new version of the currency is temporarily linked to the gold coin. After the new version of the currency is fully popular in the future, it will be completely separated from the gold coin and become a common credit currency.

At that time, goblins and dragons obsessed with collecting gold coins will find that all the gold coins in their vaults have been replaced by paper money, and gold has returned to the status of industrial raw materials.

By setting up a higher-level administrative unit to indirectly destroy the leading position of Star Diamond Bank in the financial industry, pull them down from the altar, let them honestly run their own savings industry, and prevent them from continuing to affect Prendall's currency circulation, This is another benefit of currency reform.

"its not right!"

After drinking a cup of tea, Garian suddenly came to his senses and jumped up: "If the new currency you issued becomes legal tender, wouldn't the gold coins in our vault have to be exchanged for new banknotes !? Then our gold coins What !? "

"Be calm and restless."

Tang En pressed his hands in vain, and continued to calm Garian's emotions: "Isn't it natural for new currencies to replace the old ones? I'm going to talk to your boss about this."

"How could we agree to exchange a pile of paper with gold coins!"

Gary's mood was quite excited: "Gold coins are gold!"

"But who determines the value of gold?"

Tang En spread his hand: "It's the market. If the new currency we issue is accepted by citizens in the market, the new currency will have the same value as gold."

"That's different. The new currency is just a piece of paper!"

"What money needs is what it represents, not the value of the currency itself."

Tang En said with a smile: "And don't you think that the space required to store currency is smaller? Your vault can store more banknotes, not to mention, light currency is more convenient for trade circulation, I think this is It ’s a good thing to have no harm. ”

Baili without harm? That is for you!

We need to change the paper with gold!

Garrian still couldn't reverse the inherent impression. In his mind, the coins should be equal to gold. Jin Chancan's gold itself is very valuable. Use heavy gold coins for a piece of paper?

I always feel very uncomfortable!

"You can't make up your mind on this. I'll talk to your boss directly."

Tang En pointed at the door with a smile and said, "Just right, your big boss is here, and he'll be right here."

A few moments later, Galian knew who the big boss Tang En said was.

Seeing the figure coming in, Garrian took a breath of air, and jumped up in an instant, with a smile on his face and put together: "You, why are you here? His Majesty the Dragon King!"

"you are?"

"I am the deputy of Leviz, who is currently in charge of everything at Star Diamond's Ellington branch. My partner is Azor Kamanda."

"Oh, it's Ajo's partner."

Sasha Glott suddenly realized, nodded: "Hello, I've been on holiday in Ellington these days."

On vacation in Ellington?

Dragon King?

Garian was aggressive.

"My friend, I heard that you have something to discuss with me?"

Sasha Glott sat down across from Dunn.

"Yes, it's about currency reform, issuing new currencies."

Tang En made a showdown with Sasha Glott directly. He knew very well who the Star Diamond Bank could really handle. Don't look at the name of Levys. Unfortunately, what the Star Diamond Bank did is what the Dragons finally said. Well, of course, the Dragons are led by Sasha Glott.

"What does it mean for you human beings to tell me?"

Sasha Glott did not quite understand, they do not use human currency, it has no effect at all.

Gary was anxious: "His Majesty the Dragon, things are important! The new currency they issued was made of paper! Not gold!"

"Oh, paper?"

Sasha Glott was interested: "What do you mean?"

So Down told the details of the new version of the currency to Sasha Glott, and then said, "Based on the current currency situation of Prendall, I think it is necessary to issue a new version of the currency, so we act."

Sasagello nodded characteristically: "It makes sense to hear you say that."

Gary was in a hurry: "Your Majesty the Dragon King! He wants to exchange paper for the gold we have!"

"You misunderstood, Lord Garrian."

Tang En waved his hand: "How many banknotes will be in circulation in the market, which are completely linked to how many gold coins people have exchanged. Do you know what this means?"

Garrian didn't understand at first, but if you think about it, you can understand what Tang En said.

Is this really a paycheck?

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