Things from Another World

Chapter 943: Wave of reform

Why is it that the salary is drawn at the bottom of the kettle?

The original gold coins were used as currency and were directly circulated between Star Diamond Bank and consumers after they came out of the Illus Mint. Due to the nature of the gold coins, the Illus Mint's participation was no longer required.

The dragon likes gold and the goblin likes wealth, so that both parties can reach a consensus on cooperation on gold coins, but if gold loses the currency attribute, the premise of cooperation between the goblin and the dragon will disappear!

On the other hand, after changing to banknotes, consumers will inevitably face the situation of currency depreciation and depreciation. In this case, they can only go to the central bank of Prendall for exchange.

In addition, the Prandall Central Bank is tantamount to obtaining high-level authority to supervise and issue currency, which is tantamount to inserting a management agency between Star Diamond Bank and consumers.

In this case, Star Diamond Bank cannot be too casual in its savings policy. It must depend on the face of the central bank of Plantar ...

To make matters worse, all the gold coins in their vaults need to be replaced with new banknotes. This is not easy to enter and exit, and the doorways inside are big ...

Will the gold coins already collected by the dragon be willing to be exchanged for a piece of paper?

Gary was in a very bad mood. He gave a glance at Sasha Glott and said, "I don't think it's a good idea, Lord Don. What if people don't want to change to paper money? Can you force them? No way? "

"I certainly wouldn't force it."

Tang En sipped his tea to moisturize his throat, and he didn't wait for Gary to relax. He said lightly, "However, we have a redemption period. If we do not redeem this period, we will cancel the currency status of the gold coins. It is treated as an ordinary metal material, that is, if you do not exchange it early, the value of gold coins will depreciate in the future. "

Normally, as one of the rare metals, the value of gold does not rise after it loses its currency status, because it is widely used in industry.

But in Prandall, this approach doesn't work.

Gold is too soft to make armor.

Gold is not a good conductor of magic, and it is inferior to magic metal in the application of magic.

The rarity of gold is only in ordinary metals. Looking at the metal deposits contained in the entire Prandall and even the astral world, the reserves of gold are definitely not scarce. There are more rare magic metals here.

There is no complicated microelectronic technology here, and the characteristics of gold are needed.

Therefore, the ultimate status of gold is likely to be used only to create some beautiful tableware, decorations and so on.

The market value it represents will be greatly reduced.

Tang En shrugged and continued, "At the same time, it also means that if the gold coins in your vault are not exchanged and not in circulation, it has no effect at all, and you can play whatever you like."

Even if the dragon wants a large collection, the reduction in gold will not affect the currency in the market.

All in all, Tang En's attitude has made it very clear that he is determined to cancel the gold standard and cancel the monetary status of gold-after all, this thing will be used as the raw material of Oriha Steel, if the price is still so high, Costs are quite uncontrollable.

Garrian took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "You are too confident, Lord Tang, the value of gold coins is widely known, and you can't cancel it if you want to cancel its legal currency status. Kingdom of Sorante, Gray The Kingdom of Sri Lanka, the Kingdom of Ronent, the Empire of Rennes, and even those principalities are still using gold coins. You cannot force everyone to do what you want. "

Tang En looked at him meaningfully and said, "That's what I need to worry about, doesn't it?"

He has been working hard to promote the impact of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, for what?

advanced technology!

Far more than the financial resources of ordinary chambers of commerce!

Relying on the huge influence of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the new currency is promoted with the Datang Chamber of Commerce as the core. This is the only opportunity for currency reform.

Counting on a policy that relies on the Illus royalty? Ha ha……

From the moment the monetary reform policy is implemented, gold coins will only be inaccessible here at the Datang Chamber of Commerce. All currencies flowing out of the Datang Chamber of Commerce will be replaced by banknotes. Not only that, the Datang Chamber of Commerce pays bonuses and the like It will also be completely replaced by banknotes, and Ellington will be the first to realize full banknotes.

At the same time, the salaries of the civil servants of the Illus Empire will all be replaced by banknotes. It will not be long before the gold coins circulating in the entire Illus Empire will be completely recycled and smelted, extracted into gold nuggets, and stored, waiting to be synthesized Ha Gang.

Coupled with the fact that the Datang Chamber of Commerce has already laid out the Rennes and Ronittante kingdoms, its influence is gradually expanding. The two countries will soon have a mixed circulation of banknotes and gold coins. When businessmen realize that they carry paper currency transactions When it is more convenient and quicker than gold coins, the influence of banknotes will further expand.

At that time, even if Star Diamond Bank is unwilling to accept paper money-unless they are willing to give up the savings market, they can only watch the gold coins in their vaults being taken away a little bit, and eventually face bankruptcy.

At that time, Tang En will open another Datang Commercial Bank to provide Internet-based savings services. Is n’t the market receiving Star Diamond Banks full?

Tang En said earnestly: "The times are advancing and society is reforming. If we don't follow the pace of the times, we will only be eliminated."

"It's useless to say so much."

Garian had no choice but to pin his final hope on Sasha Glot: "His Dragon King will not agree to the currency reform plan!"

"I agree."

"Look, I'll just say--wait! His Majesty Dragon King !? What did you say? You agree !?"

The unexpected reply made Garian completely dumbfounded.

"Yes, I said I agree."

Sasha Glott waved his hand and said, "We'll talk to Rives about this, so you don't have to say much."

What happened to this world if Galian was struck by lightning?

Even the dragons love the existence of gold coins so much that they can accept this absurd reform plan! ?

"It's not too late, let's go to Leviz now."

Tang En stood up, Sashaglo nodded characteristically, and the two left directly using teleportation.

The murky Garian didn't know how he left the lord's house, he only knew that he was getting farther and farther from those golden gold ...

"A rare visitor!"

When he saw Riviez, he was riding in his garden on his tricycle, and saw Sasha Glott curiously looking at his tricycle. Rivies grinned, and said flatteringly: "Dragon King Your Majesty, would you like to try? "

"Forget it, it's not for me."

Sasha Glott waved and sat down beside him.

Reeves looked at Tang En with curiosity: "Her Tang En, it's time for Yalinks to be lively, how can you remember coming to sit with me?"

"Of course I have to talk to you."

Tang En smiled and told Leviz about the currency reform.

Unsurprisingly, at the hearing of Donn's reorganization of the Illuth Mint for the Prandall Central Bank, Rivies panicked, but instead of speaking immediately, he heard everything.

He was relieved when he learned that the Central Bank of Prandall does not provide savings and loans, but raised it immediately.

"The status of paper money as a substitute for gold? This is simply, whimsical!"

With a look of incredulity, Leviz said, "How can a piece of paper compare with the value of gold coins?"

Tang Enwei groaned and said, "Sir Levys, if I want to buy your things, but I do n’t have any cash, then I write an IOU to you, take the things first, and then I will give you the money in a few days. Can you Can't accept this transaction? "

"Of course you can, and you definitely don't lack that money--"

Tang En grinned: "Since IOUs represent a certain monetary value, why can't paper currency?"

Leaving a moment, he didn't know how to answer him.

"We come to you, just want to communicate with you, and open the bank note storage business of Star Diamond Bank as soon as possible. You can exchange currency directly with the Prandall Central Bank. When customers withdraw cash, they will use equivalent banknotes to replace gold coins, silver coins, copper coins, and assist us as soon as possible. Promote the circulation of banknotes. "

Seeing what Riviez wanted to say, Tang En waved his hand and continued: "You can not accept this condition and continue to trade with gold coins, but if the customer takes the paper money to you and deposit it, if you do not accept it, this market is bound to It will spawn another bank that offers this service, and you can just watch your customers put into the arms of other banks. "


Leaviz took a breath, and looked subconsciously at Sasha Glot: "Your Majesty the Dragon King-"

"I have expressed support for Down's currency reform package."

Sasha Glott raised his chin: "You talk, don't worry about me."

Sasha Glott came here just to express her demeanour. How to talk about it depends on Tang En and Levits.

"My Excellency Tang En, this news came too hastily, and I can't give a reply right away."

Rives decided to take a drag and consider the risks and opportunities in it.

"Of course, this is your power."

Tang En made a "please" gesture and said with a smile: "But I will not slow down the pace of implementing monetary reform. I promise that it will take no more than a month to complete the currency conversion in the entire Illus Empire. Even the new version of banknotes will appear here, including in Nanila, and they will probably start to face a situation where they can't save money. I thought at that time, you would make the right choice. "

Rivies was anxious: "You are pushing the palace!"

"Do not."

Tang En took the time to pull the collar, and said, "I just remind you in good faith-the steps of reform have already gone out, whether to follow closely or step in place, all in your thoughts. "

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