Things from Another World

Chapter 944: Compromise of Star Diamond Bank

Did Tang En really leave time for Rives?

of course.

But is Rives really qualified to consider it?

not necessarily.

Because Sasha Glott has told him very clearly that the Dragons support Tang En's monetary reform policy!

Riviez felt like a dog, and his whole face was wrinkled together.

Damn it!

At the beginning, it was good to work together to make a lot of money. Everyone was happy. Now it's okay. I will kick myself without a word!

Leviz's grievance!

If it weren't for his image in front of his hands, he really wanted to cry now.

He didn't have the heart to give up, but he couldn't give up, wouldn't Starbucks Bank's great foundation be so successful?

He wanted to choose to continue, but ... he was not qualified to continue.

Leaving the Dragons, Goblins are nothing in Prendall.

Without the Star Diamond Bank, the goblins would have nothing, and would turn into a green-skinned big-eared monster.

So, not for himself, for the goblin, he must also compromise.

Star Diamond Bank must persist.

Even without the support and cooperation of the Dragons.

Leviz quickly cheered up, and his brain, unlike any other goblin, began to spin fast.

What are the advantages of Star Diamond Bank now?

Covering the business network of Prandall, it comes from the crystal card information storage technology provided by Dragon Technology, an unusually large customer base, and countless gold coin reserves.

Rejecting Tang En's monetary reform policy will certainly allow Star Diamond Bank to maintain its current monopoly position, but as Tang En said, as the circulation of banknotes becomes more widespread, Star Diamond Bank will face that day sooner or later.

Either accept or die.

Rejection is just to die a little bit later and accept, but it can win the opportunity in this wave of reform.

Then the answer is clear.

After Tang En and Sasaglotte left, Rivers calmed down for a while and picked up the magic phone left by Tang En. He found out Tang En's number and dialed it. After a few words He hung up, then he said to the housekeeper, "Call me all the department heads."

Soon the main executives of Star Diamond Bank were all concentrated in Rives.

"Boys, now we are facing a very important choice, but we have no choice."

Leaving his breath, he stood up, his body was extremely bloated and he stood on a special tricycle, looking down at hundreds of Goblin executives in front of him like a tower.

Goblin executives looked at Leviz with admiration in their faces. In their eyes, Leviz is the savior of the goblins. It is the beacon of the road. Without him, there is no goblin.

Being watched with the eyes of abnormal worship, for a long time, Leviz once again felt the heavy burden on his shoulders.

He said in a deep voice: "The Illus Empire pursued its monetary reform policy and decided to use paper money to replace the monetary status of gold coins."

As soon as this word came out, the millennial waves were suddenly stirred up, and the goblin executives widened their eyes in horror.

They are also very clear that if they lose the goblins of gold coins, they will lose the favor of the dragons. Without the favors of the dragons, can the goblins still stand on this world?

Obviously not.

"His Regent, King Tang of the Illus Empire, and ..."

Reeves took a breath and said in a deep voice: "The dragon king of the dragon family, Her Majesty Sashaglot, has come to talk to me just now, and I won't repeat the details, and now I only talk about the results."

"His Majesty the Dragon supports Her Majesty's monetary reform policy, boys, you should be very clear about what this means."

Riviz looked down at the goblins: "This means that in the future, we will no longer be able to provide the dragons with their favorite gold coins, and we are likely to lose the shelter of the dragons!"

Conjecture came true, and the goblins began to panic, but under the shock of Leviz's powerful aura, they remained quietly and listened to Leviz's continued speech.

"Fortunately, Her Majesty the Dragon King told me very kindly that even without gold coins, they would continue to cooperate with us to provide us with asylum."

Leviz's next sentence finally relieved the goblins' fear.


Riviez screamed, "The danger we face has not disappeared!"

"Turn me all your stupid heads, and inscribe these words! New currency! Listen clearly-it's paper money! It's no longer gold coins!"

"We will immediately start full cooperation with the Illus Empire and start the docking with the Central Bank of Prandall to conduct currency exchange related matters!"

"I ask all departments to go all out from now, and be sure to tell me to come up with a series of complete plans before the exchange business officially starts!"

"New savings plan, new interest rate plan, new loan plan-"

"At the same time, I request that all counters of Star Diamond Bank provide banknote exchange services at the first time, and cooperate with the central bank of Prandall to promote the circulation of banknotes!"

"I give you a week. Within a week, all business outlets must complete the relevant business transformation. Understand !?"

The goblin executives were refreshed, and raised their chests and shouted, "I see!"

"If you understand, do it quickly!"

The executives huddled, and after Leviz stood for a moment, he shouted, sitting quietly, rubbing the goblin scepter in his hand.

Hopefully, his choice is correct.


"Why are you so sure he will compromise?"

Looking at Don, who hung up, Sasha Glott was very curious.

"Isn't this taken for granted?"

Tang En pointed at him and said, "Even you support, what choice does he have?"


"Gnomes can mix up to where they are now. Do you think it's just their own ability?"

Tang En could not help but smile and shook his head: "His Dragon King, do you underestimate the status of the Dragons in Prendall?"

Sasha Glott couldn't help laughing: "We have been working hard to keep our distance from the clans. What place can we have?"

"The bigger the fist, the stronger the right to speak."

Tang En said meaningfully: "Without the protection of the Dragons, how could goblins continue to be high? Star Diamond Bank would be so safe without the protection of the Dragons' credibility. Without the protection of the Dragons, they could keep such amazing wealth. ? "

Sasha Glotter laughed heartily: "In your opinion, we have been charged for protection."

Do n’t you just pay for protection?

Tang En slandered secretly, but said with a smile on his face: "But with your assurance, Riviez should not be able to sleep tonight."

Sasha Glott promised to continue to provide asylum for Goblin in the future, and that future dividends could also be replaced by paper money, so Riviz was not in despair.

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with anticipation: "Speaking of which, after the implementation of the new policy, it should be easy to make enough gold for the later synthesis of Oriha Steel, right?"

"At least it will be a lot easier than it is now."

Tang En smiled and said, "Prandall's existing gold reserves are almost completely used for minting gold coins. Both new and old coins are a waste of resources. In addition, people like to save money, and they hide all the coins. In the vault or the bank, the amount of gold coins accumulated is even more impressive. If you replace those gold coins with paper money, this part of the gold will be liberated. It is conceivable that a lot of gold coins will soon be in circulation on the market. There will even be inflation in a short time. "

"Inflation? What do you mean?"

"It's complicated to explain, you just have to think of prices as rising."

Tang En spread his hand and said, "But this is also the path necessary for reform. After at least pushing the accumulated gold coins out of the water, we can know the actual economic situation of Prandall, and then formulate a new policy according to the corresponding situation. . "

"It sounds complicated."

Sasha Glo nodded characteristically: "Anyway, it has nothing to do with us. You can do whatever you want, and the remaining gold will be kept for us."

Tang En smiled brightly: "No problem."

Dragons like gold and gems very much. This may be because of the golden scales of Sasha Glott, the dragon king. In fact, they have no idea about wealth.

In other words, it's not their greed-it's just that what they like happens to be minted into money.

Does it sound familiar?

Zhujun, it ’s not that I like Luo—Ah, it ’s not that I like elf—but the object I like happens to be an elf!

In view of this situation, Tang En and Sasaglotte reached a consensus. After the implementation of the monetary reform policy, in addition to synthesizing the gold required by Oriha Steel, the rest of the gold was handed over to the dragon for safekeeping, said to be safekeeping It is estimated that I just took it back as a bed to sleep ...

Regardless of the situation at the Star Diamond Bank, in the seven days of the glorious ceremony, Yalinx alone exchanged more than 5 billion gold banknotes, that is, more than 50 million gold coins were sold by Prandall. The central bank recovered and recast it into gold ingots.

Although other cities can't match Yalinks, they also have a lot of banknotes in circulation.

At first, consumers were not accustomed to the existence of banknotes. They always felt that they had no texture in their hands. However, adventurers and mercenaries who often went out quickly realized the advantages of banknotes-they could be very convenient. Storage, and it does n’t take up space. Originally, 100 gold coins were a heavy bag, but now it is replaced by banknotes and it is only a 100 gold banknote. It can be stuffed into the jacket of clothes, and it can even be stacked into boots. Preventing loss, and more amazingly, it is said that these banknotes have been blessed by the maiden, and they can prevent curses when they are brought on the body. Water and fire, do not worry about getting wet and ignited, the benefits are simply too much.

So, a long time after the end of the glorious ceremony, the circulation and influence of banknotes spread rapidly, soon spread to other countries, and even caused a series of unexpected things.

At the moment, Tang En is completely unclear about the subsequent impact of currency reform. The glory ceremony has just ended and the festive atmosphere has not disappeared. He has already begun to enter Long Island again.

Because the ten magic artillery armors have been built, and more importantly, Nora has returned.

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