Things from Another World

Chapter 945: Give me the truth! Otherwise I'll call the police!

This time, Nora merged the half-plane space where the gold giant statue was located and the half-plane where the hall of spirits was located. It took almost half a month to go back and forth, although I do n’t know whether she and her friends used How much time does it take to do business and how much time does it take to party, but at least it really helped Tang En solve the problem, right?

After the two half-planar spaces were fused together, the volume of the space increased significantly. In addition, due to the influence of the space where the Hall of Heroes was located, the original black space of the gold giant statue became brighter.

Standing on the square of the Yingling Hall, you can see the uniform gold giant statue in the distance, just like the army waiting for review. It is very spectacular.

After accompanying Victor for a while to talk about Illuth's recent situation, Down and Nora left the Hall of Spirits.

Nora returned, and the ten magic artillery armors had been produced, and it was time to set off for Long Island again.

But before that, you need to find a talent bank.

Yarinks, Cathedral of Light.

Hurrying footsteps quickly approached, the Pope closed the Bible under the crown, and stood up with a smile. "Irolie has arrived, and it sounds like she's in a good mood."

Noticed that the pope's meaningful eyes, Tang En's eyes were slightly drooping, but he did not understand the meaning of his words.

"Under the Pope."

Illuly, who entered the door, greeted Jessolini XXIII before turning her attention to Tang En. The joy in her eyes couldn't be masked.

"Your Majesty Tang En."

Yi Luli pretended to greet Tang En with a very reserved attitude, but her body moved closer to Tang En involuntarily.

When Tang En slaps his forehead, the chick's Stockholm syndrome is getting worse ...

In order to prevent more serious things from being found under the Pope's crown, Tang En secretly blocked Yi Luli's hand before he said, "Under the Crown, I'm afraid to trouble you again this time."

"Trouble? I'm not at all trouble for you-well, I mean, serving the people is what I should do."

Yi Luli blinked and quickly changed her mouth.

The Pope next to him looked at them with a smile and a smile. The eyes that could penetrate people's hearts were at this moment, so that people could not see his thoughts.

"I have already passed the pontificate with the Pope, and I will tell you later when we go down the road. Let's go now."

Knowing that Illuli would not reject herself, Tang En only wanted to leave here as soon as possible.


Elully planned to follow him without a word.

Tang En reminded her: "Don't forget to bring the Light Scepter and the Holy Bible, this time the situation is a bit troublesome."

Illuli checked the ring of space to make sure that both the Light Scepter and the Blessed Sacred Artifact were brought to her body, said goodbye to the Pope, and then they left the Cathedral of Light.

As soon as he stepped out of the Cathedral of Light, Illy couldn't help but want to get around Tang En and hug him.

"do not!"

Tang En was startled, and said to the bustling crowd outside, "Now there are so many believers outside, do you want me to be scolded to death?"


Yi Luli put down her hands with great grievance, followed him honestly, and then they got on the bus at the bus stop in front of the square.

It's not that it can't be transmitted directly to Ellington. It just happened that Tang En saw the bus coming and wanted to see how the residents of Yalinks accept the bus now. By the way, look at the traffic problems along the way, so Only temporarily decided to get on the bus.

The passengers on the bus found Tang En and Yi Luli immediately, and they were all excited. Tang En said that they were calm down, but they were all around Tang En, telling him With the great changes of Yalinks in recent months.

The slums have been demolished and rebuilt, and now they are clean and tidy. The poor have also found jobs. Although they only clean the dirty streets and recycle garbage, they have at least found a way to make a living ...

Where the narrow streets have been re-planned, now it is spacious and lively, and people have more smiles on their faces ...

The smelly ditch was cleaned up and turned into an urban green space park. Adults and children often go there to play, and statues of Tang En have been erected ...

They are especially grateful to Tang for the fact that the income of work has doubled, the tax burden has been reduced, and the standard of living has been greatly improved ...

"Your Majesty Tang En, this is all the change you brought us!"

Over and over, just do it.

"Although we also respect Her Majesty Victor, in this regard Her Majesty Victor is no doubt better than you."

You said Victor would cry, he would cry ...

"Your Majesty Tang, you must be the angel that Yebilny sent to save us!"

You know too much!

The much-respected Sister Elully on weekdays, standing next to Tang En at this moment, is completely a foil, but she is not unhappy at all.

She also felt sincerely happy to see people supporting Tang En so much.

As a member of this country, she is also the Holy Virgin of the Holy See. She is certainly happy to see that this country has a wise king.

As a woman, she is also the slave of Tang En (no doubt she is ill), and she is also very happy to see her host so beloved.

People even joked that Tang En and Yi Luli stood together so well that they overheard those people saying so, how happy Yi Luli was, and she forgot all about it.

Tang En smiled and chatted with the passengers in the car, and also asked them about all aspects of life, just like the leadership of the grassroots on the news network-of course, there is no media editing, and there is no deliberate Arrange, what he can hear and know is the real situation.

Now the residents of Yalinks are very satisfied with the current living conditions-it can be said that if a poll is conducted, the current government ... ah! I mean, the current King, Tang En, has the highest approval rating ever.

While chatting, Tang En was also observing the streets along the way. Although the new traffic management department was trained in detail when promoting buses, it was a brand-new system with many problems.

For example now, although it has been explicitly proposed that carriages should not be allowed to occupy motorway lanes, there will still be carriages before and after the buses, and there are still many carriages that have not obeyed traffic rules to wait for traffic lights-for them, this stuff The child is completely taking off his pants and farting.

Tang En is no longer right now. After all, it has not been months since the introduction of this kind of thing. It is impossible to expect everyone to comply. There have been people running the red light for so many years on earth, let alone here.

Fortunately, there are not many motor vehicles on the highway at present, only a few scattered buses, and the number of Harley-Davidson motorcycles is not large. Therefore, the utilization rate of the highway is not high, and the carriage can be so unbridled.

This issue will really be taken into account after the Magic Energy sedan is launched to the market.

The more vehicles on the road, the more complicated the traffic situation and the more prone to traffic safety problems. Tang En thought about it the first time he came to the palace to see Aurelia, he said: "I think it is necessary to Safety training courses are offered in schools and traffic safety education has been available since childhood. "

"Ha? Why do you say this suddenly?"

Alleria was confused.

Tang En briefly described what he saw along the way, and then said: "This safety concept must be grasped from an early age, and it is too late to educate after growing up ... not only traffic safety education, but also training them from an early age. Establishing a correct world outlook, values, and outlook on life, so that the emergence of criminals will be gradually reduced. "

Aurelia nodded thoughtfully: "Children are very curious, but they don't have a complete self-concept, they can really shape them well and guide them in the right direction ... wait!"

Alleria suddenly took a breather and was shocked: "Is this the real purpose of your intention to popularize basic education !?"

Tang En shrugged and said, "Isn't this something taken for granted?"

Although it is inhumane to use education to wash the brain, it has to be said that this is a way that every politician likes, otherwise the political course will not be a required course.

Besides, as long as the direction is correct, this brainwashing method is not a bad thing.

At least, the children of the poor and civilians who were not eligible for education now have the opportunity to be educated, and they have the opportunity to change their destiny.

"I will implement this matter immediately."

Alleria took this to her heart, and then looked at Illy angrily: "Speak back, don't go too far!"

After entering the palace, Illuli stuck to Tang En. He didn't separate when he talked with Aurelia. Aurelia just had no time to deal with her. Now that she has finished her business, she will naturally talk about her private affairs. Already.

Yi Luli smiled sternly: "Oli, you know, this is not my own meaning."

"Not what you mean? I think this is exactly what you wished for?"

Aurelia couldn't speak up, where could Illy be forced? It's just an idiot who can't wait to post it to Tang En.

"At least don't hug him so blatantly, okay? Hold on, hold on a bit, okay? You're a saint! Not a idiot!"

"No! Don't drag me!"

"Uh, uh, it's difficult for you to pull me like this."

Tang En sighed, and said, "Here is just the way to come to you. We are going back to Ellington. There is still something to do."

"A matter of business?"

"Well, things on Long Island."

Tang En nodded: "The magic artillery armor has been produced. With the power of Illuli, the trouble there should be solved. The dragon will owe me a big favor."

"That's it, I wish you all the best."

Alleria glared at Ilulli: "And you, give me the truth! Otherwise I'll call the police!"

Illuli didn't even hear it.

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