Things from Another World

Chapter 946: Where did you hide her! ?

After coming out of the teleport hall, when he came to Tang En's site, Yi Luli was obviously more relaxed, holding his arm with no worries, wishing the whole person would stick it up.

Because Ellington's immigrants accounted for the vast majority, many people here also knew Illury, but many people did not believe that Illury would leave Yalinks and suddenly came to Ellington.

So many people are curious about who is the woman wearing a white sacrifice robe holding Her Majesty Tang-but no one thinks it is the virgin.

After entering Sovereign's Mansion, she met Selna, and the little thief recognized Illurie at a glance, and she scared her teeth almost by shock.

"Under the Crown !?"

Selna stunned and said: "I only have a capital letter in my heart now!"

Obviously, she has married Aurena and became Aurelia's father and king. Even she can take Aurelia's friend, Virgin Illium!

This guy is definitely not an average person!

"Lord Serna?"

Yi Luli blinked and looked at Selna in surprise: "Why are you here?"

As Aurelia's young girl, Illuli also knew Selna. At the beginning, she was almost taken awry by Selna. Fortunately, the Holy See saved her.

She was surprised, because Selena had disappeared for many years, and even Aurelia had never seen her, and did not expect her to be in Ellington.

"Don't mention it, it's a sin ..."

Selna looked at Tang En with a resentful expression, and said angrily: "I'm busy, but I have to remind you that he is a big pervert, you must keep your eyes open, don't be him I was fooled-ah! "

Before Serena could finish speaking, she suddenly exclaimed, covering her lower abdomen subconsciously, and angry Serena blushed and glared at Tang En: "Asshole! I fight with you--"

Facelessly, Tang En froze his fingers secretly, and Selna's expression was even more distorted. She didn't care to continue slandering Tang En, and fled in an instant.

Elilly was very surprised. "What happened to her?"

"I don't know, it may be uncomfortable, or it may be a stomachache."

With a calm face, Tang En rubbed his fingers secretly. The touch passed by the mage's hand was not bad. Can't see that the thief's body is quite good.

When the two came to the study, Tang En was surprised to find that Grantia was also here, and was accompanying Sasha Grotte to drink tea.

"Have you been over there?"

Tang En looked at Grantia in amazement. The amount of food needed by the Rennes Empire was very huge, and the amount of improved seeds needed for land reform was also huge. It's right to slip out-yes, Tang En deliberately kept her away.

It was to prevent this little lady from harassing Aegwin.

"I've been busy for so long, can't I rest?"

It was a long time to see Donn Grantia. Thanks to him, he hadn't seen Lord Aegwin for a long time.

It took some time to slip out today, only to find that Lord Egwin had disappeared, and Ellington had no trace of her at all.

Grantia didn't look well: "Master Aegwin !? Where did you hide her?"

"Alive ... uh, an elf, where can I hide her?"

Tang En deliberately switched off the topic: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, we can go."

"it is good."

Sasha Glott set down her tea cup and planned to follow Down.

"Don't run!"

Grantia immediately chased after him, dragging Dunn's other arm to keep him away: "Tell me where is Lord Egwin! I am going to die without Lord Egwen!"

"You are so persistent!"

Tang En couldn't break free and said angrily: "She's going to do business, you just stay at Ellington, she will be back in a few days."

The Great Rift Camp has always been stalemate, and the demons of Purgatory Abyss have been constantly appearing, so it was hard to ask Aegwynn to pick up the girders there. How could Grantea be disturbed?

As soon as Grantia's head was gone, she let go of Tang En, and after Tang En left, she suddenly came to her senses.

If Igwin was out of business, how could she say that she would come back!

"Liar! You big liar!"

Grantia chased after him in desperate anger, but Tang En had disappeared.

"Grantia? What's wrong with you?"

Fiona, who had just returned from the outside, looked at Grantia in surprise, rarely seeing the elf girl's emotions so excited.


As soon as the angry Grantia was in her heart, she immediately gathered up: "Fiona, do you know where Lord Aegwin has gone? I can't find her."

"Master Aegwynn?"

Fiona said with a smile: "Where is her camp in the Great Rift Valley, where the fighters of Illus fight against the demons of the purgatory abyss, and Tang En asked her to sit in the town squadron. Do you want to find her? From the teleport hall You can go directly to the Great Rift Camp. "

Great Rift Camp! ?

As soon as Grantia's eyes lighted, she thanked Fiona and ran to the teleport hall immediately, took out her identity card and swiped ...

A moment later, Grantia's angry roar came out in the teleport hall: "Don, you **** !!! I'll kill you !!!"

Her identity card does not have permission to teleport from the Great Rift Camp.

Black Stone Cave.

Excited Sasha Glott looked at the cannon armor in front of him: "All these are finished products?"

"Of course, they just finished production yesterday, but they have gone through a complete quality and safety test and fully meet the standards."

Angus said proudly: "This time, the main part of the ten magic artillery armor uses Oliha steel as the main material. After testing, whether it is in compression, high temperature resistance, or ductility, Ori Harbin Steel's superior performance is indeed far beyond universal alloys, but in terms of scalability, Oriha Steel is still inferior to universal alloys. "

Angus refers to the derivation alloys of universal alloys, demon gold and psychedelic gold. The special effects of these two alloys are irreplaceable.

"These products have increased pressure relief jets, which can achieve the effect of assisted propulsion by spraying magic flow, which allows the dragon to gain great maneuverability in an instant. If used well, it can avoid many attacks. It is recommended that you do it before the actual combat training."

"Due to the new structure, the bearing capacity of the storage tank has been greatly strengthened, and the pressure and temperature that the launching pipeline can withstand have been greatly increased. It can fully withstand the power of the dragon, and there will be no explosion or melting of the gun barrel again. . "

"Not only that, the new artillery armor also incorporates multi-layer buffering armor technology. The armor on the chest, legs, and arms uses special psychic gold, which can withstand the power of the bombardment elements of the spell, and then Actively fight back the enemy by triggering. "

"Due to the nature of psychedelic gold, theoretically this part of the armor's resistance to chaotic power will also be strengthened, but ..." Angus regretted, "... we have no conditions, so we cannot test."

It's not just that they have no conditions. Looking at the entire Prandall, I am afraid that no force has the ability to imprison a chaotic creature for testing ... that is simply to die.

"No need to test, I believe in your technical strength."

Sasha Glott looked at the renewed cannon armor, not to mention how satisfied he was.

As the only dragon that has ever worn a cannon armour for practical testing, he can't wait to use the cannon armour to blast out the three chaotic creatures!

The three chaotic creatures had been polluting and eroding Long Island, and Sasha Glott, as if gnawing in his throat, had no power at all, but he dared not use it.

Now, using Tang En's scheme to transform the power, minimize the loss and indirect output at the same time, you can let go of your hands and feet directly to the chaotic creature.

Sasha Glott wanted this effect!

"Is this a weapon?"

Illuli, holding Tang's arm all the way, looked curiously at the magic cannon armor. Due to its large size, it was really difficult for Illuli to associate this thing with "armored armor".

It looks more like a tall house with two thick chimneys.

"Yes, armed armor developed specifically for the dragon."

Tang En narrowed his eyes and said Xiao Jiu Jiu in his heart.

The cannon armor is only available to dragons, but the birth of this weapon also inspired him a lot.

If it can be miniaturized and the magic supply is guaranteed, it seems that it is also an excellent method to assemble this weapon to the gold giant ...

Although the gold giant is very powerful, it is not without its shortcomings.

They have no weapons.

The Golden Titan is a weapon in its own right, and it can attack with fists and feet, but it looks too bulky.

Coupled with the heroes who want to control the Golden Giant in the future, they are very used to fighting with weapons, and suddenly they are left to fight with chaotic creatures, I am afraid they will not be used to it.

Miniaturized cannon armor is a good solution.

In other words, other weapons of the same type can be armed to the Golden Colossus.

For example, a huge chain saw sword, a huge electromagnetic sniper rifle, a huge assault rifle, etc ...

Once the brain hole was opened, it was difficult to close it again. For a while, Tang En had a lot of wonderful ideas, and he couldn't wait to say it to Angus.

Then Angus looked at Tang En with a dull look, his eyes filled with panic: "You are trying to build a group of devastating weapons ..."

"Facing chaotic creatures, either you die or I die."

Tang En spread his hand: "Do we have a choice?"


Angus sighed, "But have you ever thought about the supply of magic?"

These schemes are completely feasible without any consideration. In fact, there is only one problem that needs to be solved, and that is the magic supply of the gold statue.

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