Things from Another World

Chapter 950: Power to shock the world

The entire sky is completely covered by the realm of life and the atmosphere of chaos, and the strength of the two sides confronts fiercely.

Any small mistake can cause heavy and irreversible casualties, even if it is as strong as Sashaglot-this is the strength of chaotic creatures.

After avoiding the pinch by several chaotic rays, Sasha Glotter whistled and appeared above one of the chaotic creatures.

The chaotic creature seemed to be very clear about the threat from the sky, but it responded in an instant-a part of the body suddenly split and turned into a dark mouth to bite at Sasaglotte!

A dense tentacle split into the surrounding area, protruding from the periphery in an arc, trying to block the avoiding space of Sasaglotte, and at the same time it split another split body, which was intended to avoid risks.

"You have no chance!"

Looking at the huge mouth that was biting at him, Sasha Glotter sneered and triggered the launcher of the magic crystal cannon: "It is now!"

"—————— hum ——————"

The long-stored power was vented at once, and a dazzling light was sprayed from the magic cannon armor behind him. A thick beam of light, like a planetary orbital gun, directly penetrated the large mouth formed by the power of chaos and torn After several layers of shields on the way, the energy cannon penetrated the body of the chaotic creature. Yu Wei continued to penetrate the land on the edge of Dragon Island and shot directly into the sea of ​​the abyss below.

The world seemed to lose sound for a moment, when the dazzling beam of light began to fade away, violent airflow and deafening sounds came like a tsunami!


Strong air rushed towards the face, even rolling up Elsa, the trees in the forest were uprooted, huge rocks also flew into the sky, and the strong sound waves brought by the terrible force even exceeded the human hearing limit. , Down and Irilly both suffered a brief hearing loss!

What's more terrible is that with the launch of Sashaglot, the other nine ready-to-go artillery armors also found opportunities, almost regardless of the order, and locked the chaotic creatures below, firing terrible magic. gun!

Nine three-meter-thick magic cannons cross each other, completely covering the entire battlefield, especially the three largest chaotic creatures. The power of chaos used to defend and attack is directly penetrated by completely unreasonable energy cannons. It's up!

The dragon, who had suffered for 16 years, finally found a chance to vent, and he gave his best effort when he shot!

This insurance race deliberately created by the gods to purify the world is enough to make the entire Prandall tremble with his full force!

At this moment, the whole Long Island was shaking!

The strong magic waves erupting here, even Ellington, who was thousands of miles away, could clearly see that Angus and Jean couldn't help but stop working and look east.

"It should be the battle over there ..."

"Surely, who can explode such a powerful force besides the dragon?"

"Don't forget, this is the power launched by the magic cannon armor we developed-then, old guy, is the magic cannon armor we made so powerful?"

"Crap! You didn't try it during the test, you almost drained my power!"

Not only Angus and Jean, but Aegwynn, Saratimore in the Great Rift Camp, Queen Isari in the Emerald Corolla, Albert in Forgehammer, even the distant Rennes Empire, sharp teeth Also noticed a magic wave in the distance.

This is the first time such a strong wave of magic has been detected since the end of the Second Chaos Invasion War.

But although they all noticed the magic wave, their feelings were not obvious.

To say who feels the most obvious, in addition to Tang En, Elsa, and Iluli who are on the scene, they are the Lianglin Naga under the abyss.

They were completely harmless.

Although Long Island is still a long way from Vasquel, when the ten large energy cannons that penetrated Long Island cut directly into the sea of ​​the abyss, they still terrified Mother and Daughter of Pertis and Selise .

After the violent magic torrent pierced into the deep sea, a strong turbulence was set off. The turbulence on the bottom almost swept over the sea of ​​the abyss. The bottom of the sea was completely ruined. If it was not protected by a strong shield, I am afraid that Vassil It's going to be a ruin.

"what is the problem!?"

Pertis held the staff, powerful magic flowed out, maintaining the strength of Vassil's shield, and she was shocked and angry: "Why the sea suddenly became so angry!"

"I didn't feel the emotion of the ocean!"

After closing her eyes and feeling for a while, Selise opened her eyes and said, "But the southwest of the abyss sea was strongly attacked, and the power of the attack exceeded the legendary level-the attack came from the sea!"

"We have to see what happened!"

Peltis said to her daughter: "Just in case, I want to maintain a shield, you go for me!"


Selise nodded, and her body instantly transformed into a stream of water mixed into the seawater. This was her special ability as Anita Lair's agent. She could transform into water and reach all parts of the ocean instantly.

In a blink of an eye, she was close to the attack point. After seeing the situation on the sea floor, Selise couldn't help but sting. Rao had seen countless winds and waves, and the situation she saw at this moment was far beyond her imagination.

There are several deep pits with a diameter of more than 100 meters in the submarine basin. The central point of impact is not bottomed out. The surrounding seawater is filled with **** breath. Numerous fish and deep-sea Warcraft have been affected, and the bodies are floating in the water The World of Warcraft that was left around was being driven by the desire to eat at this moment, all gathered here regardless of the danger, constantly devouring those corpses.

At this time, a few terrible torrents of magic fell from the sky, and Thurithis' face changed greatly: "Not good!"

She didn't even have time to dispel those deep-sea Warcraft, only to turn into water and pull back hundreds of kilometers.

A dull explosion sounded, followed by a violent turbulence again, and the newly restored Sally Heath was voluntarily ran away by the turbulence, and she drifted away for a few kilometers in a blink of an eye.

"What a terrible power!"

Sally Heath was shocked: "What the **** happened at sea !?"

At the moment, she didn't care about the situation in Shanghai, and appeared at sea instantly.

The waves at sea level were very fierce, but there was no air around them, no ships, no Warcraft.


Another torrent of magic fell from the sky and shot directly into the sea!


Selise raised her head violently, flung her tail, and flew into the sky with flying. When she broke through the clouds and reached the sky, she was stunned and found a huge floating island.

"Heart of the Dragon!"

Selises suddenly returned to God: "Dragon's land! But why are they--"

She didn't even have time to think about why the Dragons attacked so fiercely, because several terrible torrents of magic blasted out!

She even watched the dragons cut off a corner of Long Island!

What the **** happened?

The Dragons even devastated their homes! ?

"Those dragons-they have magic crystal cannons !?"

After looking at Celeste for a moment, she realized that those terrible attacks were fired from the magic crystal cannon carried on the back of the dragon.

But although the power of the magic crystal cannon is powerful, it cannot be so strong!

what is the problem! ?

Cullys couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, a little closer to Long Island.

The closer the distance, the more shocked Selises felt.

Because she also discovered the cause of the fight.

Chaos creatures!

There are even chaotic creatures on Long Island!

Selise was almost scared into the sea.

Long Island!

The site of the dragon!

Chaos creatures hit here silently! ?

What makes her even more horrified is that if these chaotic creatures have gained the power comparable to dragons, how can they fight! ?

That will be the end of Plantar!

Sally Heathley's arrow rushed towards Long Island in general, intending to observe the situation closely.

As soon as she approached Long Island, she noticed that the power that had frightened her had exploded again.

The ten dragons carrying the magic crystal cannons dodged the crazy attack of the chaotic creatures and launched a counterattack at a strange angle. The bombardment of the magic crystal cannons repeatedly weakened the power of the chaotic creatures and their ability to recover Although extremely tenacious, under the powerful attack of the dragon, it still gradually fell into the downwind.

This was what Surrey Heath was surprised to discover, and it was Sasha Glott and Eniglota who led the attack!

The dragon king and the queen of the dragon were even shot, so we can see how bad the situation is!

At this time, Tang En, who was on the periphery of the battlefield, noticed that someone was coming, and looked intently, stupefyingly: "Sally Heath !?"

When she heard someone call herself, Selise turned her head and exclaimed, "Master!"

Thurris hastily flew to Tang En, and before she could say anything, she listened to the dragon beneath him and said, "It's been a long time, Thurris."

Thurrisis looked at the dragon under him in dismay, "are you?"


Selise was dumbfounded: "Elsa !? You are a dragon !?"

"The situation is complicated to say, what are you doing here?"

Tang En frowned, "It's dangerous here."

"What the **** is going on? How could Long Island be invaded by chaotic creatures !?"

Selise didn't bother to explain the situation on the sea floor, and hurriedly asked Tang En's current situation. Compared with the situation on the sea floor, the chaotic creatures here were more worrying.

"Things here are also complicated. I'll explain to you in detail later. I'd rather avoid it now."

Dunn dragged Selise onto Elsa, pointing to the battlefield in the distance and saying, "After all, now they all have red eyes, but they will not control their power."

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