Things from Another World

Chapter 951: Roar of victory

As Tang En said, the dragons headed by Sasaglotte really have red eyes.

I was blocked at the door of my house and harassed for more than ten years. Whoever put it on would be crazy.

Fortunately, the Dragon race is a long-lived species, which has better patience-even the best patience can be used up for a day.

And now, Tang En gave them a chance to vent.

Hey, magic cannon armor is a good thing.

Not only does it fully fit the dragon's body curve, but they can also exert their power perfectly. What's even better is that the perfect armor protection can help them resist the erosion of the power of chaos and greatly enhance their survivability.

What makes the dragons most happy is that they can use the magic cannon armor to play freely, and try to slap their mother, and they don't need to care about the chaotic creatures' ability to hang on.

Seizing this opportunity, Sasha Glott certainly hit her head.

This crazy bombardment continued from the morning to the evening, driving the chaotic creatures nearly a thousand meters away, and also cutting off the tens of thousands of tons of soil and stones that Long Island didn't know-fortunately those who were corrupted The earth and stones had been purified by Nora's realm of life when it fell, otherwise falling into the sea would also pollute the sea.

After a day of raging bombardment, Rao Sasha Glott gasped a bit.

"It seems that they cannot be completely resolved today! Retreat first! Tomorrow they will kill them tomorrow!"

Then the dragons began to withdraw from the battlefield in an orderly manner. The dragon that had rested in the previous battle took off again and began to harass the three chaotic creatures, but this time, their power was suppressed even lower.

The artillery armor created by Oliha Steel is red because of severe overload and is on the verge of collapse.

But Tang En was already satisfied.

No one had ever imagined that the magic artillery armor could last for so long. What was more unexpected was the continuous attack at that frequency and intensity. The dragon could support the power that had not been completely exhausted in a day.

Sure enough, it is a race open to all people!

"Today's results are good. The split-up secondary chaotic creatures have been almost completely cleaned up. The three main chaotic creatures have also been greatly weakened. Their power is weakened by more than half!"

At the bonfire party at night, Sasha Glott was in a very good mood. He even moved out his private wine to share with everyone. After a group of dragons had a happy drink, he shouted: "I couldn't kill them today. It's a pity that I didn't expect their endurance to be so tenacious, but tomorrow, it will be completely over! "

"Crush them!"

"Blast them into crap!"

"Let's toast His Excellency Tang En!"

The dragons drunk their heads with a wine barrel larger than the house, and Tang En, who was on the special table next to the campfire, was small and had no sense of existence.

Sasaglotte also reserved a barrel of wine for him, but looking at the volume of the barrel, Tang feels that this barrel of wine is enough for him to drink for a lifetime-he has seen a barrel with a diameter of dozens of meters and a height of dozens of meters. ?

This thing is simply a fermentation tower! ?

Although I do n’t like drinking very much, Tang En accepted this gift (no problem), because this wine is an authentic fruit wine made from the special fruits around the Dragon Island Order Temple. In plain words, this is an authentic magic wine. The wine contains all the natural treasures!

Although ordinary people don't want to go straight to become immortals, it is absolutely no problem to activate talent.

This is a real good thing, even if Tang En doesn't use it, it is also very good to take it back as a benefit and give it to his employees and soldiers who perform well.

The optimistic estimate is that this barrel of wine can at least help Tang En catalyze nearly 10,000 apocalypse, and 1% of people can awaken the mage talent to become the caster, which will increase a lot of R & D capabilities for Ellington's future. .

Tang En sipped the dragon island fruit wine with a fruity sip, and explained the situation of Dragon Island to Selise, and Selise understood the cause and effect.

After speaking, Tang En turned his words and looked at Seris Hess with a puzzled look: "Speaking of it, why did you come here suddenly?"

"What do you say!"

Selise was bitter for a while: "His Majesty the Dragon King's attacks hit the bottom of the sea, and the undersea plain around Vasquel was messed up. If it wasn't for Vasquiel's shield supported by his mother, She is expected to suffer as well. "

"So powerful?"

Tang En secretly said, he did not expect that after the weakening of the sea water, the power of the magic cannon could still hit the bottom of the sea.

"Isn't it!"

Sai Li Sisi complained: "Especially below Long Island, the bottom of the sea was blasted out into a crater.

Tang En mourned the fish who died for no reason for a second, and then said, "I can't do anything about it. They have been forced to go mad, and they have finally found a solution. They must be vented fiercely. No, go talk to the Dragon King? "

Sally Heath looked up at Sasha Glott. After turning her sharp teeth for a moment, she took a nap and shook her head: "Forget it, the Dragons have always been difficult to speak, I am very Curious how you maintain such a good relationship with them. "

"Well ..."

Tang En scratched his head, and then pointed at Elsa with a dumb look beside him. "Maybe it's because Elsa is a dragon."

Selise blinked: "Why haven't you heard about Elsa before?"

Tang En spread his hand: "We have only recently learned that the reason is quite complicated."

"I'm curious, can you tell me?"

"Then satisfy your curiosity."

Down, they talked with Thurishes late into the night, and after Sasha Glotte had eaten and sated, they went back to rest.

They drank magic wine with surging magic power, coupled with the dragon's innately powerful talent, took a night's sleep, and exhausted the magic power that will be restored when you wake up tomorrow morning.

Elsa and Elully couldn't carry it either, and went to bed first.

And Tang En talked with Celise Hess, and as a result, they talked, and Celise Hess couldn't help touching Tang En's hands.

She hasn't seen Tang En for a while, not to mention having a close relationship with Tang En.

Tang En murmured in his heart, and then the glamorous-looking Serisy threw him down.

Fortunately, this time she toppled Tang En in human form, so that Tang En's psychological shadow on Sea Snakes would not be reawakened.

One night passed, when Energetic Sasha Glott returned to the Temple of Order, Tang En hadn't got up, shouted a few times before awakening Tang En.

"what happened?"

Sasha Glott looked at Tang En with dark eyes more aggressively: "How do you see that the more you rest in the Temple of Order, the more tired you are? This shouldn't be!"

It's good to rest in the Temple of Order!

But you can't stand being crushed!

Yesterday's first taste of the forbidden fruit, Yi Luli has been begging for pleasure. Today, I have come to see Selise, who is even harder than Yi Luli. ?

Who am I to talk to! ?

Tang En, who was very aggrieved, could only say blankly, "It's not a matter of the Temple of Order. I don't think I can sleep well at home."

Sasha Glott suddenly realized: "This is so ..."

After a while, the dragons arrived. Under Sasha Glott's leadership, they were equipped again, and then the murderous Dragon Army flew to the battlefield in one go.

This time, they made up their minds to completely solve the three monsters today!


"Roar !!! Go to death monster!"

"--Um-- boom boom boom !!! ''

With the roar of the dragons, the terrible magic artillery continued to blast out, and once again landed on the battlefield.

Overnight time did not allow the chaotic creatures to split out many sub-individuals. As a result, the number of chaotic minions was greatly reduced, and the corruption area was further reduced, and the power of the chaotic creatures was greatly suppressed.

Nora opened up the realm of life again, further weakening the power of chaotic creatures.

The gentle force of life continuously purifies the diffuse chaos, limiting the range of movement of chaotic creatures and minions.

The area where they are being moved is getting smaller and smaller, which means that the efficiency of the magic cannon attack is higher, and the enemies that originally needed to fire several cannons can often be solved by one shot.

After yesterday's fierce battle, today the dragons are obviously more adapted to the magic cannon's armored combat style. They have been able to use many fancy flying techniques. Normal flight and jet flight are used alternately. The speed is unpredictable and strange. The measured shape makes it difficult for them to be hit by chaotic creatures.

But once they stopped, it was accompanied by a terrible magic cannon strike.

Although the chaotic creatures have weakened, today's fighting is more fierce than yesterday, and the resistance of the chaotic creatures is more tenacious.

It is worth mentioning that today, Illy also joined the battle-in addition to releasing the blessing of divine light, she also used the power of the artifact to summon a group of angels of light to assist the dragon in battle.

This angel of light is not a real angel, but an element-like creature composed of the power of the light. It belongs to an inanimate body. It can use the power of the light to fight. It is a high-level divinity. Looking at the entire Holy See, you can now use this. There are no more than one palm of magic.

The glowing angel of light travels between dragons and chaotic creatures. They use battle magic and chaotic creatures to fight. At critical moments, they will use their own bodies to block the attacks of chaotic creatures. Sometimes they will even rush straight up. Detonate.

Because the Angel of Light is formed by the pure power of the Light, it has a strong ability to suppress chaotic creatures. The self-detonation of the Angel of Light can bring them huge damage.

Under the fierce artillery bombardment of the dragons, the angels of light rushed up one after another to explode, continuously weakening the defense of the chaotic creatures. Finally, the balance of the war broke through the critical point and began to fall completely to the dragon!

"Come on!"

Sasha Glott finally yelled at the three chaotic creatures that were forced together below. After a short time of energy storage, the magic crystal cannons on their backs spit out all the magic power in one breath!

After the ten torrents of magic detached from the muzzle, they gathered together and turned into a devastating energy cannon with a diameter of nearly thirty meters, which directly bombarded the weak chaotic creatures overhead!

The world suddenly lost its color. In the paleness, the bodies of the three chaotic creatures were constantly bombarded by the torrent of magic, disintegrating, splitting, and finally falling apart!

This 16-year-long battle on Long Island has finally come to an end!

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