Things from Another World

Chapter 952: All crushed to death!

The ten first-generation dragons made a full blow to completely destroy the three chaotic creatures on Long Island, but the devastating force also completely blasted a corner of Long Island into dust and no longer existed.

Yu Wei's unrelenting force blasted into the abyss sea and penetrated into the abyssal basin. The explosion caused huge waves. The tsunami nearly 100 meters high formed on the sea level below Long Island and spread out in all directions.

If the tsunami is not interfered, not only Nanila in the west, but Fira in the northwest, and all towns along the coast of the Flash Coast, will be devastating.

"Sally Heath!"

"I see! Leave it to me!"

Selise immediately flew out and landed directly on the sea. She solemnly raised her staff. This time, instead of using the power of the Temple of Water, she intended to act as a goddess walker in the tsunami. The tsunami was calmed down in the early days.

Seeing that Selise was standing in the middle of a huge whirlpool, her body floated on the water without being affected by the sea water, and I couldn't help asking: "What is she doing?"

Tang En explained: "She is the representative of the goddess of water, Anita Lair, and the sacrifice of the temple of water. In terms of identity, her identity is similar to your status in the Holy See, so she can temporarily Goddess, gain the power to control the ocean. "

"She wants to calm the tsunami?"

"Yes, and this is not the first time she has done so."

As soon as Tang En's voice fell, the following Celises had already communicated. The ocean beneath her seemed to be an irrational child. She had just lost her temper, but in a blink of an eye, she devoted herself to her mother. In his arms, he turned into a well-behaved baby.

The blue halo covered the entire sea area, and the 100-meter-high tsunami stopped expanding outwards under her appeasement, but gradually calmed down.

It is obviously not easy to get hundreds of millions of tons of seawater back to the sea again.

Rao is Serisi, and calming down the tsunami also makes her very tired.

After the tsunami was calmed down by her, she didn't even have the energy to participate in the celebration party of the Dragon clan, said goodbye to Tang En directly, and merged into the seawater and returned to Vasquel.

Sasha Glott came over the probe and said a little embarrassedly, "We seem to have accidentally given Naga some trouble?"

"It's more than a little trouble? It's more than Naga?"

Tang En said angrily: "If it was not for Selise, you would have almost destroyed humanity with that shot."

The 100-meter-tall tsunami is not a joke. The huge waves that set off can even swallow hundreds of kilometers of land along the coast. Countless people will be drowned by the waves. Leaving aside the problem of seawater fading into land salinity. The devoured area occupies nearly half of the population and population of Prandall, and it is no exaggeration to say that it was an extinction.

The origin of this disaster is simply to deal with the three pseudo-legendary chaotic creatures.

"Sorry, I didn't hold back just now, I—"

Sasha Glott, who was talking, suddenly changed her face and turned her head sharply.

At the same time, Tang En noticed a change not far away, and suddenly his face was abnormally ugly: "Damn, it really came!"

After the death of chaotic creatures, a large amount of chaos will inevitably escape. Once the concentration of these chaos breaths exceeds a critical value, it will open the door of chaos. Judging by the power carried by the three pseudo-legendary chaos creatures, it will It is no surprise to open the door of chaos.


"How could this be!?"

Sasha Glott looked at the side of Long Island that had been cut off, and his face was extremely ugly.

After the rock wall was destroyed, a huge gap of more than 100 meters in diameter was exposed on the cliff of the floating island. There is a huge hollow, and the hollow has been completely corroded by the chaos atmosphere. In the dark cave, a The gates of chaos exuding an unknown atmosphere are constantly spinning, surrounded by chaotic minions.

In terms of scale, the scale of this chaotic gate is close to the limit of the medium-sized chaotic gate, even if the diameter does not reach 50 meters.

This is a very dangerous threshold. If it exceeds 50 meters, it can basically be judged as a large chaotic door. At that time, if you want to solve this chaotic door neatly, I'm afraid I can only use him again. "Nuclear weapons" again.

But at that time, I am afraid that the entire Long Island will be buried with this chaotic gate.

"I'm afraid this door of chaos has already appeared! Otherwise the surrounding rock formations would not have deteriorated so badly!"

Sasha Glott cursed with teeth and gritted teeth: "Abominable! The breath from the three chaotic creatures interfered with our detection!"

Had it not been for the chaos, Sanshaglot would have wondered if it was a sinister plan planned in advance.

"Stop scolding!"

Tang En's expression was very cautious: "It is imperative to resolve those chaotic minions. Be careful not to trigger their strengthening ability again. After destroying this chaotic gate, try to find out how big the corrupted area is."

The most feared thing now is that the corruption has penetrated into the depths of Long Island. If the entire underground of Long Island is corrupted, the problem will be a big deal.

I am afraid that the Temple of Order will also be affected!

"damn it!"

Sasha Glott cursed, "I just tried my best to solve the three chaotic creatures. I don't have much magic now, so I need to rest for a while!"

"Don't be nervous."

Tang En waved his hand and said unusually calmly: "All that is exposed now is chaotic minions. I can solve them. Now you take a break and pay attention to the appearance of native chaotic creatures."

As Tang En said, the vast underground cavity at this moment is full of tiny chaotic creatures, that is, small monsters he dubbed as Chaos Minions.

Unlike ordinary Warcraft, chaotic creatures have no fixed shape due to their disorder and chaotic characteristics. Here you can see the chaotic minions in weird shapes, which have all shapes-but the same feature is that they There will be foggy tentacles formed by the force of chaos on the body.

Those constantly waving foggy tentacles are the weapons of chaos creatures to attack, and they are also the fastest way for them to invade other creatures. Once they hit the target, the foggy tentacles can easily infuse the power of chaos into the target to complete the process of corruption.

Seeing that the chaotic creatures had swarmed towards them, Tang En no longer talked nonsense, beckoned and shouted, "Ready to get started!"

Nora fell on top of his head. The little guy said "Hey," the surging power of life centered on Tang En's head, covering the entire hole instantly, and the power of vitality fell on the chaotic creatures. It was as if the red-edged blade was cutting on butter, and a large swath of chaos breathed out of them, and they used it as a price to counteract the purification effect of the power of life.

At the same time, the emergence of the power of life also stimulated the door of chaos. Suddenly, the speed of the door of chaos accelerated a lot, more chaos minions rushed out of it, and rushed to the entrance.

The chaotic minions' grotesque mouths continued to emit harsh sounds like "咝 咝", and the chaotic rays emitted from the ends of their tentacles almost blocked the entire opening, making it completely inaccessible.

"Carved worm tricks!"

Tang En displayed flashes and attempted to rush straight into the hole, but after a period of dim appearance, he only appeared more than ten meters ahead.


Tang En frowned, his gaze fell on the dense chaotic rays in front of him, and he immediately realized when he saw the twisted space disturbed by the chaotic rays.

The effect of flash is to let the caster travel through a distance of space. This space is determined by two spatial coordinates. However, due to the interference of a large number of chaotic rays, the space in front is severely distorted, and the space coordinates are disordered. , Tang En's flash technique naturally failed.

"A Praying Arm—Elsa!"

Tang En waved his hand, and Elsa fluttered to his side immediately.

Tang En waved his hand, "Don't you want to try it out? Aim there and fire!"

Elsa was pleasantly surprised: "Is it really possible !?"

After getting permission from Tang En again, she immediately stabilized her body. The large magic crystal cannon directly locked the cave that continuously emits chaotic rays, and then the surging magic in her body began to quickly flow into the energy storage warehouse.

The series of actions of infusion-savings-pressurization-lock-launch-all in one go, just listening to the "hum" sound, the three-meter-thick magic cannon roared through the blockade of chaotic rays, tearing unreasonably. Broken everything along the way, all chaotic minions blocking the front were blasted to pieces!

Those escaped chaos still want to reorganize, how could Conola give them that kind of opportunity?

The field of life was compressed again, and almost all of its power was concentrated in the cave. The concentration of the power of life increased again, and the rock and soil that had been deeply corroded even faded to a certain extent.

The most important thing is that the chaotic minions bombarded by Elsa could not be reorganized at all, nor could they be absorbed by other chaotic minions. Those chaos breaths were directly purified!

Chaos Minions, which were affected by the power of the magic cannon, but failed to die on the spot, did not activate their strengthening characteristics. They are still the same, which made Tang En's heart settled.

"Fire! Fire! Fire!"

"Crush these nasty dregs!"

Tang En was very excited.

It's been so long since I came to Plantar, and finally, he finally came up with a weapon that can completely crush chaotic creatures!

Although the power of the magic crystal cannon has a limit, and it can only be used by dragons, what about it?

At least, the magic crystal cannon gave him a direction.

The development of energy weapons is promising!

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