Things from Another World

Chapter 953: Like a supernova

The world where Prendall lives is different from the world where the earth lives. This world has one of its biggest advantages: the ubiquitous magic.

If we can find a more efficient way to collect magic power and transform magic power (such as the source of magic power) and use the magic power directly, the energy weapons of this world will be invincible!

This is not exaggerated!

The magic that fills every corner of this world is simply a gift of God, and it is a unique advantage of this world!

Think of those convenient magic energy machines that Tang En has developed. They directly use magic to convert them into mechanical energy. The conversion efficiency is very efficient. Now this rough design scheme can achieve an energy utilization rate of 70 to 80%. The energy utilization efficiency of the early internal combustion engine was only about 40-50%, and the energy efficiency of the electric motor was higher, which could reach 80% to 90% or more. However, the motor was limited by the battery storage and electrical energy. .

But here in Prandall, the magic crystal is a natural large-capacity battery, and the magic array is the most efficient motor. As long as the magic is converted into mechanical energy, it can be applied on a large scale.

And energy weapons, to put it simply, the consumption of magic power has become more horrible, and a more efficient "battery" is needed to drive it.

This is back to the idea previously proposed by Tang En-to find a way to artificially synthesize ultra-high capacity magic crystals.

As long as this problem can be solved, super-powerful energy weapons will be just around the corner.

Closer to home, when Elsa bombarded the chaotic minions irrespective of consumption, the entire exposed cave was further damaged, and the cave opening became wider, with a diameter of more than two hundred meters. The flying debris contained The composition of a large number of floating stones drifted around after the explosion, and even blocked the vision of other dragons.

The chaos breath overflowing from the cave was too late to be leaked, and was completely blocked by Nora ’s opened life field, but because Nora stayed on Down's head for a while, causing those giants Long had a serious misunderstanding.

They thought that this life field was open by Tang En.

"I did not expect that His Excellency Tang En could use such a powerful force of life!"

A green dragon said very shocked: "This level of life force, I am afraid that even Marlow and Sheila are not comparable!"

Mallocchio, Tricia, Greece, the first green dragon, they are also the most powerful of all green dragons.

Sasha Glott was aggressive, too, isn't it?

Don't he be a magician? How can you use the power of life?

The power of life is not magic, nor is it a spell. It is closer to the category of divine magic. A legendary mage has not used magic but has used divine magic instead.

And the power of divine magic is so rampant! ?

How else does this mix with others! ?

Tang En didn't have much time to care about what they thought. After the crazy chaotic rays were completely blocked, he immediately began to prepare for a fierce attack-yes, it was the fire of the void.

As the frequency of using Void Power increases, Tang En's proficiency in controlling Void Power also increases, and now he can control the Void Power in his body well.

When Elsa attacked the chaotic minions, he condensed a sphere with a diameter of about twenty centimeters. The entire sphere was completely composed of the force of the void. After the almost transparent force of the void condensed and formed, the core turned out to be A small white light spot appeared. From the light spot, a beam of prism light was emitted on the outer wall of the light ball. Even when the light beam was swept, we could see some strange rays of stars. The magic around the light ball seemed Being pulled, a nebula-like vortex formed outside it, very mysterious.

The light ball emits very strange power fluctuations. For a while, not only the power of chaotic rays has weakened a lot, but even the magic of the surrounding chaos has been greatly suppressed.

"The power of the void ..."

Sasha Glott stared at the power of the void in Down's hand once again, and stared at the sphere, a deep trembling in his soul appeared as if it was a dread firmly in his bones.

What kind of power is that?

No one could answer him, even Tang En, who was able to use this power, did not know what the power of the void was.

Perhaps only the gods could answer his question, but would they, who had remained silent, really answer?

Tang En took a deep breath and shouted, "Elsa! Retreat!"

Elsa trembled, and after firing her last magic cannon, she lifted her head and a cobra screamed into the air, vacating the space for Tang En.

"Taste the taste!"

Tang En threw the sphere in his hand, and the target was the door of chaos.

To be honest, he doesn't know how powerful this hair is. He only knows that the power of the void has a strong purification and control effect on the power of chaos, and it may be used to attack the door of chaos.

But soon, he knew that he still underestimated the power of the void ...

When the sphere whistled and flew towards the gate of chaos, the chaotic minions rushed up to block the sphere. They also seemed to perceive a huge threat. The dense chaotic minions rushed forward and then were swelled by the force of the void. Devouring, their blockage is gaining time for the monsters in the rotating chaotic door, and a huge and extremely cricket monster stepped out of the chaotic door.

It just appeared. The temperature on the west side of the entire Long Island suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees, and a chill deep into the bone marrow spread instantly, making Tang En can't help taking a nap.

"It's Chaos Terror!"

Sasha Glott exclaimed, "Be careful!"

Chaos terrors are a kind of native chaotic creatures. They are very tall, at least fifteen meters high. The most powerful chaotic terrors ever seen in history are even as high as 100 meters. They can affect the minds of order creatures. Order creatures fall into deep fear, and their combat effectiveness plummets.

At the same time, they also have a very strong aura of corruption. Everywhere they go, they are light, and they can completely absorb the vitality in the depths of the earth and corrupt all life.

In the chaos invasion war, the place where there are chaos terrors often has the highest war damage ratio, and the casualties are heavy.

It can be said that Chaos Terror is a nightmare in the hearts of all survivors of Chaos Invasion War.

"——Gaa \ 'sss——"

An unknown low-pitched roar was issued in the huge cavity of Chaos Terror, which is certainly not a language, but more like the sound of air flowing through a cavity, but this sound has a terrible power, and its strength is weak. After hearing this voice, the dragon seemed to have lost consciousness at that moment and fell straight from the sky.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Nora immediately gave a helping hand. The warm power of life dispelled the negative forces on them. Then the dragons recovered their consciousness and flickered back into the sky, but they all hid far away. Now, I dare not come closer.

Not only those dragons, but Tang En, who is close at hand, is the most obvious impact-fortunately, human beings are more resistant to chaos, so he can barely maintain his actions.

As soon as Tang En bit his tongue, his pain irritated his brain, and he immediately woke up.

"—— 嗤嗤嗤 ——"

The sides of the chaotic horror body were twisted with numerous tentacles sticking out. Those tentacles flew towards the light ball formed by the force of the void, trying to block the light ball from advancing.

However, people are overjoyed that the light ball completely ignores the tentacles of the chaotic horror. The dense tentacles collapse when they touch the light ball. The chaos breath does not know whether it has been purified or devoured. Anyway, it disappears.

Although the speed of the light sphere is slow, it is like no one. When the light sphere reached the door of chaos, its diameter reached more than two meters, which was more than ten times larger than the original. The range of the nebula vortex has been expanded to ten meters, and the magical power condensed by it has acquired the characteristics of the power of the void. The thin nebula swept over the chaotic minions, and the chaotic minions disappeared directly.

"——Gaa \ 'sss——"

The Chaos Terror is completely unaware of what it fears. Its instinct, and also the chaos instinct, allows it to directly face the light sphere. When it enters the range of the nebula, a thick black mist appears on the huge body, constituting it. The chaos power of the body immediately dissolves and dissolves like Yangchun Baixue.

Not only that, but the breath it emits, the tentacles it emits, the rays it emits, etc., all have no choice but to take the light ball!

In the end, the light ball directly hit the body of the chaotic terror.

——The body of Chaos Terror is like a pencil drawing erased by an eraser. The place hit by the light ball disappears silently and silently!


It is a true erasure!

The rubbed edges are clean and neat, as if they didn't exist!

Tang En couldn't help but widen his eyes and was ecstatic in his heart.

The power of the Void is so powerful. If you can further master the skills of using it, will you not be able to use this power to perform beheading operations! ?

It is not important not to kill chaotic creatures on a large scale. As long as he can kill the most powerful ones, he can reverse the situation of the entire war!

We must further strengthen this training in the future!

What surprised him even more was that after the light ball penetrated the body of the chaotic horror, the remaining power of the chaos horror tried to reorganize the remaining body, but the nebula around the light sphere suddenly swallowed after consuming the power of chaos. Covered most of the body of the Chaos Terror-the light spots in the nebula later made its body a sieve!

A large block of chaos breath was stripped from the chaos terror, and then purified by the realm of life. When the chaotic terror separated from the nebula around the light ball, its volume had shrunk to one tenth of its original size, and its mastery power was weakened. To the limit!

Not dead! ?

Tang En just wanted to make up the knife, at this time, the light ball finally hit the door of chaos.

Immediately after, the light ball suddenly exploded!

Like a supernova!

At this moment, the sun was overshadowed!

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