Things from Another World

Chapter 959: good news

Riviez doesn't even need to calculate to know how big the opening of the air transport industry will be to the operation of the highway.

The investment of Star Diamond Bank in laying the highway was a huge sum. If the expected return could not be achieved, he would really vomit blood.

Tang En and the dwarfs are engaged in this air transportation industry to completely destroy the Great Wall!

Rivies was anxious, but Tang En smiled.

This is the effect he wants to see.

If they simply cooperate with Goblin to build a highway, they will definitely slack off over time. Business without competition is the easiest to make people lazy.

However, if the air transport industry that Tang En and the dwarf co-operate develops, in order to compete with air transport customers, Star Diamond Bank will have to find ways to improve the service quality of highway-related industries.

Although he was thinking of making them compete with each other, Tang En seemed to appease Rivies on the surface: "Don't worry, there is no competition between the air transport industry and the highway, but it is better to be complementary."

"What are you kidding me!"

"I am serious."

Tang En said: "First of all, although airships carry more cargo than wagons and wagons, the number of airships is far less than that, so there is no advantage in air transport for cargo. The only benefit may be faster Therefore, in terms of freight transportation, the main coverage area of ​​air transportation is high-value, small size, light-weight valuables, while land transportation does not have so many restrictions. "

"Second, the operating costs of airships are very high, so the fares will never be too low, and there are not many people who can afford the fares. Therefore, the main customers are nobles, wealthy adventurers, and willing to pay for them. The time businessman, and the price of the expressway is very low, and ordinary people can afford it, so there is no conflict in terms of customers, at most it is a bit superimposed. "

"Again, the route of air transportation is fixed, and it can only travel from one city to another. The distance is far away. The secondary cities are not currently considered to be included in the route. On the road, you don't have to worry about fewer customers. "

Having said that, Tang En smiled and said, "Actually, you should be happy. Once the air routes have been opened, there must be a secondary bus hub near the air tower in each city to facilitate the diversion of passengers. After arriving in the target city and leaving the aviation tower, you will definitely have to take the highway, so the utilization of the highway will be further improved. "

Rivies frowned. Although he intuitively told Tang that some information had been concealed, he had to say that the information he had revealed so far was barely good news.

Although he wouldn't fully believe in Don, at least now, Riviez's anxiety is really less.

After thinking about it, Tang En decided to give his partner a little confidence, so he sat down in front of him and said to Levys in a mysterious manner: "Secretly tell you a good news, the highway The golden age is coming. "

"Who do you lie to?"

Leviz sneered, saying that the golden age was obviously the last glorious period. After air transportation began in the future, the traffic on the expressway will definitely be greatly reduced.

"Don't believe it, do you know why?"

Tang En smiled and said, "Because, the private magic car developed and developed by our Datang Heavy Industry will be brought to the market."

Levys snapped: "A private magic car? What is it?"

Tang En pointed to the magic tricycle under him and said, "Similar to this custom-made vehicle for you, but smaller in size, it is a four-wheeler, and a new multi-person vehicle for families. Equipment, the purpose is to replace the carriage, the highway is basically prepared for it. "

Riviz's brain turned instantly. What does a new multiplayer vehicle for the home target mean? What does it mean to replace the carriage? What can it bring to the highway?

With this kind of thing, it is easier and faster for people to travel as a family, and it is easier to travel far away.

Replacing the carriage means that this magic car can be more comfortable and faster, and the loading capacity can be comparable to the carriage to a certain extent.

The expressway is laid in advance for this vehicle design, which means that this vehicle will perform the best on the highway ...

This also means that the potential customers who use the highway will increase greatly in the future!

A series of pushes down, Riviz suddenly found that this new vehicle that has not yet been released can really bring huge profits to the highway!

"My friend, you did not abandon me!"

Leviz almost happily rushed to hug Tang En, scared Tang En back a few steps, and said calmly, "I will never hurt my allies."

"You're right, I blame you."

When Levyz thought that there would be a steady stream of magic cars on the expressway, every customer took the initiative to put the money in his own hands, and he was overjoyed.

Rivies couldn't wait to ask, "Can you tell me how long the Magic Car will be available?"


Tang En figured it out in the mind. The next priority of the Datang Chamber of Commerce is basically to build an aviation tower in advance, use the prototype to train flight attendants, and begin to warm up the promotion of the magic car. According to the current magic car A small amount of production can be started at the beginning of next month. At the same time that the Magic can start shipping, the airship will also begin production.

According to the industrial capacity of the Datang Chamber of Commerce and the processing capacity of Gear City, Clotto estimates that seven civilian airships can be produced in a month-don't think it is less, the processing of this gadget is quite difficult, and the speed is because of unload Many heavy weapons were dropped, otherwise it would be against the sky to produce three ships per month.

However, considering the significance of the construction of the air transport network in the later period, Tang En decided to tilt resources to this aspect. Please ask Jean Angus Serna who is free to help those engineers with an acceleration technique to improve In terms of production efficiency, dozens of civilian airships were first produced in the early stage, and the aviation network in Plantar was built up.

Rivies hurried: "You give an accurate date."

Tang En had no choice but to say: "It will be launched on the market early next month, but if it is to be sold on a large scale, I am afraid it needs to be taken slowly."

With the introduction of the magic car to the market, those businessmen with a keen sense of smell will soon converge like sharks, and related industries will flourish immediately. After the related industrial chain is complete, the corresponding spare parts capacity will also increase. The overall production speed will be greatly improved.

"Well, is that really the case?"

Leviz sighed, "I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

"No way, capacity constraints."

Tang En sighed, "We are short of people."

The development of large industries often requires a large number of grassroots workers. If there are sufficient manpower to use them, where will Tang En be so frightened? Opening up production directly, you can even consider parity sales to achieve the purpose of promoting products as soon as possible.

But not now.

Had it not been for the existence of artificial souls and alchemists to some extent make up for the shortage of labor, I am afraid that whether it can be put into production is a big problem now. How dare he concentrate all the workers in this area.

"Anyway, that's good news."

Levy's fat fingers rubbed his chin without knowing how many layers of fat were piled up. "Since this, I think the existing highway construction project should be further accelerated."

Family cars will soon be available, which means that there will be a blowout period in the utilization of the highway. If the highway network of the Roninante Kingdom has not been completed before then, it will not be able to catch up with this. It's a good time to make money.

Not only to improve the highway network as soon as possible, but also to negotiate with the Datang Chamber of Commerce on the import business of the magic cars, otherwise you can only stare if they don't sell to the Kingdom of Roninante.

Thinking of this, Riviez immediately put forward his own ideas with Tangen with a smile.


Tang En looked at Rivies in amazement: "I don't mind, but even if you sell it to you, you probably can't use it now."

Levys was puzzled: "Why?"

"Because your city has not undergone modern transportation transformation."

Tang En gave a very innocent show of hand: "Now the major cities of the Illus Empire have completed their traffic reconstruction. All roads have been replaced with asphalt roads. They are also equipped with traffic police and traffic lights. The residents have also indirectly passed the Datang Daily. Received training in transportation knowledge, so private cars can be sold in the Illus Empire, and the accident rate will be very low. "

"But the Kingdom of Roninante cannot. The traffic here has not been transformed, the roads are bumpy, and the residents have no sense of observing the traffic. The most important point is that there are no buses here. How can people know how to avoid Car this? "

The apocalypse is not afraid of being hit by a car, but ordinary people are hit by a car, but that would be terrible.

In order to prevent problems, Tang En and Fiona have discussed the countermeasures long ago. The speed of the first magic cars will be limited to below 40 kilometers per hour when they leave the factory. Only when they gradually get used to them After observing the traffic rules and no accidents occurred for a period of time, you can go to the service point set up by the Datang Chamber of Commerce to lift the restrictions and further increase the speed.

"So many issues are involved ..."

Rivies frowned, and the traffic reforms in the major cities of Ronitante involved more aspects, even if he could not decide, this kind of thing can only allow Tang to go to discuss with His Majesty Oscar, let him Just take your idea.


Riviez thought that he could produce a relevant analysis document to explain the huge potential benefits to Oscar, and I believe he would never refuse.

After all, Ronitan is a business kingdom, and no businessman will refuse profit.

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