Things from Another World

Chapter 960: Furious Klein the Great

Riviez's action was very efficient. As soon as Tang En left, he immediately started to organize the documents. At the same time, he and Tang En agreed on the order, and used the power of the Dragon to pass it to all the first time. Star Diamond Bank Branch.

The next day, the Kingdom of Solant, the City of Anthem, the Royal Palace, and the Throne Room.

Emperor Klein sitting on the throne looked down at the ministers below: "Ministers, are there any objections to the Sorant coin?"

A minister's eyes were low, and he was frightened and said, "Your Majesty, do you really want to do this?"

Klein stared at the minister with a dim glance: "Marquis Topney Hogman, do you have any opinion on the decision of the King?"

The Marquis Hogman shuddered and said, "Is it too reckless to set up the Sorante Mint? This will completely break us from the Holy See ..."

"Huh! The Holy See only represents the divine power, but the King represents the royal power, and the divine power has no right to interfere with the royal power."

Emperor Klein snorted and patted the handrails coldly, saying, "One day, when I am in all directions, I will ask Nasolez XXIII to kneel down and crown me, and recognize my family. The status of the king, I want to move that bright cathedral to the city of chants, I want to let the kings of Solant become the center of the human race! I want to set foot in all directions, let the clans come, and let them know, The future of Prendall belongs to humans after all!-Marquis Hogman, do you have any comments !? "

The Marquis Hogman was astringent, but he dared not say anything. The Klein Emperor apparently could not listen to persuasion at this moment.

A group of ministers looked at the Marquis Hogman gloatingly, and went to touch the mold when Emperor Klein was angry. What did this guy think?

What do you think?

The Marquis Hogman is one of the few sober people. He has his own secret news channels, and he is very aware of the recent changes in the Illus Empire. .

In fact, the family of the Marquis Hogman was rather unlucky. They were originally members of the Illus royal family, but their family's territory was in the territory of the current Kingdom of Solant. When the soldiers rebelled, he happened to separate his territory from the Empire of Illus. To preserve his family, Topney's grandfather had to turn to Archduke Solant.

Topney's grandfather had never thought of making credit, but only wanted to make no mistakes, but what made people laugh was that several misguided experiences made them sweat in the independence process of Grand Duke Solant. Horse labor.

This is good. His grandfather was originally just an earl. After the independence of the Kingdom of Solant, with the unintentional neutrality, he was awarded the hereditary marquis by the Grand Duke of Solant.

Topney's grandfather was dumbfounded and he didn't know what to do. Although his heart was in the Empire of Illus, he enjoyed a higher status in the Kingdom of Sorant ...

Although he is very attached to his current position, Topny ’s grandfather is a devout believer in the Holy See. He is very clear that the Illuss is the human king recognized by the Holy See. The grace of God, no matter how glorious the Solent Kingdom is now, will eventually decline.

Therefore, a long time ago, the Hogman family began to secretly communicate with the Illus royal family, continuously secretly transmitting information, and became the undercover of the Illus Empire.

The information that Alleria had received about Klein the Great to set up the Solant Mint was sent by him secretly.

But now, it is obvious that Emperor Klein is about to play, and the Marquis Hogman cannot stop it ...

Marquis Hogman found that his undercover status was probably perceived by Emperor Klein.

Let me say a few more words, I am afraid that the head will really fall.

Great God of Light ...

If possible, please stop Klein the Great's crazy behavior!

The Marquis Hogman had to pray to the omnipotent **** of light in his heart.

"If there is no objection, implement it as soon as possible. Next, let's discuss the things of the heathen group of Lothermar-"

The King Klein's words have not fallen yet, and a palace guard suddenly opened the door and rushed into the throne room, shouting in panic: "Not good! Your Majesty! Not good!"

Emperor Klein was furious: "Pan Zhang Zhangcheng what is the system! Come on! Drag it and hang yourself!"

The guards on both sides took a big step. Just before the colleague was about to win, the guard flung himself to the ground with one knee and said in panic: "Your Majesty! Please listen to me first! The big thing is not good- —The Star Diamond Bank Sorant Sub-branch posted an announcement on the bulletin board at the gate! They said that they had received a notice from the Holy See, and the Holy See has now only acknowledged and only acknowledged Illus gold coins and the central bank of Plantand The legal tender status of the new version of the banknotes! Any other form of gold coins will not be accepted! And the private currency minting will punish the crime of private currency counterfeiting! "


Klein the Great suddenly became furious: "How dare they !?"

This announcement notice of Star Diamond Bank is obviously issued in response to the decision of King Klein to set up the Solant Mint, which is obviously to draw his face in person!

The soldier shouted: "Also, and, above, and above, Star Diamond Bank supports the currency reform policy of the Ilurus Empire. Anyone found to use private money will be frozen. Property and be permanently blacklisted by Star Diamond Bank! "

Klein was shocked. The previous one can be understood as the Star Diamond Bank was coerced by the Holy See, so it was a last resort announcement, but the nature of the latter sentence is serious!

This means that even Star Diamond Bank has also stated its position!

Star Diamond Bank itself is nothing, it is just a group of goblin industries, and no matter how rich it is, it is just a fat sheep that can be harvested at any time.

However, everyone knows who is behind Star Diamond Bank!


The statement of Star Diamond Bank means that it is the statement of Dragon!

Those dragons who like the golden gold coins the most will support the currency reform of the Illus Empire, supporting them to use scraps of paper and exchange the gold in their hands! ?

The gods are on!

Are they crazy? ?

Emperor Klein's face was extremely ugly: "What else is on the announcement? Let's say it all together!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The guard continued to read everything else in the announcement: "The Star Diamond Bank also gave a redemption time, only one month, after which more than one month, all other gold coins except Illus gold coins will be treated as Invalid currency, the value of the currency is not recognized, and the Ilurus gold coin will be completely replaced by paper money after a short period of mixed circulation. Now people are crazy, all holding the gold coin hidden in the home to the star. Diamond banks require exchange— "

Emperor Klein was even more angry, slamming a punch, and a loud bang. The floor of the throne hall was blasted by a deep pit over five meters in diameter on the ground of the throne hall.

"How dare they !!!"

Emperor Klein was completely understood, this is definitely the Illus Empire behind the trick! Otherwise, how could Star Diamond Bank release such a delicate announcement at such a delicate time?

He blocked the road in front of him before he set up the Sorant mint!

He could indeed continue to set up the Solant Mint, but would that be useful?

Now, residents of the Kingdom of Solant are probably saving in Star Diamond Bank. If Star Diamond Bank announced that they would not accept Solant Gold Coins, they would never exchange their gold coins for Solant Gold Coins!

Because more than 90% of the merchants' savings are stored in Star Diamond Bank, they can hardly imagine how they would trade after losing Star Diamond Bank.

This is the terrible thing of monopoly banks!

But the thing that made Klein the most sad was that he couldn't do anything with Star Diamond Bank!

The dragon, the most powerful and scary creature of Plantar, no one, no one has the courage to enemies with the dragon.

Also included the Klein the Great.

He has ambitions, but he is not a fool and cannot swell to the point that he can confront the dragon with the power of the Kingdom of Solant.

"Don! Well!"

Emperor Klein turned blue, clenched his fists, and yelled, "There must be a battle between you and me!"

Klein was aggrieved and angry.

Originally thought that the currency reform of the Illus Empire would be a golden opportunity, and finally the Thorant Kingdom could be completely rid of the shadow of the Illus Empire-an independent kingdom, but still using Illu The currency of Sri Lanka sounds like a joke!

However, the Star Diamond Bank was just a fluttering announcement, which utterly destroyed his wonderful plan.

This is an irresistible conspiracy, and it is also a sinister family plan!

Why do you say that?

Because there is still a large amount of former Korean currency in the Treasury of the Kingdom of Solant. Now, due to the limitation of the exchange period, in order to ensure that his wealth does not depreciate, he must complete the currency exchange with Star Diamond Bank within the period!

In other words, facing Tang En's conspiracy, he not only had no way to resist, and even tolerated the other party.

Shame, this is downright shame!


Klein couldn't contain the anger in his heart. The shame he suffered at this moment must be returned to the guy thousands of times!

When Sorant's army iron feet broke through Alinks, he must let Tang En kneel down and lick his boots!

"Sir, what shall we do now ..."

"To shut up."

Klein Tieqing said with a blank face to the Minister of Finance: "Count the gold coins of the previous dynasty, and then ... bring the Royal Commissioner of Star Diamond Bank and exchange them all!"

"Uh, what about the Sorant coinage ..."

"Still casting your MB!"

Klein the Great could not bear it, and turned and growled, "Gold coins that cannot be circulated, you make yourself play !?"

Star Diamond Bank does not accept it, and it is basically no different from being inaccessible.

In this case, the Sorant mint also made a fart!

Emperor Klein waited to kill the minister: "Go! Get me all!"

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