Things from Another World

Chapter 961: King of Marines

Tang En cleverly leveraged an insidious family plan to shatter the dream of Emperor Klein, and disturbed the Kingdom of Solent almost up and down. Emperor Klein was furious, but what about himself? But without such consciousness at all, he was still steadily step by step in Ellington according to his own plan.

A few days later, in the middle of the month of celebration, Ellington, Datang Heavy Industry, also known as Datang Maneng Machinery Factory.

Tang En, Fiona and others stood at the exit of the production workshop and watched a brand new magic car leaving the production workshop and entering the warehouse, and everyone was very excited.

"At present, the production of magic cars can stably assemble 50 cars on one production line a day. With nine production lines fully open, high, middle and low gear can produce 150 cars each day. At present, the existing inventory of each series has exceeded 2,000 cars. At the current production rate, at the beginning of the declining month, we can export more than 4,000 magic cars to the market for each series. "

According to Tang En's order, the redesigned civilian-level magic car will be divided into high, middle and low third gears, which respectively deal with three consumption levels of nobles, businessmen, and well-off families, and the price directly opens the gap.

The high-end Maneng sedan is named "Datang". It is made of universal alloy, with interior solid wood decoration, Palermore leather seats, with heating and cooling air conditioning, adjustable seats, etc. The price is tentatively priced at 10,000 gold.

The mid-range magic car is named "Da Song". The main frame is made of universal alloy. The interior is also decorated with solid wood. The seat leather is made of ordinary animal skin. It also comes with heating and cooling air conditioning, adjustable seats, etc. The tentative price is 5000 gold.

The low-end magic car is named "Daming". Most of them use ordinary steel. Only the key structure is made of universal alloy, the interior is decorated with rubber, and the seats are made of ordinary cotton. In order to reduce the cost, the heating and cooling air conditioners are cancelled. The fixed price is 1,000 gold.

At the same time, in order to widen the gap between the price of motorcycles and motorcycles, motorcycles on the market will be sold at reduced prices. Motorcycles that originally sold for 500 gold will be promoted at 40% off the event price, which is 300 gold-of course. In order to promote paper money, the price of this event can only be obtained by trading with paper money.

Fiona frowned and asked, "Our sudden price cuts of this magnitude will definitely cause complaints from consumers who bought motorcycles recently. Is it too sudden?"

Tang En shrugged and said, "Tell them to buy early and enjoy early, and buy late with discounts."

"What a rogue statement ..."

Fiona sighed and could only remember what Tang En meant.

"When it was launched in the market in the early stage, remember that the advertisement was a highlight, and try to spread the matter of the magic car as widely as possible, not only to the people of Illus, but also to the people of other countries."

Tang En smiled and said, "Isn't King Klein dragging? At that time, I will make his citizens cry and beg to run to buy our things."

With a smile, Fiona smiled. Although Tang En's statement was a bit exaggerated, it was not exaggerated. In fact, once such a convenient and efficient means of transportation came out, it would definitely cause those people with economic strength to rush.

Not to mention, in terms of comfort alone, the magic car has crushed the carriage countless times. In addition, the private car can travel quickly and easily without waiting for the bus or booking a carriage. Those who require it will definitely choose to buy one.

According to the current rapid income growth, even ordinary urban families in the Illus Empire can save up to the end of the year to buy a low-end magic car, let alone Ellington. In Datang Supported by the amazing profitability of the Chamber of Commerce, the monthly salary of the frontline employees of the Datang Chamber of Commerce has risen rapidly, breaking the 300-month monthly salary line, and the income has surpassed Alinks, and it has become the highest income of the Illus Empire region.

Coupled with the consistent internal employee preferential price policy of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, I am afraid that there will be a steady stream of vehicles here in Ellington.

Soon the bedding work done by Tang En will play its due role, restrain the chaotic traffic conditions, and let them get used to obeying the rules.

"By the way, what's going on with the relevant shops supporting the Magic Car?"

Fiona said without hesitation: "The stores have been selected in various cities and are being renovated. They will definitely be completed when they are officially listed. Rest assured."

"What about driving training schools?"

"It has also begun to be implemented. Led by Princess Aurelia, she has won a large area in each first-tier city, which is completely available for us to open a driving school."

Fiona smiled and said, "After all, how do you think of supervising vehicles through car licenses and supervising drivers through driver's licenses? It's absolutely terrific."

Tang En smiled. This was not something he had come up with, but the precious experience gained on the earth after one or two hundred years of practice.

If it weren't for the current cost of using magic monitoring, Tang En would like to set up monitoring at the intersection.

Now the people in Prendall are not yet suitable for motor vehicles. There must have been a lot of early violations. Tang En has told Aurelia in particular that he must do a good job of preparing for education, supplemented by punishment. Stimulate people's dislike of motor vehicles, and guide them to correctly understand this new thing.

He was afraid that people's resistance to the Magic could be caused by frequent accidents, and it would be difficult to correct it again.

It's not trouble, but I don't want to waste time.

"The matter of the magic car is related to the formation of the next transportation network. It is very important. It can even slow down the construction of the aviation tower at any time."

Tang En told Fiona, and said, "I'll leave it to you. I'll go to the Black Stone Cave."

Fiona nodded. "Okay."

After Tang En left the factory, he was transported directly to the Black Rock Cave. When he found Nokia, he couldn't wait to ask: "How is the condition of the tank?"


Nokia made a very exaggerated move, proudly said: "The improved tank performance is perfect, maneuverability, firepower performance, continuous combat performance, defensive performance, etc. have reached a perfect balance point, the first batch of tanks has been After comprehensive testing, it has reached the actual combat level and can be pushed to the battlefield. "

Due to the superior performance of the psychedelic gold, after the tank was redesigned, the armor used a psychedelic gold material, which can well resist the threatening spells. In addition to the nature of the psychedelic gold, it is also very strong against physical attacks. Not to mention that other countries in Prendall are still in the age of cavalry archery. Even if this tank is taken to the earth, the performance will not be worse-of course, the central control computer and fire control radar To get rid of it, to put it together is to bully people.

"Take me to see."

Nokia brought Down to the square where the tanks were parked, and some gnome and dwarves were maintaining the tanks at this moment.

After several discussions and adjustments by Tang, Croto and Nokia, the current tank vehicle design is almost the same as the tanks on the earth. However, due to the special nature of Prendall ’s magic modification technology, the overall structure is more concise. The front armor The side armors are all psychedelic gold, and the main body is a sturdy 400mm universal alloy. This thickness of universal alloy is a headache even for the gold-level apocalypse.

The design of the all-terrain track has not changed, but due to the addition of floating stones, the weight of the tank has been greatly reduced, so even though the volume is huge, the weight has been reduced by one-half and the maneuverability is extremely strong.

The main gun of the tank is an exaggerated 150mm caliber artillery. It adopts the structure of an electromagnetic cannon. It uses magic power to convert electromagnetic energy to launch projectiles through electromagnetic ejection. It has the advantages of fast speed, powerful power, small recoil, and low consumption.

Prandall's goblin gunpowder has amazing explosive power, and the explosive power of shells is extremely large. At the same time, the ammunition used by this giant artillery also has a wide variety, not only armor-piercing shells and high-explosive shells, but also improved mixed damage shells, which are equipped with Cannonballs of various spells.

Due to the use of new artificial souls and alchemy to achieve automatic loading technology, the tank's main gun fires at a rate of six rounds per minute, which is already very fast for the tank.

The tank secondary gun is a derivative of the array missile launcher "Storm". It is installed above the tank and can fire twelve 80mm caliber missiles at a time to cover the target area.

At the same time, the tank is also equipped with a 15mm high-caliber high-fire rate machine gun. This machine gun is exactly the same as the previous shipborne type, but this time it is mounted on the tank. Depending on the ammunition capacity brought by the large internal space of the tank, this machine gun can In a very short time, a terrible metal storm pours out to the enemy. Even if it is chaotic minions, it will be beaten into dregs when facing such a terrible and dense bullet storm.

In addition, it may be the indigenous thinking habits of the local indigenous people of Prandall. They also added a row of sharp collision angles at the front of the tank-maybe they are thinking that after the ammunition is finished, they can directly drive up and hit people or use them as offense. City weapons come crashing into the door?

What I have to say is that this row of collision angles adds a bit of aura to the tank, more like an out-of-the-box war weapon.

It is said that they also installed experimental flying devices on the tank, and plan to make it land and air in the future ...

At the first glance at those tanks, Tang En felt an upsurge. After traveling through Prandall for so long, he kept burying himself in farming and climbing technology for what purpose?

For this moment!

As soon as the steel torrent came out, why did those indigenous people fight him! ?

Klein the Great is not convinced? Want to fight with me?

At that time, the tank army is under pressure, I don't see if you are convinced!

Playing is super technological crush!

With this king of war, even ordinary soldiers can face up with chaotic creatures!

Nokia laughed: "These tanks have been in production for a while, and our engineers love them. They have been driving here and tested many times. Once, the lizards did n’t know why they touched them. They drove the tanks directly to the lizards. People crushed into pieces, haha. "

"I am very satisfied!"

Tang En said very happily: "All members involved in the development of the tank each rewarded 1,000 gold for encouragement, I hope everyone continues to work hard."

Nokia did not pay much attention to the money, he said: "Everything else is fine, the world is peaceful now, it is a pity to have no chance to test the actual combat capabilities of these tanks."

"A real test?"

Tang En smiled and said, "Don't worry, now I will give you this opportunity!"

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