Things from Another World

Chapter 962: To the front

Klein the Great is not convinced? Want to fight with me?

At that time, the tank army is under pressure, I don't see if you are convinced!

Playing is super technological crush!

With this king of war, even ordinary soldiers can face up with chaotic creatures!

Nokia laughed: "These tanks have been in production for a while, and our engineers love them. They have been driving here and tested many times. Once, the lizards did n’t know why they touched them. They drove the tanks directly to the lizards. People crushed into pieces, haha. "

"I am very satisfied!"

Tang En said very happily: "All members involved in the development of the tank each rewarded 1,000 gold for encouragement, I hope everyone continues to work hard."

Nokia did not pay much attention to the money, he said: "Everything else is fine, the world is peaceful now, it is a pity to have no chance to test the actual combat capabilities of these tanks."

"A real test?"

Tang En smiled and said, "Don't worry, now I will give you this opportunity!"

No actual testing opportunities? What a joke!

Now it's hot in the Rift Valley!

The recruits, under the leadership of Aegwynn, Saratimore, and Lyon, head of the Knights Templar, have been tempered for a while, and have become old churros.

Relying on the new armor and weapons provided by Ellington and the divine magic of the Templars, the combat power of the soldiers has skyrocketed, and the massive installation of the blood of the goddess and the returning crystal has given them a strong Life-saving ability, able to fight stubbornly until the last second before leaving the battlefield.

Thanks to these equipment and materials, tens of thousands of soldiers in the Great Rift Camp have been fighting for so long, and there have been less than a thousand sacrifices-these sacrifices have been attacked by demons, and they did not have time to escape using the return crystal of.

The demons who came to the surface were firmly blocked by the army of Illus near the Great Rift, almost impossible to move, and now it has completely turned into a **** battlefield.

The trade route that originally crossed the Great Rift Valley between Yalinks and Taris also had to change course due to the fierce war and spared more than 100 kilometers to the east.

But what I have to say is that because of the **** battles of these soldiers, the ferocious demons were blocked there and the peace of Prendal was maintained.

If Tang En is now taking these tanks to the Great Rift Valley camp to support their operations, I believe they will be happy and crazy.

Great Rift Camp, Central Operations Command Room.

Depp asked Locke next to him: "Is there less pressure on the southern front after His Excellency Saratimore has passed?"

"Just after being notified, the pressure on the front has been reduced a lot, and the wounded soldiers finally have time to breathe."

Locke shrugged and said, "The blood of the goddess sent from behind is still sufficient. Give them a meal and they can jump back and forth without worrying."

"I'm not worried about their survival, I'm worried about their energy."

Depp rubbed his temples helplessly: "Although the blood of the goddess can ensure that our lives are worry-free, our warriors are exhausted and they need to rest."

"According to previously observed rules, after this wave of peaks, the demons will dormant for about ten days, maybe we can rotate them to return to Ellington to rest."

Locke smiled. Although he said so, he didn't care too much.

The soldier's mission is to fight. Even if he died on the battlefield, he could not be tired. When he was the head of the mercenary regiment, he did not fight for a long time when exploring the ruins in the wild. He was already used to this life.

"The Northern Line is assisted by His Excellency Egwin. Those demons are almost crushed. Fortunately, there is no such role as the Archduke Demon. Maybe they are all entangled in the **** battlefield by the demons of Purgatory Abyss."

Depp sighed and said, "As long as the two north-south lines are stable, the central battlefield need not worry about the collapse, and the guerrillas handed over to the Holy See can be harvested."

"I'm worried about Grantia now," Locke said, "She has to run to find Lord Egwin. If it affects his battle, I'm afraid it will be bad."

Depp smiled and said, "Rest assured, Lord Aegwynn is a legendary hero of the Elves, and it is impossible for Grantia to affect her operations."

Tang En stepped in, "What are you talking about?"

"His Majesty!"

Depp and Locke were taken aback, and hurried to one knee: "Salute to you!"

Tang En waved his hand: "No polite, you know I hate that."


After Depp got up, he recounted what Tang just discussed with Tang En.

Tang En was shocked when she heard: "That little lady's skin even ran here !? This is not scientific! Her identity card does not have permission to transmit here!"

Depp and Locke suddenly looked at each other.

"Abominable! Sure enough, we can't relax for a moment!"

Seeing that Lily Woman was going to harass her sweetheart, Tang En was anxious: "Where is Aegwin? I must go to her quickly!"

"Master Aegwynn leads the soldiers on the northern front--"

Before Depp had finished speaking, Tang En rushed out, but then he ran back again: "Where is the northern front?"

"Uh, about fifteen kilometers north of the Great Rift Valley, you can find it all the way north."


Tang En nodded, and said before turning around: "By the way, I came here to give you a surprise, I hope you will like it, wait for Nokia to explain it to you!"

When Depp and Locke chased out of the command room, Tang En hurried up into the sky and flew north.

"A surprise? What surprise?"

Both of them were a little puzzled. At this moment, a guard ran over in a hurry, his face full of shock: "Two adults! Something came out of the teleportation--strange things--you better come and take a look ! "

Depp and Locke looked at each other and said involuntarily: "Your Majesty's" surprise "!"

They hurried forward, and before approaching the teleportation array, they already saw the huge halo above the teleportation array. Through the twisted portal halo, they could probably tell that the other side of the portal was a black stone cave.

At this time, weird metal chariots were passing through the portal in an orderly manner, forming a line in the square.

"Gods are on!"

Depp exclaimed, "What is this !?"

"Looking at the barrel above, it should be a weapon!"

Locke took a breather: "It also has missile launchers and high-speed machine guns on it. It must be a combat vehicle!"

"Your vision is very good!"

A voice suddenly sounded beside him, and Locke turned his head but found no one.

"Look down! Look down! You abominable humans! Why are they so tall!"

Locke looked down and found a little annoyed Nokia, and immediately accompanied the smile and said, "Sorry, Master Nokia! This is just my habit, not rude."

"I know! So I'm just annoyed why your God made you so high when you created you!"

Nokia was a little annoyed. His response was similar to that of Brian before, but Brian has been accustomed to living in a tall human group for a while now. When encountering such things, he occasionally hacks himself, ridiculing that You should go to work as an assassin or something.

"This must be a powerful weapon developed by Master Nokia, right? It looks so shocking--looking at the front angle, it looks awesome!"

Nokia said angrily: "I just praised you for having a good vision. Now I withdraw that sentence. This design style is obviously owned by Master Tang En, and Master Klotto and I are just involved in the design."

It really is a good thing made by Her Majesty Tang En!

Depp's eyes flashed: "What's the name of this weapon?"

Nokia climbed onto the crawler deck of the tank next to it and said, "Master Tang En called him a tank. Master Croto and I felt that this thing should be called an armored chariot. However, Master Tang En said that a tank is an armored chariot, so Let's call it a tank. "


Locke stunned: "It feels that this thing is too far from your gnome steam battle tank."

"Right? Do you think so?"

Nokia shrugged: "Master Tang En called it anyway-not to mention nonsense, this time a group of our engineers came to teach you how to use this guy as soon as possible, believe me, you will fall in love with it."

"Now entering the battlefield !?"

Depp was overjoyed: "I'll call someone right away!"

"A tank needs four people to work together. There are 20 tanks in this batch. At least 80 people will be required!"

Nokia hurriedly reminded him: "Remember to be smart and smart! I don't want to waste time teaching some idiots!"

"Eighty smart warriors, I see!"

Depp immediately rushed to call people, and Locke, who was still in place, went round and round around the tank. The more he liked it, the tougher the lines, the thick armor, the stern shape, and the thick barrel. At a glance, you can see that you win with armor and firepower, and it will definitely be used in the battlefield.

Nokia smiled proudly: "Do you like it? If you like it, you can try it later."

"Of course I like it! Don't say anything, look at this sturdy armor! The gods are on top, how much multi-purpose alloy it will consume! The swords of ordinary soldiers will be hard to hurt, and the heavy body will be crushed without knowing it How many soldiers can be killed. "

Locke feels that if there is no threat of chaotic creatures and demons, Her Majesty Tang En alone can rely on this kind of weapon alone!

Although this artillery has never been fired, in the past, the common experience of Her Majesty's guns is that they are not very eye-catching weapons, but they are extremely powerful weapons.

The appearance of this tank will definitely surprise those demons!

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