Things from Another World

Chapter 965: All ready to go

The rising sun is rising. The northern front has assembled more than 10,000 soldiers. The black soldiers are scattered in an arc on the wasteland. They have just finished their breakfast and the smoke has not dissipated. Stand by.

Although the official battle booking is in the afternoon, it is not far from the demon portal. There are demons wandering here at any time. Yesterday to now, five or six demon orders have been eliminated. The necessary vigilance is indispensable.

Tang En looked at the time, 9:18, and the ghost knew what time it was-he was still not used to the timekeeping method of the fine watch.

However, according to the speed of the tank, the straight distance from the Great Rift Camp to this place is only tens of kilometers. When they set off in the morning, they should be almost there.

Nokia did not allow Tang En to wait too long, and soon the rear of the unit rioted. After receiving the report, Tang En flew Aegwynn to the rear of the unit, and then saw twenty tanks parked neatly. There, a group of soldiers around were watching curiously.

"Is this what you said?"

Aegwynn looked curiously at the tank: "A ... iron box with artillery?"

"No, to be precise, it is an armored combat weapon."

Tang En smiled, saw Nokia, and landed on the tank with Aegwynn: "You are coming very fast."

"Quick? Haha!"

Nokia arrogantly said, "We have a little time to stop halfway, or it will be faster."

Tang En noticed something in Nokia's words: "What happened?"

"We met a single demon."

Pittman next to him was very nervous when he saw Tang En, but he could clearly see his face full of joy: "It was the evil ogre that was always very vicious. I swear in the name of the **** of light. The strength of the Boris evil flame devil is at least a master class. Its attack is too fierce, and the fire released has swallowed up the entire tank! "


"But something incredible happened!"

Pittman's face was full of shock: "We stayed in the tank and couldn't feel any heat! And, we also found that the flames had been bounced back and ignited the Yuboris evil flame demon! This It's incredible! "

Goblin Gold has taken effect.

Tang En smiled. "Keep talking."

"Next, Master Nokia and these masters controlled the tank and crashed directly into it. The sharp collision angle pierced the body of the Yuboris evil flame demon, but it struggled to escape, and the flame on it was also affected by it. It's off. "

This is normal, after all, the reflected flame is also an evil flame, and the Yuboris evil flame demon must be good at controlling that power.

"Yubulis flames hit the barrel of the tank, and it just held the barrel."

Pittman gestured in a very exaggerated manner to the pose of the Yuboris evil flame demon: "Attempting to sever the gun barrel with its claws burning with flames, but was unsuccessful-the barrel is too strong!"

That's necessary! If a special material is used, if it is still so easy to be destroyed, what kind of tank is it called!

"Just then, Master Nokia fired a cannonball!"

Pittman pointed at the smug Nokia and said, "Just listening to the loud sound of 'Boom', it's like a thunder in the sky. The tank trembled, and then I saw the Uberis lying on the muzzle. The flame demon was blasted by the whole waist! This is incredible! "

Bumping? This power is a bit trivial.

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "Nokia, what shell did you load?"

"Special armor-piercing projectile."

Nokia grinned, "The warhead has added magic dust, which is double-wearing."

The so-called **** means that it has both physical penetration and spell penetration effects. For demons mainly with spell armor, this armor-piercing projectile is undoubtedly a real nightmare.

"You are really willing, but at least it is the first victory in the first battle, and it is worth celebrating."

Tang En smiled and said, "This afternoon, it depends on your performance. The battlefield is seven kilometers ahead. The number of enemies is expected to be about one thousand. We have scheduled a surprise attack in the afternoon. Igwin and I will first launch a Large range of spells-Of course, considering the opportunity to fight for you, I will not use powerful spells and leave them to you, I hope the performance of the tank will not let me down. "

"Do not worry."

Nokia smiled proudly, and touched the space ring on its hand and said, "This time, we brought enough supplies. The space equipment carried hundreds of various artillery shells, thousands of 80mm caliber missiles, and standard bullets. Adding tens of thousands of special seed rounds is absolutely enough! "

Considering that dwarf engineers need to move a large number of tools, parts and raw materials frequently, Tang En specially developed a space ring for them.

Because the gnome cannot use magic, the special space rings that Tang En gave them are powered by external magic. The magic crystal embedded on the ring surface is used for energy. This indirectly allows the gnome to use space equipment, but Such space equipment lacks confidentiality, and it requires frequent replacement of magic crystals, which is very inconvenient to use-but for Croto, this is simply a miracle and an irreplaceable treasure!

Thanks to these space equipment, this time the gnome engineers spared no effort to carry a large amount of ammunition supplies, which is absolutely sufficient.

Aegwynn returned after making a round around the tank. Tang En asked, "After reading it, how do you feel?"

"Can't say, like an iron grave."

Aigwin said her thoughts very honestly: "People sitting inside can't avoid attacks at all. They can only rely on the armor defense of the tank. Once they encounter a strong enough attack, breaking the armor is a dead end."

She called out her Longsteel sword, and gestured on the armor of the tank, "I cut from here with a sword, everyone will die, and this tank will be finished."

"I knew you would say that."

Tang En smiled bitterly: "Do you think that without this layer of armor, you can escape if you encounter an enemy that can tear the armor? Or do you think that without the limitation of the tank, they can escape from the legendary enemy Drop? "

Aigwin paused and said honestly, "No."

"That's not over?"

Tang En spread his hand: "With armor protection, at least it can protect the soldiers from surviving their own attacks. The chance of survival has greatly increased, and their offensive ability has been greatly enhanced. This is enough. Not to mention, like How many enemies are you so powerful? These fighters have no chance to confront them at all. All they need to do is to resist the pressure on the battlefield and destroy the enemy as much as possible. "

Aigwin lowered his head for a moment, then nodded: "What you said makes sense, I take it for granted."

As a sword-dance dancer, Aegwynn was already accustomed to the dexterous movement of combat, and had her sit here to fight, and she would definitely be uncomfortable to death-to her, this thing was not an iron coffin.

"The battle today depends mainly on their performance."

Looking down at Demon's Gate, Tang En said, "If we do well, then we will mass produce this weapon to fight chaotic creatures."

Aigwin's eyes lit up: "Can this thing be used against chaotic creatures?"

"of course."

Tang En laughed aloud: "The thick gold armor can resist the corruption of the power of chaos to a certain extent. The mixed damage cannonballs and multiple firepower systems can effectively kill chaotic creatures. Why not?"

"I support you!"

Aegwynn immediately changed his attitude and said very sincerely: "If you can really fight chaos, be sure to produce more!"

Her only wish was to eradicate chaos completely.

"Most definitely."

Tang En squinted and looked at the distance, murmured: "It's not far from the day when chaotic creatures are completely crushed."

With the tanks, the missiles, and the "nuclear bomb" (Astral Crystal), the aviation combat platform was also successfully developed, and the single-armed magic energy power armor was also being developed. As long as the formation of a large-scale, complete formation of the army, Covering single-person, group, air, land and air all-round armed strike forces, coupled with the power of the Holy Light of the Templar Knights, and the strong map-level strike force of the Dragons, the Prandall's Gate of Chaos will no longer be a threat .

At that time, he can safely enjoy a leisurely time.

The time soon arrived in the afternoon, and all the soldiers were fully trained. At this moment, the killing was suddenly concentrated next to their team's off-road vehicle. The high-altitude scouts were ready to take off on a comet motorcycle at any time. Twenty tanks had reached At the forefront of the troops, after a while, they will be a sharp dagger, pierce the enemy's heart directly, and pour out their terrible firepower on those **** demons!

Down and Aegwin looked at each other, and they flew to the sky.

At this moment, there are more demons on the demonic portal, and new demons pass through the portal every three to five. The demons flying in the sky are continually hovering, so far away, Tang En can hear their harsh shrieks. sound.

Some demons are screaming at this side. They have already found the traces of human beings, but because the number is too large, they also instinctively sense the danger, so they did not launch an attack, but intended to wait for their arrival. It was intended to enjoy this feast.

Unfortunately, Tang En will not give them this opportunity.

They don't move, but Tang En's hands are the first.

Seeing that Aegwynn had already held the Longsteel Long Sword and began to sing the spell of the seventh-order spell Arcane Torrent, Tang En smiled slightly, first opened the portal to the Hall of Spirits, called Victor and let They are ready to receive the souls of the war dead.

Then he looked at the demon portal and murmured to himself: "Give a greeting to these underground visitors ... well, use eighth-order spells."

As soon as Tang En snapped his fingers, the winter came!

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