Things from Another World

Chapter 966: The first battle of the tank

Whether it was the corrupted Ubolis demon, the Nzula demon who occupied the absolute number of the devil, or the Komara demon that has only recently appeared, these infernal abyss demons have very strong magic resistance, especially It has strong resistance to poison, acid, mental influences (such as charm, mental manipulation, etc.), and fire spells, even close to immunity.

Only water-derived spells, that is, frost-type spells, although they also have a certain resistance ability, they cannot completely resist.

Therefore, using frost-like spells to deal with demons, the effect is up.

The bitter cold wind fell from the sky, and the winter fell on the hot wasteland in an instant. The green evil flames instantly slumped, and the crystal snowflakes surrounded the demon camp with icy murderous power.

In the howling cold wind, snowflakes became sharp blades. While taking away the demon's body and ability to move, they also tore their membrane wings, greatly reducing their flying maneuverability, and at the same time those running demons on the ground The speed also dropped greatly, as if his legs were frozen on the ground.

"——La \ 'ZaDor-"

There was a scream of screams in the Devil's Camp, and a large number of Nazula flying wings that landed on the ground rushed into the sky, trying to break out of the spell range of Winter's Coming.

At the same time, the dense demons also began to charge towards the legion, but after being affected by the cold spell, their speed slowed down by at least 60%, which means that they almost became a living target.

At this point, Aegwin's spell had just finished singing, and she quickly stabbed Longsteel's long sword and used the sword as a staff. The magic gathered around her body turned into an arcane torrent, bombarded with a sharp, screaming sound. In the Devil's Camp.

At least fifty demons were hit by the Arcane Torrent, demons with less than extraordinary strength were directly killed on the spot and slag, and a smaller number of supreme demons were also severely impacted, and instantly became furious. A large number of evil flame fireballs flew out from the demon camp and shot towards the legion.

"Spell attack! Watch for cover!"

The deputy commander Altman shouted loudly through the loudspeaker. The shield soldiers immediately erected the shield. The Templars immediately gave the blessing of light. The capable Templars also opened the shield of light. Shelter all comrades around.


Aegwynn looked at Tang En, who knew that Tang En had something to do.

Tang En nodded, stretched out his right hand and gently held it. The evil flame fire ball dragging the tail flames stopped in the sky for a moment, and even the flames stopped burning, as if time had stopped.

"Go back!"

Tang En shouted, and those evil flame fireballs blocked by the magic barrier immediately returned to the original path, landed in the devil's camp, and exploded the land after the land.

The demons are not afraid of the evil flames, this time the group spell countermeasures do little damage to them, even worse than the continuous damage that the winter comes.

But at this time, the tank forces began to operate.

"Attention all units-visual distance of five kilometers! Shooting angle of 30 degrees, double ammunition piercing shell loaded with ammunition-lock the target-for Prandall! Fire!"





The deafening artillery sound rang through the wasteland. A powerful double-piercing armor-piercing projectile was ejected from the 150mm electromagnetic electromagnetic cannon of the magically altered tank. The artillery shell whistled through a distance of more than 5,000 meters at a speed of several times the sound speed , Fiercely banged on the fastest moving Nazula killing monster in front!

The powerful kinetic energy on the cannonball has brought a terrible impact to the cannonball. The magic dust dispels the magic shield of the demon for a moment, and the warhead made of special alloy penetrates the demon fiercely. In the body of the demon, the tough skin and bones of the demon could not block the power of the cannonball. The moment the kinetic energy on the cannonball was transferred to the devil's body, its internal organs were squashed by the huge internal and external pressure difference, followed by the squeeze After breaking the flesh and skin behind, it was directly sprayed out, and the demon hit by the shell in the front, all the hearts will be completely blasted, and there is no possibility of surviving.

After the shell has penetrated the first layer of demons, Yu Wei will penetrate the demons behind, until the kinetic energy almost completely disappears, the internally-filled goblin high explosive will explode again, the steel **** filled in the explosive and the fragment of the shell itself will Explodes again, inflicting secondary damage to the surrounding demons.

Twenty tanks fired twenty rounds of double-piercing armor-piercing shells in one round, causing the death of at least thirty demons. The results are glorious!

The powerful power of the tank bombarded all the legionnaire soldiers who had witnessed the scene, and they couldn't help cheering.

Even Eggwin couldn't help but exclaim: "It's so powerful!"


Tang En smiled slightly and decided to do another favor for the tank forces. He raised his hands and pressed down hard: "Give me-kneel!"

Fourth-order spells-gravity superposition!

The air around the devil's camp suddenly condensed, followed by a bang, and the entire land subsided by more than one meter. A strong gravitational field shrouded the entire devil's camp, making them difficult to walk.

The demons who were charging towards this side facing the cold storm suddenly kneeled on the ground, and even the demons flying in the sky fell to the ground like dumplings.

When Nokia saw this, of course, it would not miss this great opportunity and immediately issued a second round of instructions.

"The target distance does not change, the firing angle does not change, and you can choose to load ammunition-launch!"

"Attention all deputy gunners-the launcher locks on the target-Hussars launch!"

"Boom boom boom--"

Different from the sound of the electromagnetic gun breaking, the launch of the light cavalry missile propelled by gunpowder is obviously more shocking, and the dazzling tail flames are ejected. , Dragging tail flames into the devil's camp, successive explosions made the whole wasteland tremble.

Twenty tanks attacked two hundred and forty round 80mm light cavalry missiles and poured into the devil's camp like a heavy rain. This made these crazy demons miserable. The biting cold of the winter that severely affected their speed of movement, Before they can leave the scope of the spell, another large-scale gravity overlay smashes over, the effects of the two spells are superimposed, and they stand almost in place, completely turning into living targets.

Even the crazy demon, at this moment is full of violent emotions, red eyes staring at humans thousands of kilometers away, can't wait to rush in to kill him.

"——Gi’zoiJopaBa \ 'Gorrrrrr——"

Before some missiles came, some powerful demons broke through the missile's bombing range and then snarled and killed them!

"The target rushes-calculates the target speed and landing point-the gunner immediately adjusts the firing angle-the deputy gunner loads the ammunition and prepares to launch the light cavalry system again!"

As the captain and driver, Nokia drove the tank to find the best shooting location, and issued orders in an orderly manner. The other tanks were all dwarf engineers. They were good at calculation, and they could predict the path of the devil almost instantly. , Ready to shoot.

After the alchemist's arm was reloaded with ammunition, another row of shells blasted out!


The Nazula killing monster that rushed to the front was at least an extraordinary peak of strength. In the face of the oncoming shells, it roared and took the initiative to rush forward. The sharp claws were stacked in front of it, trying to place the one. The shells shred into pieces!


This is a high-explosive bomb that failed to penetrate its armor, but was blocked, and the high-explosive bomb exploded instantly. The impact of the explosion weakened its spell shield, followed closely by the dense projectiles. It left a dense hole in it, and even blasted its eyes.

With the explosion triggering the Ice Nova spell at the same time, the newly thawed body immediately hangs a layer of frost again. The Nazura killing demon roared violently, relying on the memory before blindness, and threw a blast into the tank A huge fireball with huge flames.

Although the tank moved very fast, it was still hit by the evil flame fireball. In the exclamation of the crowd, the demon gold armor once again showed its amazing excellent performance. After the evil flame fireball was swallowed, it was launched again. Go back.

The tank itself was hardly damaged.

Tang En breathed a sigh of relief: "Although I heard what Nokia said, I was relieved after seeing it with my own eyes."

What he didn't know was that at that moment, the hearts of Nokia in the tank almost stopped in shock-this time the attack was more severe than the previous one, and even his heart was unremarkable!

"Fight back!"

After returning to God, the violent Nokia cursed, "Blast me with double armored bullets!"

Although the Nazula killer had been hit twice, but the two hits failed to hit the heart of its heart, so just a blink of an eye, it basically recovered.

At this moment, the group of demons rushing to the front is only a short distance from the Legion.

"Boom boom boom boom—"

Another round of missiles screamed and rushed out, bombarding the obliquely all the way, bombing those demons with ashes-but 80mm light cavalry missiles could not cause fatal injuries to extraordinary demons.

"The enemy is here!"

Altman raised his chainsaw sword and yelled, "Sniper ready-design!"

"—— 嗖 ——"

This time, the snipers in the center of the army launched a design. The ultra-long range electromagnetic sniper rifle is equipped with a special warhead, and the single point of damage can even exceed 80mm light cavalry missiles.

A round of intensive shooting by the snipers directly blasted the body of the foremost Nazula killer into a honeycomb.

This time, the demon's luck finally ran out, and its three hearts were twisted into meat sauce by high-explosive warheads that had penetrated into the body.

Behind the demon who crashed down was a tide of demons.

Just as everyone was waiting, a sudden sirens came from behind the legion.

"We're doing it!"

"The demon camp is a bait! The cunning demon creeps underground!"

"Devil! Demon everywhere!"

"They got out of the ground and surrounded us from behind!"

"Back needs support!"

The battle went hot from the beginning!

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