Things from Another World

Chapter 967: Surrounding and anti-surrounding

The battle has been heated from the beginning.

All of them were deceived by the devious demon-the demon portal is a bait-this time the number of demon coming through the demon portal is far more than they have observed.

After a large number of demons gathered here, they first used illusion to interfere with the scout observation, and then shielded their companions into the ground through frequent harassment activities. During this time, more than 1,500 demons quietly penetrated. Underground, when Tang En launched their attack, these demons bypassed the rear of the legion from the underground, and then launched a surprise attack!

The soldiers did not notice for a moment, and hundreds of soldiers were killed or injured after the first wave of attack!

This is the most tragic casualty since the Great Rift Battlefront and the demon battle!

Fortunately, the wounded were protected for the first time, took the blood of the goddess under the cover of their companions, and picked up a life. The other soldiers temporarily suppressed the surprise demon with dense firepower-but the effect was not good .

The strength of these demons varies, but the weakest also has the gold level, the strongest big devil, and even the supreme strength. None of the soldiers hit by its spell survived, all died on the spot-powerful The gap is too big, and the equipment can't make up for it!

"I'll support the rear!"

At the same time, Aegwin had disappeared.

"Looks like ... the situation is a little bad ..."

Tang En murmured to himself. He had noticed that the spirits had begun to attract the dead souls. Hundreds of souls appeared in the sky in an instant, and the number continued to increase.

Looking far into the past, behind the black squadron, the two sides are engaged in fierce battles, and the number of demons engulfed from behind and flanks is not less than the front battlefield.

"You actually get into a hard fight?"

Victor floated beside, raising an eyebrow: "Maybe call for support."

"No need."

Tang En shook his head: "If necessary, I can call Angus and Jean at any time, even I don't need them. I can destroy all these demons myself, but what about that? I can kill these demons. It's difficult Can I kill all chaotic creatures? "

Pointing to the fierce warriors below, Tang En said: "Now these demons are their best learning opportunities. Rich combat experience can give them more opportunities to survive when facing chaotic creatures."

"I will protect them to a certain extent, but I will not always be a nanny."

Tang En slowly said: "Appropriate pressure is given to them to grow. As long as there is no crushing power gap and no blood sacrifice, how can they really learn a lesson?"

Victor shrugged and said a little boringly: "Now it's boring to see the war of the living, and we can only stare ... Then, when will the gold statue be completed? We can't wait for the event . "

"Be patient and wait."

Tang En stared at the battlefield below and said casually: "It will take some time for the production of Oliha Steel, and the dragon blood needs materials from the Empire of Rennes, but I can tell you that the gold statue can now be transformed, Although you do n’t have a strong ability to participate in the war, at least you can get active. "

Victor is overjoyed: "When is it?"

"Coming soon-I'll go down."

Tang En interrupted the conversation with Victor, staring at the burly figure behind the battlefield, his eyes slightly cold, and he dived down instantly.

Victor followed Tang's figure and took a breath of cold air: "Baro Demon !? Why even such demons have appeared!"

On the battlefield filled with yellow sand, there were deafening gunfire, gunfire, and flying missiles. At first glance, I thought it was coming to the Middle East battlefield on earth. If you look closely at the warring parties, you will find that it is not the earth , But another world.

One of them is a burly infernal creature with various shapes and looks. The demons of various races are mixed together. They cast various spells, curses, spit acid, poison, and even use their developed muscles and claws to attack directly. .

The other side is also weird. The team has modern tanks, off-road vehicles, motorcycles, snipers, RPGs, and missiles, as well as electromagnetic sniper rifles, electromagnetic cannons, flying motorcycles full of science fiction, and medieval clothing. Armor, a warrior holding an assault rifle and a chain saw sword waving, and some wearing heavy armor, against shields, holding a chain hammer or a cross sword, performing divine magic from time to time to protect teammates and punish demons ...

Well, Tang En has to admit that if he sees this scene just after entering this world, he will definitely be dizzy because of the strange combination in front of him, because the situation on the battlefield in front of him is too chaotic.

The tank, which was originally a heavy fire platform, turned into a rampant mobile fortress-after the white-bladed battle, the demons moved too fast and there was no chance of firing shells, so the Nokia with a red eye was simply released Order, the tank is no longer loaded with ammunition, but instead finds the target and rushes directly to crush and crush!

What's strange is that this tactic has unexpected results!

Most demon claws and spells are unable to penetrate heavy armor. The powerful power of the special magic engine brings unparalleled impact to the tank. The onslaught tank even directly kills the other side of the demon and kills the other side. The lineup broke up, but also came back with ease!

-Although they must admit that this approach is dangerous, they have succeeded!

Gaze returned to the Barlow in front of him, Tang En just rescued a tank from it, and then Barlow's attention focused on Tang En.

Obviously looks like only a weak human, but why does it give it a very dangerous feeling?

No matter what-dare to stop the great Gulizamas, he is dead!

The Barlow flames spit out the flames, wielding the burning sword in his hand, pointing at Tang En: "You are dead! Mi ants!"


What a bland reaction!

The Ballower was even more disturbed. The manic killing could have made it want to rush up and chop this human into dregs, but his intuition told it that it was dangerous to rush up this way-it would die, it would really die!

but why! ?

The brain-dead Barlow has always decided to use his own actions to confirm whether his intuition is accurate.

The Barlow Flame Demon broke through a distance of more than 500 meters almost in an instant and appeared in front of Tang En. A huge sword several meters high was cut off. The wind pressure caused by the terrible force can even crush the extraordinary apocalypse. !!


Tang En waved his hand gently, and the Elementary Sword disappeared in a moment.

The sky turns round.

Why does this human suddenly become so tall?

Shouldn't he be young?

How does this burly tall body look so familiar? Like me, the great and powerful body of the great Gulizamas?

and many more? What is he holding in his hand?

That's ... heart! ?

my heart! ?

The Baroyan Devil named Guli Zamas suddenly widened his eyes, and looked at Tang En in horror and stepped on himself.

Then, its world was completely dark.

"Dirty demon."

Tang En pinned the heart of the Barlow Demon with a disgusting look, and the elemental Barlow Demon's heart was basically elementalized, closer to the core of the element, and the same element of fire was flowing in it.

Guru Zamas couldn't believe it until the moment of death, and he was instantly killed by a human.

It doesn't even know when its head was cut off!

The death of the Baloyan Demon immediately caused the demonic panic. Hundreds of demons were far away from Tang En, but they stared at the corpse of the Baloyan Demon desperately-they were desperate to devour its body, Then they have the possibility of being promoted to legend.

As soon as Tang En waved, Barlow's corpse was taken away by him.

He remembered that he had a greedy **** cat.

Use this corpse for another ten years of labor ... Ah, it's a ten-year contract.

In the blink of an eye, Tang En killed the Barlow Demon, and the blow to the demon army was devastating. The aura brought by the Barlow Demon also disappeared. The demon's offensive intensity suddenly dropped by one level, but in contrast, Yi ’s On the side of the Ulrus Corps, the power shown by Tang En gave them unparalleled confidence, and morale rose sharply. The soldiers fought in groups as a unit. More than ten people attacked a demon at the same time, even if one soldier was injured. , There will be another person on top to give him a chance to recover.

As the so-called people have more power and the ants kill more elephants, the current Illus Army Corps is playing an advantage in this regard.

At the same time, behind the Legion, Aegwynn had beheaded for the first time, using the dazzling high-speed action to perform the Emerald Hymn Swordsmanship, cutting the most powerful Yuboris evil flame demon into pieces.

Losing the power of the supreme devil, the pressure behind the legion suddenly reduced, and the number of casualties also stabilized, but now the more troublesome is the legion flanks.

Without the support of Down and Aigwin, the pressure on the north and south flanks of the Legion is now the greatest!

As soon as Tang En was planning to go to the northern flank for support, Altman's surprise sounded: "Let's stick to it! Commander Depp and Deputy Locke have deployed a large number of troops from the central and southern fronts to support them! They will encircle the devil from the back and relieve our stress! "

As soon as his words fell, Tang En heard a whistling sound in the sky, followed by a sturdy figure next to him, and he eagerly stung on his leg: "Where is the Barlow flame! And what about corpses !? "

Down: "..."

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