Things from Another World

Chapter 968: Fierce battle

Although the demon army used devious tactics, they did not expect that the Illus Army had super-standard fighting powers such as Down and Aegwin, and Barlow, one of the main fighting powers of Purgatory Abyss Demon side, legendary. The strong, fling the street as soon as they appear, the impact on the demons is extremely obvious.

After all, this is not a **** battlefield that has killed the red eyes. Although the demons are crazy and the will of the demons is chaotic, they will also be hit by morale—especially the momentary death of their own powerful ones will make them certain. Timidness.

They came here to escape the **** battlefield and to conquer Plantar.

But once humans' fighting power exceeds their imagination, the situation becomes complicated.

The front battlefield takes the tank army as the core and the group as the combat unit. It continuously eats away the demon's offensive. The tank cuts them apart and pulls the front far away, allowing the devil to fight alone with each other, while their own personnel cooperate with each other. , Maximize your own advantages.

The balance of war gradually began to tilt towards the human side.

In particular, when Depp and Locke brought in reinforcements from the flanks, and surrounded the demons with the main army on the northern front, and began to surround them, the situation finally turned over.

Human warriors have very weak single combat capabilities, but Tang En equipped them with powerful armor and weapons. After the formation of these weapons, the power is very great, even the demons can not compete directly.

The battlefield was full of fire, and the sound of deafening artillery never stopped. The soldiers in the bunker kept firing missiles at the demons flying in the air. After completing the task of cutting the battlefield, the onslaught tank would also wait for the isolated demons to launch artillery. Going down will at least reap the life of a demon, and the powerful tanks have greatly encouraged the human legion.

"Attention of the gunner-in the direction of 4 minutes, a Nazula spiker is approaching, turning the turret, locking the target, and firing !!!"


"The machine gunner pays attention to the ammunition surplus, controls the firing frequency, mainly targets in the air, and suppresses the devil as a supplement. Be careful not to accidentally hurt the friendly forces!"

"Da da da--"

"Pilot's attention! Demon casts marsh! There is a lot of swamps ahead-activate the anti-gravity flight module!"

The driver pressed the button on the side, and the heavy tank trembled slightly. He flew up to the sky, flew directly over the swamp, then landed on the opposite land, and began to run all the way again.

That ’s right, this is Nokia ’s improvement. They modified the dwarf anti-gravity well to a certain extent, transplanted it to the tank, relying on the characteristics of the floating stone and the effect of the magic engine, the tank is in a suspended state. Can also have a certain degree of linear movement ability, used to avoid obstacles and adverse terrain is quite effective.

In the next step, Nokia intends to add several jets to the tank to add the ability to move sideways and turn in the air for the tank's flight mode, and completely transform the tank into a land-air combat weapon.

Tang En always felt that they had missed the point. This thing was the king of land and not an air combat weapon, but after seeing the benefits of the tank flight mode on the battlefield, he was speechless.

In fact, the flight mode has been used to avoid the devil's trap spells for the tank troops many times-especially the quagmire. This ordinary second-order spell has a wonderful effect on heavy tanks, but it was cracked by the flight mode.

Altman ran to Tang En to hurriedly report: "Your Majesty, the reinforcements have begun to suppress the demons encircled by the surroundings. Commander Depp contacted me and needed our assistance to give them pressure to force them together to destroy . "

"Just take your idea, I don't interfere."

Altman nodded, turned and hurried away, and when he left, he already started to send orders to the magic phone.

Down looked back and stared at Saratimore next to him: "If you're fine, go and help, don't keep turning around me!"

This guy is just a grind!

When he first noticed the breath of Barlow, he dared to hide away, but when he found that Barlow was instantly killed, he rushed over to ask for food.

Tang En found that even a **** cat could not avoid the soft and scary character of Meow Star!

"I'm already tired, okay?"

Sarattimore slaps on Dunn's lap: "People who have been helping you with demons for a while now, please treat me ... well, big deal for you to touch the meatball?"

Saratimore raised her paw and shook it in front of Down.

A black-lined Tang En patted his paw: "While going, I'm not a cat slave, work hard, the Barlow's corpse will definitely give it to you, and there are no other people with such a heavy taste around me . "


With a cheer from Saratimore, he rushed out immediately and began to hunt the demons with extreme excitement.

After Tang En narrowed his eyes and looked for a while, his attention turned to the whole battlefield.

After a few hours of war, thousands of demons have been killed and wounded, and the number of soldiers in the Illus Army has been reduced by about one-fifth, but the number of deaths is not much, and most of them are consumed After the blood, he was seriously injured, and had to activate the homeward crystal to leave the battlefield and return to the rear to receive treatment.

After they recover, they can return to the team, and the battle experience will be more abundant.

In other words, after this battle, the demon army has at least trained thousands of veterans of combat experience for Tang En, and Tang En should thank these demons instead.


Tang En looked up at the sky. The dense flames of fireballs descended from the sky, like a meteor shower, but blocked by a light film.

It was his open enchanted enchantment, blocking a large number of large-scale killing spells.

In other words, if it wasn't for Tang En's asylum, the soldiers of the entire legion would still not be opponents when facing these demons.

Their basic strength is still too poor to survive under the attack of high-end combat power.

Perhaps, you need to consider developing a large mobile fortress that can support friendly combat units throughout the battlefield, at least able to resist or counter large enemy spells.

The sound of gunfire in the distance is getting closer and closer to the battlefield. From here it can be seen that reinforcements have appeared. They are attacking the demon army from the flanks and bathed in the dazzling light. They ignore the demon's aura of fear and weakness. Effect, launched a charge to the demon fearlessly.

Taking another look at the main battlefield in a state of staleness, Tang En thought for a moment, and quietly opened the several auras of magic gain that he often used.

Fourth-order spell-Guardian of the Storm! Deflection physical attack!

Fourth-Order Spell-Aura of Earth Power! Increased physical defense!

Fifth Order Spell-Massive Power! Power has increased dramatically!

Fifth-order spell-Aura of Arcane Force Field! Splash and missile attack suppression!

Sixth-order spell-physical damage suppression aura! The physical damage suffered is greatly reduced!

Sixth-order spell-elegant halo of wind! The speed of action, reaction, and attack has been greatly improved!

Seventh-order spells-Spell damage suppression aura! Spell damage taken is greatly reduced!

Seventh-Order Spell-Arcane Enchantment Aura! Any spell attack below the aura level will be reflected back with a certain probability!

After a series of spell gain auras were turned on, all the units in the friendly side of the battlefield were all excited.

"Oh oh oh oh oh !!! This feeling-this is the feeling!"

"Your Majesty! Her Majesty must have opened the Spell Gain Aura!"

"Oh my God! I love the feeling of being full of power! Damn demon! Come and fight again!"

After gaining the effect of the magic gain halo, the combat power of the soldiers jumped straight up. The soldier who was originally crushed by the demon suddenly turned over and became the master, which in turn pressed the devil to fight, the violent chain saw. The sword incarnate flesh cutter, under the action of powerful force, pierced into the devil's chest fiercely, and stirred their internal organs and lumps!

Especially the fighters who have followed Tang En in several battles at this moment are extremely excited, because they know that with Her Majesty Tang En's here, it is absolutely impossible for them to lose.

They are fearless!

Even death is no longer terrible!

Kill kill!

Kill these intruders!

Kill these **** demons!

"Scream! Scream! Become ashes in the glory of the Father!-Wrath of justice!"

"Come, demon! Taste my power-the power of talent liberation and rage!"

"Combat Skills-Big Wave!"

All kinds of divine magic, talents, and combat skills broke out. There were swords and swords everywhere on the battlefield. Artillery and machine guns roared. Projectiles penetrated through the **** holes and holes in the devil who lost his defense. The chainsaw sword was severely cut in the buzzing sound, tearing off large swaths of flesh and blood, and the green blood spewing made the soldiers more violent and more excited.

Looking around, there was killing everywhere, soot was everywhere, the bodies of demons were everywhere, and the bodies of several human soldiers could be seen sporadically.

Those unlucky souls are now floating in the sky, stranded in the battlefield with the help of the heroic spirit, watching their corpses daze.

There are also some more open-minded people who are shouting and cheering for the surviving comrades. Unfortunately, their voices cannot be transmitted to the living world. Only Tang En can hear them.

"Gods are up! I haven't won this battle yet! How can I die here! I want to go back! I want to go back in my body to continue the fight!"

This is a more avid combatant.

"I was wondering just how I died--it was because I fell from the car and was pierced in the heart by the devil's paws! Oh my god! I must be ashamed!"

This is a bit funny.

"Oh my--my handsome face--Dome's **** stepped on my face! I curse him--oh no! That **** demon! He even broke my handsome face!"

This is a more narcissistic stupid ...

I have to say that the sound of these war dead's discussions kept ringing in my ears, so that Tang En could not feel the tragic atmosphere of the entire battlefield at all, it was like a farce.

But ... farce is farce.

At least, the sadness on the battlefield can be diluted.

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