Things from Another World

Chapter 970: This is not right!


After hearing Down's description, Croto frowned: "How do you feel like a meat grinder?"

"In fact, this design is similar to a meat grinder."

Tang En spread his hand: "Of course, the firepower of the tank is fierce, but after losing the distance advantage, the tank can only rush up and crash. Instead, it is better to design another armored vehicle to stand on the front to pull the battle space for the tank. "

After a moment of groaning, Croto said, "Okay, I have already understood your requirements, and it is not difficult to implement them. It can even be said that there is no technical content. The design plan can be obtained in two days, and it can be directly made by the workshop. Come out and see the effect, but let me say that this thing is too cruel to work, are you sure you want to move to the battlefield? "

"What cruel and cruel thing to talk about demons and chaotic creatures."

"I am afraid of the future."

Klotto said very seriously: "After solving the external threats, after a short period of stable development, Prandall will definitely fall into civil turmoil again. This is the biological necessity. At that time, these weapons we created were very May be used to kill people. "

"You think too long."

Tang En waved his hand. Is there any way to control him after the death? Now that the number one enemy of Chaos has not appeared yet, the demons alone are enough to cause headaches. I don't want to deal with them. What more can we talk about?

Croto was convinced by Down.

"In addition, we need a mobile fort."

A magical holographic image floated and rotated over the palm of Down's palm. He said: "During the previous battles, the demon frequently used large-scale killing spells. If I hadn't blocked those spells, our personnel would have suffered a lot of casualties. , So I think we need to design a mobile fortress that provides a spell barrier and logistical support. "

"Are you stupid?"

Croto raised his face and looked at Don in amazement: "Isn't it enough to integrate the function of this mobile fortress into the Sky Mothership?"

Tang En patted his head: "I'm really stupid ..."

The sky carrier is still in the process of being perfected, and it is also normal to re-enter the design. According to Tang En's idea, this fortress must have the ability to open the spell barrier, which can block large-scale killing spells. By converting the spell into a magic array, integration This effect can be achieved as a separate module mounted on the sky mothership, and the only problem may be energy issues.

In addition, a stable space anchoring system needs to be integrated, allowing soldiers to use the returning crystal to return to the sky mother ship for logistic treatment. After the treatment is completed, they can continue to fight directly on the airborne battlefield.

In short, after this design is really completed, the continuous combat capabilities, endurance capabilities, and maneuverability of Tang En's troops will be greatly improved in the future, and the benefits are self-evident.

"Speaking of which, the anti-gravity flight system installed by Nokia on the tank is easy to use?"

Croto asked with a smile: "I heard him say that there are many spell traps that can be avoided in this battle."

"It's really good. In the future, this design can be directly normalized, but it needs to be improved."

Tang En smiled and said, "With the anti-gravity flight system turned on, the tank's power mode can only float forward a certain distance, but it cannot move laterally and steer. A small jet engine can be added to provide the tank's flight mode with lateral and Turn to power, so you can move in the air. "

"I had thought about it before, but because the actual test time was relatively tight, I didn't have time to install it, and the next batch of tanks already had this function."

"It would be great."

Tang En asked with a smile: "How does it feel to defeat a powerful demon with your own weapons?"


Klotto said very excitedly: "Those guys are so excited that they can't sleep. This is the first time in history that we dwarfs have stood on the same level with these extraordinary races like you."

Tang En was dumb, and did not expect humans to become extraordinary races in the eyes of dwarfs.

But then again, neither the gnome nor the goblin has the ability to cast, nor can they awaken as apocalypse. Compared to humans, they are indeed more like pure technological races, and it is no problem to say that humans are extraordinary races.

After this battle, gnomes should pay more attention to the power of science and technology, and further accelerate the pace of research and development.

As soon as he got out of Croto, Dunn met Fiona.

"Yo, Fiona, what are you doing?"

"Step aside!"

Fiona glared at him coldly, then walked around the dumb-eyed Tang En, and went straight back to the Lord's Mansion.

I ... hallucination?

Tang En looked dull, just now Fiona seemed particularly uncivilized, very indifferent, and even said with some resentment to "let me go"? And then ignored him?

The gods are on! This is not right!

Is she coming to Auntie?

Tang En chased after him: "Fiona, what's wrong with you? So unhappy? Hmm? Is there any trouble? Tell me?"

Fiona gave him a cold glance, and said lightly, "It's not bothering you, sir, you can go on."

After speaking, she speeded up and left Tang En to one side.

Tang En messed up in the wind.

"Big brother!"

Just listening to cheers, Ilia just ran away after school and rushed to Tang En, struggling hard in his arms: "Oh ... I still smell the smell of my big brother, I really miss my big brother ~ "

"Yi, Ilia ..."

Tang En quickly hugged her, and then turned around to see that Fiona had disappeared. After pondering for a while, he simply decided to send Ilya home.

"Ilia, is your sister Fiona in a bad mood lately?"

Elijah took Tang En's little hand and bounced around. After hearing the words and thinking about her lips for a while, she said, "No? I still saw her happily a few days ago. It seems that something good happened. . "

Good thing?

What would happen to her if something good happened?

Tang En absolutely does not believe it.

It seemed that Ilia could not get any information here, so Tang En talked something else: "How are you feeling at school recently?"

"Well ... not so good."

Eliya wrinkled her face and said, "The teacher always talks about something I already know, but I ca n’t skip the lesson, otherwise I will be called a parent, and I will be punished for homework ... Now, big brother, you and Pami Principal La said, could I not go to the class? "


Tang En said sternly, "You need to learn now, you must study well."

Elijah's power is too powerful. Without a good education environment for her to reshape the three views, after the current world view is solidified, it will be too difficult to change in the future.

Although her memory of Ms. Disaster will sooner or later be fully awakened, at least, her current experience will make her less "harmful" before that ...

"Aunt Clara."

When Don opened the door, Aunt Clara was chatting with Parola, Elika, and Winissa, and Dingding could still be heard in the kitchen.

"Your Majesty Tang En."

Aunt Clara saw Yilia behind Tang En and smiled bitterly: "It's really troublesome for you."

"It's okay, it's just right."

Down greeted Parola and asked curiously, "Who's cooking? Aubrey or Adrian?"

"The two of them went to the Great Rift Camp, and it was Abbotton who was cooking."

Dean was surprised, very surprised: "Uncle Abbot is back?"

Swearing to heaven, Tang En hasn't seen Abdomen for a long time.

"Your Majesty Tang En."

While talking, Abbot wiped his hands and walked out of the kitchen. He smiled at Tang En and said, "Are you going to stay for a light meal?"

"No, I'll wait to eat at the Lord's House next time."

Tang En shook his head, hesitated, and asked, "Uncle Abbotton, do you know about Elsa?"

"I've known for a long time that you were not there when I came back, so we haven't seen it before."

Abbotton gave Tang En a glass of water and said with a smile, "In fact, I wanted to talk to you about Elsa long ago, but now it seems that it should be unnecessary."

The implication is that Tang En now knows Elsa's identity, but he is still satisfied with Abbot as before.

Tang En feels that compared with himself, Abbot is more like the protagonist in traditional novels. The two girls are not biological, one is a dragon, the other is a goddess reincarnation, his own life is brilliant, and his wife ’s background is also awesome. Coax, plus some unknown secrets on him ...

If it is based on him and write a novel called "My Daughter is a Dragon" or "My Daughter is a Goddess", it must be the rhythm of a good sale ...

Seeing that Tang En was going to leave, Abbotton followed and called Tang En: "Sir, if you are free these two days, I want to talk to you in private."

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "Can't say now?"

Abbot shrugged. "I don't want to waste time with Clara."

"Related to Elsa?"

"No, to be precise, it has to do with me."

After a brief pause, Abbotton said, "I know you've always been curious about me. If you can, in the past few days, let's sit down and talk."

Tang En nodded: "Okay, you are ready to come to me anytime."

Down then left Abbotton's house and frowned all the way.

What does he want to say to himself? related to him? Does it have something to do with the dragons before?

All the way back to the Lord's Mansion, when I entered the door, I met Tina who had just come downstairs.

As soon as Tang En's eyes lighted up, he hurried up: "Dina, has Fiona been in a bad mood lately? Why is she so angry?"

Tina pouted, smiled, looked around, and kissed on Tang En's face, whispering, "I don't know what happened to her, but I often hear her talking about 'dating' recently Maybe something to do with this? "


Lying down!

As soon as Tang En patted his head, there were too many things and he was completely forgotten!

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