Things from Another World

Chapter 971: Let's set a date

A while back, as Tang En saw Fiona was too hard, she softened, and promised to date her after the events of the Shining Ceremony and Long Island (see Chapter 924).

As a result, the Long Island incident was over, and I was busy testing the actual combat performance of the tank. After a few days, I didn't mention this with Fiona. Fiona was in a good mood!

For girls who value dating, this kind of appointment is the most important thing, even counting their days with their fingers every day. But I would think that Tang En completely forgot about it!

At this moment Fiona's resentment almost turned into substance, what good look can you see Tang En?

Fiona kept her face flat at dinner, not even watching Tang En.

Tang En, who was eating this meal, had the same taste, and was frightened. As soon as he finished the meal, he chased him with his face.

"Fiona, what the hell, let's find some time out these days to relax?"


Fiona closed the study door heavily: "I still have something, don't disturb me!"

Tang En touched his nose, and left warily.

It was indeed his fault that Fiona would be angry for granted.

Give her some time to calm down.

However, he turned away and did not realize that his current behavior is simply wrong.

In the study.

Fiona leaned back against the door, covering her mouth hard, her face warm, almost cheering excitedly.

He found it!

He finally found out!

Fiona was so excited that it worked! Thank you so much! (Selna sneezing heavily while touching the fish by the river.)

When she was happy, Fiona had a little complaint in her heart. Why are men always so careless?

Obviously it is such an important agreement, it is the first official appointment!

It's too much to say that you forget it!

But fortunately, he finally remembered!


Can't be too happy!

In case he sees me so happy, I lose!

The matter between men and women is a game, and you must not concede in advance!

Even if you know that his favorite is someone else, you can't give up!

Although I can't be his favorite person, but I must make him understand that I am his most important person!

Only I can help him develop his career and help him complete his mission!

Fiona patted her cheek, and found that it was still hot. She simply lumped a small group of frost on her face and patted her face to help her cool down before returning to the desk suddenly The thick document was flipped through, looking at the door of the study while looking forward.

It's almost time, should he knock on the door and come in?

How to do?

Should I agree directly?

Or should I pretend to refuse, and shirk a few times before pretending to be indifferent?

What a embarrassment!

The girl's heart was full of entanglement. For the first time in such a long time, she felt the feeling of anxiety.


The girl waited and waited, waited and waited, didn't wait for the knock.

Fiona couldn't sit still.

what happened?

Shouldn't he be knocking on the door or pushing in directly?

Why doesn't this guy do anything?

Could it be that he deliberately made me so anxious so as to prevail?


This bad guy!

I won't let you get what you want!

Fiona gritted her teeth and raised the fart. The stock returned to the stool again, and began a fierce patience battle with "Don En Behind the Door".

A minute passed.

Ten minutes passed.

Half an hour passed.

Seeing that the sky was getting deeper and darker, it was time to sleep, but the door was still motionless.

Fiona finally couldn't sit still, and stood up suddenly, intending to rush out and discuss with Dunn.

But as soon as she stood up and didn't take two steps, she suddenly heard the knock on the door.

what! He really couldn't bear his temper!

Fiona was overjoyed, flew back to the stool, checked the documents on the table, and found that something was missing. She hurriedly took a pen in her hand, and then sorted out her clothes. With a whisper, he deliberately whispered, "Come in."

With a squeak, the door opened.

Fiona stared down at the document in front of her, pretending to be fully absorbed, but now she was so confused that she didn't even know what was written on the documents in front of her, and was wondering how to speak. Suitable.

"Vice-Chairman, these are the sales today just faxed by the Bayin Branch, as well as an application for replenishment of inventory ... fright! Vice-chairman !?"

Fiona's head suddenly lifted up Marin, "What's wrong with you !?"

How is Marlene! ?

Fiona is full of grief!

That guy! ?

The **** who should knock on the door and come in to care for himself, take care of himself, and hug him tenderly, discuss the date with him! ?

Why is he missing! ?

Fiona took a deep breath, stabilized her emotions, and asked gently: "Why didn't you see the president?"

"President Tang En? He seemed to have gone out when I first came here, listening to his slogan muttering, going to teach Brian or something ... what happened?"

Looking at the confused Marin, Fiona took a deep breath, and then scolded in her heart!

I'm a fool!

How can I expect him to understand the hearts of girls! ?

How can I expect that he will knock on the door and come for understanding! ?

He is simply a dumbfounder!

He's just a complete fool! Asshole! The big pervert who is dissatisfied!

Even with that kind of expectation for him, he is also a big fool! !! !!

Although Marlene couldn't see Fiona's heart, the girl's keen instinct made her perceive her. The frightened Marlen carefully put down the documents, then stepped out of the study step by step, and covered the door gently After taking a few steps back to cover her chest, she was out of breath.



Marin exclaimed, looked back, and patted Tina vigorously: "You almost scared me!"

Tina wondered, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what happened to the chairman and vice chairman. When he went in just now, the vice chairman's face was so bad ..."

Marilyn whispered, "Shouldn't it be two people fighting?"

"Quarrel? No?"

Tina paused: "Your Majesty is so gentle and kind, how can you quarrel with the Vice President? And the Vice President also worships His Majesty ..."

"Who knows ... you want to go in?"

Marin saw the files that Tina was holding, and she patted Tina on the shoulder: "Sir, good luck ..."

Tina pulled at the corner of her mouth, then went straight into the study.

After a while, Tina almost exactly the same as Marlene, carefully withdrawing from the study.

The two looked at each other and said, "There is a big problem!"

Marilyn whispered, "Go and find your Majesty! I think the current situation of the Vice President must be related to him."

"But I don't know where I went!"

"Stupid! Call-by the way, he went to Brian, you go to the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute!"

Tina nodded, and rushed out of the Lord's Mansion.

When Tina found Tang En, Tang En was looking for Brian all over the world. After seeing Tina, he rushed directly to him: "Did you see Brian that bastard?"

"No, no!"

Tina's head shook like a rattle, and when Tang En turned around, she hurried to hold Tang En: "Your Majesty, you can go back!"

"what happened?"

"Sister Fiona is in a bad mood. Are you arguing?"

"Quarrel? No!"

Tang En felt very wronged. They did not quarrel, but he forgot the previous agreement.

"So what's going on ..."

Tang En had to say things briefly, and then said that he was very innocent: "I was really too busy, so I forgot about it, not that I didn't take it to heart-then, before I She had asked her to discuss it with her, but she shut me out of the door, and I was okay. "

"Your Majesty, you are really stupid!"

Tina was both mad and funny, and bluntly said, "Sister Fiona was just mad at you. It is because of this that you need to coax her-she must be waiting for you in the study As for her, it turned out that you actually turned around and left. She has been waiting for you for so long after eating, and she must be even more angry! "

Tang En frenzied for a while: "So I say you women, there are many problems, so many doorways, is there no way to say straight, you have to play and want to resist and welcome, this is all used to come out! "

"Your Majesty, you are saying, but you cannot deny that it is because of this that girls look more cute, don't they?"

Tina tried hard to get Tang En to change her mind: "Besides, it is because Sister Fiona loves you so much that she valued the agreement with you so much that she wouldn't matter, would she?"

Tang En remembered the hard work that Fiona had been working until midnight, and sighed, her heart softened.

Although the girls on the planet are used to it, Fiona is not. She has really dedicated everything to her career, but she has not even remembered an agreement with her. This is indeed what she did. wrong.

It's understandable that Fiona will feel wronged and sad-no one in this world will give you everything for no reason except your parents.

At the beginning, Fiona only had a shelter, but when she discovered that Tang En could give her more, she was attracted by Tang En little by little, hoping to get his approval and become The most important person.

No doubt Fiona did it.

Now Tang En can lose anyone, but Fiona cannot be lost alone-without her, the Datang Chamber of Commerce would be a mess.

She has become the most important person in Down.

Unfortunately, it is not the "most important" role that Fiona thinks of.

"I understand."

Tang En sighed, and said, "I'm going back now ... I'll spare Brian for the time being."

When Tang En returned to the study of the Lord's Mansion, Fiona was crying secretly in her arm, and suddenly felt that someone was behind him. Fiona's body tightened and she cried even more sadly.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Tang En sighed softly, hugged her from behind, and whispered in her ear: "Let's date."

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