Things from Another World

Chapter 975: Grantia

The atmosphere in the hot spring is very harmonious-at least on the surface.

Aegwynn and Fiona talked softly about the changes in Ellington and some of the issues to be faced next. Aegwin even asked questions that might be encountered in the future of the Emerald Corolla and asked Fiona to help She answered.

Although Fiona doesn't know how to solve those problems, she has rich experience. Even Hu Kan can say the truth, so that Egwin learned a lot.

On the other side of the pond, the battle between Tang and Grantia is entering a feverish phase.

Well, it's really hot.

Grantia was sweating anxiously.

After one foot was caught, she couldn't even move after trying it.

Tang En smiled strangely. First he raised his right hand intentionally, took a glass of cold ale from the tray next to him and took a sip, then put down the glass, and his right hand slowly submerged into the hot spring water ...

When he noticed that a hand reached his sole, Grantia's face changed, and he would call for help soon.

Tang En said silently: "You shout, you shout me to deliberately pick you up and tell Aegwin what you did underwater. 】

Grantia was so horrified that there is such a brazen person in the world! ?

Obviously he is harassing himself, and he even has the face to say that he tempted him! ?

The goddess of the earth is on! Quickly drop the scum to death!

Of course, the earth goddess will not do what she wants. After all, she is counting on Tang En to establish the last line of defense against chaos.

In fact, even the goddess of the earth could be regarded as being "beeped" by Tang En once, without turning her face, let alone Grantia?

I'm afraid she won't bother to care about such trivial matters.

a bit……

Again ...

Soft, soft, like caressing ...

If it is in other parts, it must be a very comfortable massage. Maybe Grantia will hum gently, and even close her eyes to enjoy it.

However, the part he touched was the sole of the foot!

The most sensitive and irritating soles!

Grantia stumbled again and again.



Never as he wished!

I won't give up!

Grantia gritted his teeth and glared at Tang En, trying to resist Tang En's itching offensive with his will.

But can this feeling really resist with will?

If it were possible, it would not be one of the torture.

Soon, Grantia found that he still underestimated Tang En. This guy was very patient and saw that he could persist, and he started to play tricks!

Pinch, knead, click, press, touch ...


Grantia was horrified to find that this man was just a demon!

Waves of itching are coming, her defense is constantly declining, and her tight reason is almost reaching its limit!

Even her deliberately taut lips had been deformed.

Want to laugh!

I really want to laugh!

Patience is almost cramping!

Grantia was twitching, her expression almost twisted.

Can't stand it!

Can't stand it!

This demon-he knows too much about women's weaknesses!

Just when Grantia was about to fall into a complete defeat, Tang En just stopped the offensive. He casually picked up ale and took a sip, then looked at Grantia with a smile.

[Do you admit defeat? 】

Grantia recognized his mouth.

【dream! Don't you want me to give up! 】

Tang En nodded: "That's the case, since you want to die, let you die happily. 】

Grantia scoffed. If it was still such an inferior method, don't want her to beg for mercy!

Because she already thought of the perfect solution!

Tang Enruo launched a second round of attacks without incident.

But after a while, he was surprised to find that Grantia had no response at all, and even looked at him with a mockery.

Tang En glanced puzzledly at the little foot in his hand, and gently scratched her toes, motionless.

Tang En looked at Grantia again, and suddenly realized.

[Petrochemical? 】

Grantia, who was completely unable to move, was shocked. This guy has a keen instinct!

She has obviously reduced magic fluctuations as much as possible!

Tang En gave a thumbs up, admiring her wit.

Then she laughed silently at her stupid behavior.

Grantia thought he would cast a spell against the petrification he applied to himself, but unexpectedly, Tang En grinned and let go of her foot.

what! This guy is going to give up?

Grantia finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that she had finally won, and her heart was full of joy. Then, as long as the effect of petrification disappeared naturally.

Fossilization is a second-order spell. With Grantia's own spell resistance, it can only last a meal.


Young elf girls do not know at all. Sometimes, a lot of things can happen at the time of a meal.

In particular, she also bound herself ...

A pen appeared suddenly in Tang En's hand, and then he approached Grantia with a bad smile, writing and drawing on her face in front of her.

Damn it!

Stop now!

You pervert!


Grantia, already completely unable to move, could only roll her eyes, her eyes full of panic.

While drawing on her face, Tang En snickered softly, drawing the attention of Aegwynn and Fiona.

Tang En smiled and explained to them: "Ah, it's okay. The two of us were playing games. She lost. This is punishment."

"Don't bully Grantia."

Fiona whispered something, and continued talking to Aegwynn.

Do not!

Come over and have a look!

He is already bullying me!

Come and save me!

Lord Eggwin!

Frightened by inexplicable Grantia, she couldn't ask for help at all, and had to let Tang En draw contentment on her face.

Just when Grantia thought the nightmare was finally over, Tang En smiled even worse.

Oh my god!

What is he going to do! ?

As soon as he saw his expression, Grantia was shocked.

Before she guessed, the sudden change made her angry, her eyes almost burst into flames, and she was frightened and angry.

Damn pervert!

How dare you, dare--

A stream of water is controlled by the leisurely Tang En, which is constantly washing the water-grass grand canyon, and the violent water is raging like a water snake!

She was fossilized, but her body did not turn into a stone, she just lost her ability to move and isolated her body.

But-but even if there is no feeling, the numb skin can feedback the touch! Not to mention that there is still a feeling coming from the body!

Grantia was almost dizzy.



Grantia has used all the curses that she can think of on Tang En, but she can only curse Tang En in her heart when she ca n’t move or speak. After petrifying herself, she even Resistance can't be done, only Tang En toss her!


Grantia had only that feeling in his heart now!

You should never, you shouldn't be smart and petrify yourself!

This is simply a self-introduction!

Tang En just wanted to take the opportunity to teach this little girl who has repeatedly taught and let him know how powerful he is.

Especially what kind of punishment will you have if you mess with yourself?

Leave a psychological shadow on her, and should never have the courage to grab Aegwynn from herself, right?

That's why Tang En is so fierce this time, that is to scare Grantia.

The warm water under his control is like a flexible tentacle, acting exactly according to his will, and even giving him a sense of touch.

Not only was panic and terror, but also a sense of intolerable, the violent water that was constantly spinning.

It scared her inexplicably-stop! wrong! It should not be like this! My body, my mind, and my love all belong to Lord Egwin!

Grantia shouted in his heart, trying to awaken his reason, but how could that feeling be suppressed by will alone?

——Speaking out, you may not believe it, I was given a stream of water ...

Grantia opened her mouth, her eyes were blank, the whole world seemed to explode, and everything disappeared.

Looking at Grantia floating in the hot spring, Tang En opened his mouth and was stupid there.

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