Things from Another World

Chapter 976: Unexpected intelligence

When Grantia floated on the water like a dead fish.

She never expected that she would be tossed by Tang En one day.

Aigwin and Fiona looked over, and Tang En smiled, "I'm afraid she's dizzy."

Aigwin tilted his head: "bubble?"

"Well, some people are not used to hot springs, and they may faint. No doubt, Grantia is such a person."

It's easy for Tang En to take his word for granted, especially Aegwynn is a very simple silly elf. She really believed in Tang En's words: "Speaking of the last time in Preston It seemed to be the same, she was going out soon. "

Aigwin obviously didn't know the fight between Tang En and Grantia when he was in Preston, not to mention that because of a face ride by Grantia, Tang En still retains the psychological shadow of the time. .

"Fiona, will you pick her up?"

Tang En looked at Fiona with a smile on his face: "Although I really want to help her, it is obviously not suitable."

"Do not!"

Almost as soon as Tang En said, Fiona guessed what this guy was thinking, she decisively rejected Tang En: "Let's take Grantia back."

Although Grantia is a lamb to be slaughtered at this moment, her threat to Fiona is obviously not as great as Aegwynn. Therefore, Fiona would rather have Tang En holding Grania back, rather than let him and Aegwynn is alone in the hot spring.

Although Aigwin was also wrapped in a bath towel, as a woman, Fiona clearly found that she was wearing nothing under the towel-in this case, in a bath with Tang En, it was like putting fat on The wolf's mouth seduced him!

How could he miss such an opportunity with his personality?

Of course, Tang En knew what Fiona was nervous about. Seeing his wishful thinking abacus had been seen through, he had no choice but to pick up Grania, who was a dead fish, and went back to the house.

When Tang En stood up from the water, Fiona covered her eyes subconsciously, but the visual line still saw some pictures between the fingers.

Stinking rogue!

Bad guy!

Fiona scolded several times in her heart, but her cheeks became uncontrollably flushed and hot.

"what happened to you?"

Aigwin looked at Fiona strangely: "Aren't you comfortable?"

"No, I'm just soaking hot."

Fiona concealed her emotions very guilty.

On the other side, after Dunn threw intermittently convulsive Grantia onto the bed, her gaze turned around her. Although she was very upset with this little lady's temper, she had to say something, Grantie Ya's body lines are still very graceful.

"What do you want ..."

Grantia couldn't lift a little energy all over her body at the moment, and she was paralyzed softly. Her hazy eyes seemed to be looking at Tang En, but she was actually out of focus.

Tang En's method was too drastic for her, she couldn't bear the blissful pleasure.

"I don't want to."

Tang En stared at her fiercely, twisted her lightly, and whispered in her ear, "Smelly girl, you know how terrible I am? Tell you, next time you dare to break my good, keep sticking Igwin is bothering us with dating, and I have a better way to deal with you. You better not continue to be stupid! "

At the moment, Tang En didn't dare to stay for a long time-I'm afraid I would really make a mistake when he stayed-after he covered Grantia with a quilt, he hurriedly left the room and said "fare".

It's still very early, if you rush back as soon as possible, maybe you can have a chance to communicate with Aegwin up close!

Xing Tang En just wanted to return to the hot spring pool, but slammed into a layer of air wall.

"You've been soaking for a long time just now, it's time for girls, you go back."

Hearing Fiona's words, Tang En was dumbfounded.

I rely!

What a joke!

Eggwin just got in!

Right now is the real drama!

You actually let me out at this time! ?

Tang En is upset, of course, but ...

"This is the enchantment of Sister Egwin."

alright, you win.

Tang En, who had just raised his hand, looked down and turned back to the room.

The big battle tonight was a complete failure—although his date with Fiona was still a success, his most anticipatory bath with Igwin was not realized.

"Anyway, there is still a chance, don't worry ..."

The frustrated Tang En could only comfort himself like this, and returned to the room and drank the drunkenness while watching Moonlight.

Just then, he suddenly noticed that a few shadows flashed on the roof in the distance, and rushed to the other side of the town quickly.

Flying thief?

Tang En has a weird look. There are a lot of flying thieves in the world, but so far, Tang En has only seen two, Aurelia counts one, and Selna counts one.

At this time, Tang En's heart moved. If he was really a thief, if he could follow the vines and find the stronghold of the thief guild here, he would get the information of the Kingdom of Solant.

In Prendall, to say that the most informative organizations, the Thieves' Guild is definitely among the best. They are not only the nest of the thieves, but also the natural intelligence traffickers. They always know the local intelligence.

Thinking of this, Tang En quickly put on his clothes and flew out of the window, following the shadows just now.

At this time, he regretted that he didn't bring Selna out. With Selna's strength and reputation, she is definitely aloof in the Thieves' Guild. If she can take advantage of her identity, she will definitely get a lot of information.

In the blink of an eye, Tang En caught up with those people. They flickered quickly on the roof of the house. They were as light as swallows, and they did not make any sound when they landed. They were very keen.

Tang En followed them to a farm on the outskirts of Alcanretia. This farm covers an area of ​​tens of acres. Cows and bantam horses are used in several dilapidated barns. It is already farmland.

From the outside, this looks no different from the most ordinary farm. However, after the thieves entered the farm, they blew a few birds, and then the farm screamed, as if they were verifying each other. After verification, the thieves standing in the middle of the farm walked into a humble hut.

Tang En followed in stealth directly.

After entering the hut, Tang En was as expected. The fireplace in the hut suddenly rose upwards, revealing a downward passageway. Several people rushed in, and Tang En followed.

After a few laps, several of them appeared in a basement. There were already more than a dozen people in the basement at the moment. They were sitting or standing, each one wearing a hood covering his face and shining on a swinging torch. Next, people can't see their looks clearly-even if they are the same thief companions, they need to be protected.

"You are late."

There was a hoarse voice in the shadow of the corner, and Tang En stared at it for a while, only to find that there was a person shrinking.

That person's whole body was curled up in the shadow, as if it was integrated with the shadow. If it wasn't for Tang En's strong observation, it would be hard to find a person there.

One of Tang's followers said: "Sorry, at night we were discussing whether to start with an alien aristocratic chick, so it took some time."

Alien noble chick?

Is it Fiona?

It shouldn't be, although Alcanretia is not very prosperous, but the aristocratic ladies in the nearby cities still like to come here to enjoy the hot spring, it should not be so coincidental.

The man in the shadow said lightly: "That's your own personal matter, do you know what to do if you are late?"

The man sighed: "... well, we will hand in half of our monthly income to the guild."

I'll go. The punishment of this guild is fierce enough?

"The great Gibkensies are on, and the shadows always shelter us."

The Shadow Man finally stood up, but he still kept most of his body in the shadow: "Since everyone is here, the meeting will begin."


Tang En was so energized that he himself hated meetings, but now he likes eavesdropping on meetings because it means a lot of information!

"The main contents of today's meeting are the following three points. The first point is the intelligence confirmation on whether the ghost agents of the Illus Empire are really expanding their activities."

Tang En froze, but the first piece of information was related to himself.

"The second point is the statistical report on the observations of abnormalities in the villages and towns around Alcanretia."

Anomalies in surrounding villages and towns?

"Also, the most important third point," the Shadow Man paused and said slowly: "That's ... whether we, the Alcanretia Thieves' Guild, should accept fleeing from Losermar City. Coming out of the guild ... "

Tang En, who was hiding in the dark, found that when the words of Losermar City were spoken from the shadow man, the atmosphere in the entire basement suddenly became much depressed.

what happened?

Where is Lostmar City? Why do members of the Thieves Guild escape from there? Why should such a discussion about receiving peers be so serious?

Tang En frowned, and found that he seemed to have heard very important information by accident.

"If there are no objections, we will start the meeting now ..."

"I object!"

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