Things from Another World

Chapter 977: Humiliated daxas

From the beginning, the thieves' meeting fell into a fierce contradiction. They didn't even discuss the first two topics, but quarreled on the third topic.

"I absolutely disagree with those who received the city of Lothermar!"

A thief went to the center of the basement and patted the table heavily in front of the long table. "His Majesty Klein has ordered the blockade there. Now no one knows what the situation is like. We accept them. What went wrong in the future, and who bears this responsibility? Are you? Minister Texas Branch? "

The man in the shadow, namely, Texas, was the head of the Rogue Guild in Alcanretia. However, facing the question of the thief, he groaned and did not speak for a long time.

The thief said in a deep voice, "Even you don't want to take this responsibility, why should we risk taking them?"

"This is the rule established at the beginning of the guild. We cannot abandon them ..."

Another thief stood up and said coldly, "But the problem now is not that we want to abandon them! It is that we don't know if they are harmless at all!"

"Yes! If they are infected now, after accepting them, we will also be infected!"

One thief said politely: "You have no such concerns, maybe they escaped before the outbreak, or maybe we can take them to the Holy See for inspection?"

"You are a fool! We are followers of the God of Shadows! Go to the Holy See to receive blessings?"

"This worry is absolutely necessary!"

A fierce thief stood up and said excitedly, "The thing on the Dagger Peninsula is a lesson learned!"

"That was an accident-well I know your concerns, and I am actually worried!"

Facing the fierce quarrels of others, Daxas finally said to himself: "Before the atmosphere of chaos completely broke out, none of us knew who the next unlucky one would be! Those corrupted chaotic believers Before the fall, I am afraid the same thought. "

The thief who stood up at first said Shen Sheng: "Since you also think so, Minister Texas, I don't think we should accept them!"




Hearing this all the time, Tang En's heart suddenly realized that what they were talking about was a chaotic believer!

He couldn't help overjoying, it seemed that the city of Losermar must have been threatened by the Chaos believers, and if he started from there, he would definitely find clues to Chaos theology.

"... In that case, vote and refuse to accept the hands of the guild members of Lothermar City."

After counting, Daxus sighed and said, "9 votes in favor, 4 abstentions, 4 vetoes, I give up. It seems that I don't need to continue to vote. In this case, I will communicate our headquarters to the headquarters tomorrow. Opinion, as for the punishment of the headquarters, I will bear it. "

"No, I don't think you need to refuse to accept them."

"The result of the vote has come out-who is it?"

After Texas subconsciously spoke, he suddenly responded. This was a strange voice!

Damn it!

The branch is exposed!

There was a sudden sound of swords coming out of the basement. At the same time, the torches on the wall were extinguished instantly, and eighteen thieves disappeared into the shadows.

Under the protection of the shadow god, they can feel a sense of security, even if it is escape.

Suddenly, a muffled humming sounded in the darkness, followed by a thief in horror: "Damn! The exit is blocked!"

what! ?

Daxas was frightened, and instantly turned into a smoke and rushed to the exit, and then bumped back against the invisible magic wall and was bounced back!

Encountered a master!

After repeated attempts, Daxus gave up and stood in the center of the basement and shouted, "Which lord is joking with us? May I see you?"

"Oh, the thief hiding in the shadow asked someone to show up, and it felt really fresh."


Daxas has been deeply insulted. If it wasn't for such a big gap in strength, he couldn't resist at all, and the ghost would face you face to face!


Suddenly daylight in the basement, Tang En sat comfortably across from Texas and smiled at him: "Hello, Lord Texas, please sit down."

Daxus glanced down, not knowing when a chair appeared.


Definitely a top master!

As the branch director of the Rogue Guild in Alcanretia, Daxas is not weak, and the level of the golden peak is a proud level in the whole of Prandall. Appeared.

He even has the ability to take out two stools and place them in the middle of the basement without anyone realizing it!

The gap in strength is at least one level above!

Helpless, Texas had to sit down: "Who are you? How did you find out here? What do you want?"

Daxas directly asked the three most important questions.

He was clearly frightened.

"Don't worry, I'm not malicious."

Tang En smiled, and a few fireballs shook his palm and disappeared: "If you want to kill someone, you will be dead without your consciousness."

Hiss-Spell Instant! ?

Daxas was startled again, but Tang En's words at least gave him a little peace of mind, not malicious, that is to ask for them, as long as there is to ask them.

"As for how you found it ... of course, it was with you."

Tang En shrugged. "I want to follow someone. No one can find me yet, so you don't want to punish them."

Daxas said with a smile: "You're joking, we are still very united ..."

"Of course, the thieves are one family."

Tang En laughed very ironically, but they just lived on this behavior in Daxas, and their skin was already invincible, and of course they didn't care about his sarcasm.

"As for my purpose ..."

Dunn pointed to Daxas and said, "I want you."

Daxas panicked and stood up with humiliation: "If you must."

At the moment, Daxas was in a state of collapse. He knew that someone was good at it, but he did not expect that there would be such a powerful strong man who would run here to find them and ask them to lean over and offer chrysanthemums.

Daxus turned and bent down, holding his stool in one hand and planning to take off his pants.

"This is the first time, please be gentle-although it has not been cleaned up, but I don't think you would mind ..."

Seeing the branch minister who had the courage to sacrifice himself, but also to save others, the other thieves burst into tears.

Minister Zhi, we will always remember your sacrifice!

We will never let you sacrifice your innocent body for nothing!

"I want you to help me-I am!"

Tang En was talking, just watched that Daxus suddenly started to unfasten his pants belt, with humiliating tears on his face, and immediately became mad-why the thinking of these people like Nima!

Furious Don jumped and kicked Daxas to the ground.

"Your Mightiness!"

Now even Texas is angry: "You can insult my body, but you must not insult my soul! I am a dignified thief! I can betray my body, but I will never betray me Mind to accompany you to play that kind of abusive game! "

"I play with your sister!"

Tang En was furious: "You can't listen to me well !? Mom's son doesn't like men!"

With a stiff body, Daxus lifted his pants in a hurry, letting out a long sigh of relief, secretly slandering from your belly: your uncle! Speak clearly, don't make people misunderstand so easily! ? ——Well, you are the strongest and you are the best! I'll bear it!

"And you! Roll over for me!"

As soon as Tang En waved, all the thieves around him were captured in the middle of the basement, standing neatly in a square array.

"I just heard you talk about the city of Lothermar. Who can tell me exactly what happened there?"

Daxas came to me afterwards, looking at Tang En with a strange look: "Sir, do you want to buy information?"

Tang En waved his fingers: "No, you said one more word."

Well, depending on the situation, I know he is not buying ...

Daxas is suffering, your uncle, if you want information, you can directly find out members!

Who dares to refuse you if you show your identity! ?

Is it necessary to break here directly! ?

Is it necessary to directly threaten us! ?

But now I am artificially stabbed with fish, and Texas can only succumb to Tang En's obscene power with tears.

"That's it, Lotherham City--"

"First tell me where Lotheramar is."

"... To the northeast of Alcanretia, to the east of the White Mist Plain, is the Lengquan River."

Tang En nodded. "Continue."

"Losemar City is now almost a dead city."

Daxas sorted out the language and slowly said, "Five years ago, someone had discovered traces of suspected chaotic believer activity in Losmar Mart, but at that time, no evidence of chaotic believer activity could be found, so This message failed to be taken seriously. "

"And after a period of spread, the chaos breath carried by the Chaos believers finally infected the entire city of Lothermar six months ago. When the kingdom discovered anomalies and planned to block the city of Lothermar, it was too late. The inhabitants have completely become crazy chaotic believers. "

"Her Majesty Klein sent troops to block the city of Lothermaar, to establish a blockade and to prevent anyone from going in there."

"The chaotic believers in Losermar cannot continue to the south. They seem to be heading north along the coast. As a result, the entire Dagger Peninsula has fallen. I heard that there are still some chaotic believers moving west. where."

Tang En said lightly, "I know, they went to the Rennes Empire."

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