Things from Another World

Chapter 979: Angel!

In a word, Down made a group of Daxas break their legs in the middle of the night, and he patted his **** and went back to the hotel.

He secretly glanced at the hot spring pool halfway—really just a simple glance, not a peep, Tang En swears to heaven to heaven—but to his disappointment, Fiona and Eggwin were not inside, They had washed and went back to the room.

Turning his eyes, Tang En quietly touched Aegwynn's room, trying to take the opportunity to have a Bingzhuan night talk with her, but when he came to Aegwynn's room, he found no one in the room.

Disappointed, Tang En opened the door next door, and suddenly heard an exclaim.

"What the **** do you want to do !?"

Grantia scrambled to cover her body.

Grantian, who was so angry, closed her eyes, tangled with one hand on her hips, and pointed at Tang En: "Asshole! I know what you want to do! It must have been not enough to play with me in the hot spring today, so I want to take advantage of the night attack Me !? Come on! I'm ready! Let's be bitten by a dog! I don't care! ''

Although this is the case, Grantia was actually very nervous. She couldn't tell what she felt at the moment. She just felt inexplicably nervous, alas, and at the same time there was a faint sense of indecision. .

Expecting? -What a joke! Anything is possible, it can never be expected!

He has been insulted like that, how can he still expect anything from him!


How would he treat himself?

Will he, like he said, have a brutal hair, make himself so miserable, and make himself cry for mercy?

Or does he suddenly become very gentle, just like to Sister Eggwin?


With her eyes closed, Grantia thought of countless possibilities. In a short moment, it seemed like a few years had passed, and she had even figured out how to deal with Tang En-just in his ecstasy. When he conquered himself, he got up from under him and sneered with a sip of saliva, and then disregarded his existence with disgust, only when he was bitten once by a dog ...

But at this moment, the sound of "嘭" evoked her thoughts. When she opened her eyes, she found that Tang En closed the door and left!

He ignored his charm and turned it off! on! door! go! It's up!

A nameless flame ignited, and Grantia growled angrily: "Don! I'll kill you !!!"

"what the hell."

Tang En dug his ears and muttered, "Not in Grantia, that is to say, Aegwynn and Fiona are resting in a room? This is troublesome ..."

Such a good opportunity, whether with Aegwynn or Fiona, can spend a pleasant evening, but the trouble is that the two of them have come together.

This time Tang Enke is okay.

You must not mess around in front of her until you have settled Aegwin.

No matter how hard Fiona seduced him, he had to stick to his heart.

Of course, the situation was different when Aegwin was away ...

With a long sigh, Tang En had no choice but to stay alone.

The next day, while having breakfast, Grantia glared at Tang En. Last night, Tang En's actions deeply hurt her teenage heart—if she really had a teenage heart—even let her Did not sleep well at night.

She blamed Tang En for this reason.

Aegwin and Fiona's relationship seems to have made great progress. The two were still chatting to each other in a low voice while eating. It seems that the knee-length talk last night gave them a deeper understanding.

Tang En is of course happy to see such a change. Under the condition that at least two people have better relations, he will have a greater hope of enjoying the happiness of the people in the future.

At the end of the breakfast, Fiona suddenly asked, "What's the arrangement today? Visit the city as planned? Or ..."

"There are other plans."

Tang En wiped his mouth and said, "I went out last night. Eggwin should know."

Igwin nodded silently, of course she found out, but Fiona didn't ask, and she didn't say-for the elves, even if they knew many things, they would not take the initiative to mention them.

"Where did you go?"

Fiona gave him a white look: "Isn't it always going to find those women?"

Of course Fiona knew that Tang En would not be able to find those vulgar fans, but he couldn't help but ridicule him.

"of course not."

Tang En smiled. "In fact, I found something interesting and got some unexpected information."

Tang En told Fiona briefly about what happened last night, and when they heard that Tang En had discovered the chaos, Fiona and Eggwin's expressions became serious.

Now Chaos is also one of the enemies on Ellington's list. In Prendall, except for the Dark Serpent, Chaos is the most harmful cult. The other minor sects have little climate, just a few. The Holy See did not have the energy to extract the main fighting power to suppress them.

As an elven swordsman dedicated to destroying chaotic pollution, Aegwynn is also very concerned about this information. In the past hundreds of years, the number of chaotic believers who have died in her hands is quite large.

"So today we're going to meet the thieves, maybe they can get specific information from the thieves who escaped from Losmar."

Down's proposal was approved by Fiona and Aegwynn, and as for Grantia's idea, it was directly ignored.

——However, if Aegwin agrees, she can't refuse, this brain powder can only be seconded.

After a few people ate, they didn't even sit in the carriage. After performing the stealth technique, they flew directly to the farm outside the city.

After entering the basement along the secret road discovered last night, Tang En found that there were a lot of eighteen thieves last night, all here.

Their faces were very poor and their hearts were full of anxiety. Obviously the long wait of one night did not let them rest well, or it was better to say that they did not sleep all night.

In addition to them, here are four more unfamiliar faces. It seems that they are the thieves who escaped from Lothermaar. Their condition is even worse, their eye sockets are deep, their cheeks are thin, and it is good to say that malnutrition is good. Yes, it is more like a drug addict who is addicted to drugs.

Calling such a person a thief, Tang En was the first to disbelieve, let alone steal something. It seemed that the wind was about to fall, and it was almost as if they were professionals.

Seeing Tang En appear again, the dull atmosphere in the basement finally dissipated, but following Aegwynn's appearance, those people instantly made them look like angels.

The pure, noble, and beautiful elves have a visual impact beyond imagination. Adding the contrast brought by Tang En, the impact is even stronger.

Suddenly, a thief was crying, lying on his stomach, rushing forward to plead for Aegwynn's redemption-redeeming them from the devil-like Tang En.

Aigwin looked at Tang En a little helplessly, and didn't understand what was happening. There was a breath of resentment in this basement, which was the chaos breath carried by the thieves who escaped from Lothermaar. .


Daxas took a breath, exclaimed, "Aegwin Silver Blade !?"

As an intelligence provider, of course, the Thieves' Guild needs Aegwynn's intelligence, the legendary swordsman of the elves, and the legendary heroes who participated in the Second Chaos Invasion War. Almost everyone must keep the information in mind, so when I first saw Iger Wen, Daxas recognized her, after all, the appearance and body of the elves will not change much after adulthood.

Aegwynn shook his ears, following Tang En's usual appearance, and extended his hand to say hello: "Hello."

"Hello, hello!"

Daxas is flattered, but that is the legendary swordsman of the Elf tribe, who is usually qualified to say hello!

Just when he wanted to shake hands, Daxus noticed that Tang En's gaze was full of threats, and he shrank his hand back like an electric shock, and said sloppyly, "I was reckless ..."

"The four of them escaped from Lothermar?"

Tang En ignored the others, and walked to the four skinny thieves. Before he could take the initiative to find out, Nora had already dragged his hair and called out: "What a smell of chaos! 】

It is indeed a sensitive chaotic detection radar ...

Tang En smiled and said to Daxas: "Your vigilance is correct, four of them have indeed been corrupted by the atmosphere of chaos, or they are almost going to become deeply corrupt."

Daxas was shocked that the more severe the corruption, the stronger the chaotic information they carried.

Those who have been in contact with them will be corrupted by the atmosphere of chaos!

In other words, these people in the basement are now stained with chaos!

"do not worry."

Tang En didn't even look at him, and he knew what he was worried about: "I said that I can save, but I can save them. They have not yet entered the next stage, and they can be saved now."

Tang En said, raised his hands and patted the first two thieves. The fire of the void penetrated directly into their bodies, forced the chaos breath hidden in their bodies together, and then completely purified.

Compared with the infection of Sasaglot, the degree of corruption is now pediatric.

Tang En cleaned up the breath of the four infected people in a minute, and at the same time, he used the life force of Nora to thoroughly clean up the inside and outside of the entire basement. Before the chaos breath had any effect, it had completely disappeared.

"Okay, it's safe now."

Tang En clapped his hands: "Give them something to eat, and then I'll start asking questions."


Having witnessed the changes in the thief, Daxas no longer dared to object, and acted immediately.

At this moment, he has completely regarded the incident as a rare opportunity.

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