Things from Another World

Chapter 980: Illuth's Light of Hope

The four mummy-like thieves corrupted by the chaos atmosphere in Lossermar City, after being purified by Tang En, were nourished by the power of Nora's life, and they were restored to health in a blink of an eye.

After gorging on the food the companions brought, they finally had the energy to answer Tang En's question.

Looking at the four thieves sitting in front of each other with gratitude, Tang En asked the first question first: "What's going on in Losermar?"

"It's miserable."

The thief sitting on the far left finished, and hurriedly added, "My name is Rather."

Tang En nodded and said he knew, and motioned him to continue.

Rather said: "When people noticed the chaotic followers in Losermar, it was too late. The entire city was being corrupted at an incredible rate. Just overnight, almost all the civilians in the city They became captives of chaos. They walked on the streets, continually converging to the place where the followers of chaos gathered. They have lost themselves and began to actively absorb the chaos breath. "

"When we first tried to escape from that city, the non-resisting civilians there had completely become a member of the chaotic believers. Only a small number of Apocalypse barely retained their consciousness, and they struggled to leave Lothermar, however, was tempted by the chaos atmosphere, and finally took it easy to tear it apart, and was always blocked by familiar 'friends' so that they could not leave there. "

"In the end, those who were more resistant to the apocalypse were also reduced to chaotic captives. We were relatively fortunate. When we found that the city became weird, we had already begun to plan to escape there. We were in Losmar There is a stronghold in the city, which is relatively close to the water outlet near the city wall. We dug a passage from the stronghold and escaped from the city of Lothermar along the water outlet. "

"When we left, the entire city had been completely corrupted and there were no survivors."

After listening to Lather ’s description, Tang En frowned. He thought that the residents of Lothermar were about the same as them. He could save if he rushed over as soon as possible. If Lasser said, I ’m afraid that city It has been completely rescued.

"The situation looks worse than expected."

Fiona whispered, "Did Klein not know that continuing the blockade would only make things worse?"

"Your Majesty Klein certainly knows, but even if he knew him, there was nothing he could do."

Daxas explained: "First of all, the only power that can solve the chaotic believers is the Holy See, but all members of the Knights Templar of the Holy See have left the Kingdom of Solant and went to the Illus Empire."

"Second is the Silver City, but the main focus of the Silver City has always been on the door of chaos. They will manage it when they encounter chaos, and they will not take the initiative to find it if they do not meet it. Klein Her Majesty blocked the news of Lor'themar, and I am afraid that the City of Silver has not known the situation of Lor'mar until now. "

Tang En and Fiona looked at each other, which seemed like a breakthrough.

Tang En's identity and position are not suitable for directly interfering in the internal affairs of the Sorant Kingdom, but the Holy See and the City of Silver can stand up and speak for him.

"Next, you tell us about the specific situation of Lossermar, including the size of the city, the population, and the distribution of residential areas."

Lather started to explain in detail according to Tang En's instructions. There were some things he didn't understand, and the other three thieves beside him supplemented him. After these four people's intermittent descriptions, Tang En was regarded as having an understanding of Lothermar City. Got a rough idea.

Lostmar City and Alcanretia are quite similar, both are secondary cities, with a resident population of about 100,000. In addition to the floating population, the average monthly population is about 150,000. When the atmosphere of chaos erupted, Lostmar had a population of about 130,000 at the time.

Thirteen thousand!

Now these 130,000 people have all become chaotic believers, surrounded by the army of the Kingdom of Solant in the city.

If the slaughter can solve the problem, Klein may have ordered the slaughter long ago. You must know that Prandall has no so-called humanitarianism on earth.

The corrupted chaotic believers are the enemies of the order camp, which is beyond doubt.

The reason why the army is not sent to slaughter the city is only concerned that the people sent in will be trapped inside and corrupted-the stronger the atmosphere of chaos, the faster the rate of corruption. Increase the number of enemies.

After knowing the details, Tang En discussed with Fiona on the spot, while Aegwynn and Grantia could only stare beside them.

In this case, neither of them can help.

When Fiona noticed this, she was a little bit proud—see, although you are a legendary hero, you have to stare at the big picture and diplomacy? Only I can help Tang En!

Eggwin did not notice Fiona's pride. In her understanding, this kind of thing is normal. Everyone has their own special product and is also irreplaceable. In the elves, she is a sword dance. Or, as long as you are responsible for the battle, as for the tribe's life and political issues, that is what Queen Isally should be responsible for.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this unique mode of thinking, that Elf Clan has such a special state long ago.

After a short interim discussion, Down and Fiona finalized a rough plan.

Go back to Yalinks and inform the Holy See, let Jessolini XXIII directly persecute the Emperor Klein, and contact Jean to let him pressure the Kingdom of Solant as the Lord of the Silver City. Asked to resolve the situation in Lothermar.

In all likelihood, Klein would not easily agree to allow the magician of the Silver City to enter the Kingdom of Solant, and a city was completely corrupted. This is simply an indelible scandal. Once it broke out, the entire Kingdom of Solant No, it should be said that the public opinion of the entire Prandall is likely to fall completely to the opposite of Klein, and his support for him will drop significantly.

Although the Kingdom of Solent is also a feudal monarchy, Klein wants to unify Prendall and achieve a generation of emperors. A good reputation is essential. The outbreak of this scandal will make him infamous, even if he really Using the power to unify Plandal, the next thing to face is probably the insurgents with various flags.

This is why after taking office, Tang En paid attention to the impact of various policies on the people, and even used the Datang Daily to guide public opinion in a favorable direction.

Fiona volunteered, "Let's go back now."

"Then our date ..."

Fiona was extremely considerate of Tang En and said with a smile: "Yesterday you were able to accompany me for a day. I'm satisfied. The business matters."

She is really a very clever woman, she understands right and wrong, and knows how to retreat. Even if Tang En knew that it was her little cleverness, she still moved her to be considerate.

If this is on the earth, expect women to understand? It's better to expect the sun to rise from the west. I'm afraid that the end of the world is coming. This date must also be continued. Will I have to return to the company to work overtime?

Let me turn you upside down.

Down stood up and said to Daxas, "I'm very satisfied with this incident. As for you, although you used to be a thief to make a living, but I think your ability is not just about stealing things. Your ability It makes more sense if it is used in intelligence gathering. "

Daxas had a happy heart, knowing that Down was going to arrange them.

"So I decided to include you, and you'll work for me in the future."

Tang En swept around, took out a stack of contracts, and said, "A total of 22 people, you signed this."

Daxas took the contract and issued it. After reading it roughly, he took a cold breath, and the whole man stayed still.

"You, you turned out to be ... Her Majesty Don of the Illus Empire !?"

Prior to this, even if Daxus thought boldly, he would not dare to imagine that His Excellency Noble Emperor was His Majesty the Regent of the Illus Empire!

In the Thieves Guild, there is almost as much information about Tang En as any hill, and any trivial news will be collected. There is even a separate cabinet in the headquarters for storing information related to Tang En.

For no reason, Tang En is the most influential king in the past thousand years!

Due to the rapid rise of Ellington, the influence of the Datang Chamber of Commerce gradually spread, and his figure gradually appeared in the vision of other forces.

His birth is a mystery!

His strength is a mystery!

The speed of his rise can be called lightning!

His creativity is unparalleled!

He accumulates wealth at such a speed that even dragons look at it!

His process of becoming king was dramatic!

His relationship with other races is amazing ...


All of this can not help but pay attention to him, not only the thieves' guild, the mercenary guild, the adventurer's guild, and other major strengths almost agree that Tang En will be the last hope of the resurgence of the Illus Empire.

And because of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the Illus Empire will also rise!

Although Daxas found the terms in the contract to be harsh, he chose to sign a confidentiality contract, and the remaining 21 thieves also signed the contract.

Not to mention anything else, just relying on the ability to heal people who have been infected with the atmosphere of chaos is enough to make them follow Tang En.

Under the testimony of the shadow **** Gibkensese (and indeed other gods), the contract was established and became a force to restrain everyone.

"Very well, you are now my people."

Tang En said: "Then I will set up a teleportation team here, and this farm will be Ellington ’s stronghold in Alcanretia, and then someone will come here to renovate and someone will come here to contact You, make you into Agent Ghost. "

"On the surface, you are still a member of the Thieves Guild, but your true identity is the ghost agent in Ellington, responsible for intelligence gathering."


Daxas and his party were deeply shocked again.

Even this lost technology has it!

It is indeed the only light of hope in the legend that can lead the re-emergence of the Illus Empire!

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