Things from Another World

Chapter 981: select

Seeing four people suddenly appearing in the teleportation array, Brian's face changed, and he ran away!

Aigwin asked with a puzzled look: "Isn't that Brian? What does he run?"

Tang En looked at Brian's back with a smile, and said, "Because I did something wrong, I was afraid."

Losermarr's affairs are more urgent, so Tang En has no time to teach Brian, and let him talk for a few days.

Tang En phoned Jean and Ye Ye separately. One minute later, Jean and Angus appeared together in front of Tang En. After a while, Selna and Ye Ye also came.

Ye Ye is now responsible for collecting and sorting out the chaos gods in the Kingdom of Solant. Of course, this matter can't be omitted from her.

A confused Jean asked, "What's so anxious?"

"Things over the Kingdom of Solant have found intelligence on Chaos."

Tang En poured himself a cup of tea and said, "The place is in Lotheramar, where the chaos believers of the Dagger Peninsula previously mentioned by Selena originated from. In addition, the chaotic believers who sneaked into Burkeso of the Rennes Empire should also be. I left from there, so I have enough confidence to infer that the base camp of Chaos is near Losermar. Every night, is there a map around Losermar? "

Ye Ye said angrily: "Of course not! The map is a state secret, how could it be obtained randomly!"

Tang En frowned: "Did not even the map drawn by the adventurer himself?"

"Not currently, if you are willing to buy at a high price, you should be able to buy it."

After thinking about it every night, he said, "However, considering the current situation in Lothermar City, there should be very little information about Lothermar City in the market, and the Mercenary Guild may not be able to buy maps."

"Serna, it's over to you."


"You are a legend in the thief world. The thief guild will definitely sell your face. They must have a map of Lor'themar in their hands, so please buy a copy."

Down's order was unquestionable, and Serna had to accept it with gritted teeth.

"Speaking of which, are you sure that Chaos Religion has a stronghold like the Dark Serpent?"

Angus scratched his head and said puzzledly: "As far as I know, Chaos Deity has always blossomed a lot. They have no self-consciousness after being corrupted. They only know that there is no base camp or something like that. Right? "

The more concentrated the chaos believers, the richer the chaos breath, the richer the chaos breath, the faster the rate of corruption. According to normal thinking, if the chaos **** camp has a base camp, then the situation of that base camp should be the same as the door of chaos The latter situation is similar, it should be all pure chaotic creatures.

How could a chaotic creature without consciousness, thinking, and order be organized?

"Not sure, but we cannot deny the possibility."

Tang En spread his hand: "Losemar City is by far the place with the largest number of chaotic believers and the place where the chaos is most corrupted. There must be a reason for this, and what we need to do is to find out the reason inside. Where. "


Angus waved his hand: "That is to say, this time you finally want to strike the Kingdom of Solant? Hey, this is a good excuse."

"I think, but unfortunately the situation doesn't allow it."

Tang En said innocently: "The rashness of war is to be responsible."

Angus didn't understand: "What do you want to do?"

"I hope that Jean, as the owner of the Silver City, publicly announced that the Kingdom of Solant should make public the situation of Lothermar, and also offered to help him resolve the city of Lothermar."

After thinking for a moment, Jean said suddenly, "Good guy! Have you even used me?"

The City of Silver has always stood on a neutral stance, and the magician is well informed. It is not surprising to get the news of Lostmar City. It is not surprising to ask for a solution, but it is conceivable that Klein ’s Personality, he will almost certainly reject Jean's request.

This drove Klein to the opposite of the people. Once Klein's negative image was established, there were articles to be done for what Tang En wanted to do next.

Tang En smiled slightly and continued: "It's not just Gene, I've contacted Jessolini XXIII, he should be here soon-"

pope! ?

Selna's face froze, and she was ready to flash.

Unfortunately, before she could stand up, Jessolini XXIII opened the door with a hearty smile and went into the study: "I seem to hear someone say my name?"

"It's so timely."

Tang En smiled and stood up to welcome the Pope ... and the virgin Illy.

——It is worth mentioning that since the combination of Longdao, Yi Luli now can easily control her desires on weekdays, and the feeling of gradually collapsed desires has gradually disappeared, which is an accident. Surprise it.

"May I ask what happened?"

Jessolini XXIII noticed that even Angus and Jean were in the room. He was quite surprised. When he saw Selna, he was even more surprised: "Ms. Selna? Even you Also here? "

As soon as Selena's face froze, she planned to run away.

"Oh, Ms. Serna don't need to be nervous. Although it's a surprise to meet you, I don't have those things in my mind anymore. I think it's a gift for you."

Jessolini XXIII was glorious, saying something that surprised Serna, "Are you sure?"

"of course."

Jessolini XXIII nodded with a smile: "Thanks to His Excellency Don En, those things are not much."

Earlier in the year, Selna sneaked into the treasure house of the Holy See and stole several pieces of the Holy See's excellent magic equipment, including even one of the legendary magic equipment, which made Jesolini thunderous.

Thanks to Illy's blessed eyes, she saw through the disguise of Selna and discovered the true colors of Selna, so Jessorini XXIII knew who stole their treasure. The Holy See wanted Selena secretly-until the deal with Tang En was completed.

That's right, the deal with Tang En shocked Jesorini XXIII, which opened his eyes, and also made him understand a truth-in the eyes of the tyrant, supreme equipment Fart, legendary equipment is just a commodity for ordinary soldiers!

Eye-opening Jesorini XXIII has greatly improved the quality of the equipment. Coupled with a lot of legendary equipment provided by Tang En, it makes him smile every day. He broke his mind in a blink of an eye.

Selna was surprised at first, but when she thought about the suffocation of ordinary soldiers with legendary equipment, she suddenly understood.

With his generous habits, I'm afraid that the Holy See also gained a lot of benefits from him, otherwise it wouldn't be possible for Tang En to call the Pope and the Virgin on a phone call--it's impossible for them to wait every day to do nothing. What about Tang En's phone?

This only shows one thing, Tang En's things are more important in their eyes than other things!

"I'm calling you this time because of things in the Kingdom of Solant."

Tang En briefly explained, then said: "I hope you can ask the Kingdom of Sorant to make this matter public in the name of the Holy See."

Jesolini XXIII immediately understood Tang's intentions and laughed: "I see, you want to put pressure on Klein."

Tang En shrugged. "You can understand that."

After a moment of groaning at Jezorini XXIII, he said, "I can help you. After all, the things of chaos must be taken seriously, but as far as I know, there are many people in Losermar. If All have become chaotic believers. This will be a terrible enemy. Do you have a solution to them? "

Tang En smiled: "You can rest assured about this, and I will not call you intentionally without the confidence to completely resolve this matter."

"That being the case, so decide."

Jessolini XXIII was also very straightforward, asking directly: "When are you going to let me speak?"

"Of course, the sooner the better. After pressure on Klein, we have to make excuses to interfere in the Kingdom of Solant."

Down, knocking on the table with a smile, said, "If Klein accepts by then, my people will mix with the Templars and enter Losermar to solve the chaotic believer's affairs."

Jessolini XXIII asked with interest: "What if Klein refused?"

Tang En ha laughed: "It will be simpler, and the direct military forces will force the situation to force Klein to compromise."

Jessolini XXIII continued to ask, "What if he just turned his face and waged a war?"

Tang En waved his face with a shameful expression: "Then let him taste the iron fist of justice."

Although Down did not want to conquer the Kingdom of Solant through war, in fact the use of war to solve Klein's problem was the fastest.

Moreover, using public opinion to control the moral high ground is to wage war in order to solve the problem of chaotic theology. You do n’t have to worry about the people ’s opposition. You may even get the title of a prince. There is nothing bad for Tang En—the only bad It may be that a large number of war dead will affect his subsequent battles with the Chaos Legion.

To Tang En, nothing is more important than the big picture.

Yesorini XXIII sighed and said, "I still hope that this matter can be resolved peacefully ..."

As the pope of the Holy See, Jesorini XXIII could not bear to see **** wars and displaced refugees.

"That's not what I said, you pray that Klein can make the right choice."

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