Things from Another World

Chapter 983: Totally out of control

Jean's deafening roar sounded like a thunder, suddenly blasting in the throne, and almost all the ministers were frightened.

Some ministers suddenly came to their senses, and Gu Ge was right!

What is Chaos God? A tumor that breeds from chaotic creatures!

Leaving it aside will only become more and more dangerous. It only took five years to rot the entire city of Lothermar from the first petty trouble to the present. The actual time is shorter, and 90% of the time is in Spreading, the entire Losermar City was completely paralyzed almost overnight when it finally broke out. If you let it go, how long will it take for these tumors to corrupt the entire Kingdom of Solant?

a hundred years?

ten years?

Five years?

One year!

That's right, if those Chaos believers left the city of Lothermar, it would only take a year to turn the entire Soland Kingdom into a chaos territory!

Is Klein unclear?

He certainly knows!

But because he was helpless against Chaos, he could only adopt a passive policy, sending more soldiers into the city to destroy Chaos believers. In the end, he would only add members to Chaos, and the apocalypse who was strong enough would not be bought by the conditions he gave. Not to mention obeying his orders.

This is a deadlock!

Now, the opportunity to break the situation, whether it is the City of Silver or the Holy See, has enough power to fight against Chaos believers, and they are also the only forces in the human camp that can effectively deal with Chaos believers.

Among them, the Silver City can only be operated in the early stage of the chaotic believers' corruption. Once the chaotic believers are deeply corrupted and become chaotic creatures, even the Silver City can only stare and the Holy See can barely maintain the current situation.

It can be said that now they are the last life-saving straw of the Kingdom of Solant!

A group of ministers all looked at King Klein, including the Duke of Carton.

Although the Caton family was completely tied to Klein's chariot, he did not want to watch the mess of the Kingdom of Solant being chaotic by the Chaos Gods. In the face of chaos invasion, all humans with normal reason I know what to do.

"Master Jean speaks heavily."

Klein slowly returned to the throne, looking down at Jean, trying his best to maintain sufficient respect, and said, "We have been thinking about solutions, not just sitting idly by."

"Your solution is to build a high wall to block the city of Losmar? It is a wonderful way."

Gene looked at Klein with a mocking look, and his words did not mean sarcasm. With his strength, of course, he didn't need to give Klein any face.

Klein said in a deep voice: "Without the power of the magician, our warriors simply cannot fight chaotic believers."

"Oh? You blame me?"

Jean raised an eyebrow: "Blame me for drawing all the magicians to the Silver City without leaving enough magicians for you?"

Klein didn't say anything, but his meaning was already obvious. It was because of Jean that it caused the current situation.

"Do you know, I recently learned a new word, called‘ shake pot ’.”

Jean sneered and said, "You're just dumping the pot."

"In order to protect the peace and stability of Prandall, our city of silver constantly monitors the flow of magic throughout Prandall, and has been constantly fighting against the door of chaos. In the process, how many magicians have sacrificed? Do you know? You know! How many magical wives do you know? You don't know! How much human, material, and financial resources did we spend on this? Do you know? You don't know! "

"You know nothing!"

Jean rose up arrogantly, a flash operation appeared in front of Klein, pointed at his nose and yelled, "You only care about your own ambition! You only care about how to become a supreme king! You don't know anything, you Why talk to Lao Tzu like this !? "

"If I hadn't gathered the magician and stayed neutral, now you are still consuming internally!"

"If you continue to use the power of magic, you will only use magic for war!"

"Without the power of magic, the number of casualties in a war would be even more terrible!"

"You know nothing about the meaning of magic!"

"What qualifications do you have to say I'm wrong !?"

"Compared to Tang En, you are a complete fool!"

Klein, who had been patient, heard Jean suddenly mention Tang's name and exploded instantly: "Enough!"

At first he also knew how to control his emotions and greet Jean with a false smile, but the name "Don" was like a curse imposed on Klein's head. When he heard the name, it was still from Jean's mouth. Saying this name immediately made Klein out of control.

Klein suddenly burst into a strong energy, and red eyes glared at Jean: "Don't call that name before me!"


Gene looked at Klein with disdain: "Do you still want to fight me? You are still a hundred years old!"

Gene only waved his hand gently, Klein's energy from the whole body disappeared, and Gene was pressed directly on the throne.

Klein is just an extraordinary swordsman. There is a huge gap between Gene and Gene. How could he resist Gene's power?

Although Jean is more than two hundred years old, the two-spotted Klein is more like a weak old man than he is.

Queen Shanelie exclaimed: "Master Jean! Please don't hurt him!"

"I won't hurt him. I said that the Silver City is always in the neutral camp. We will not interfere in his internal affairs."

Gene stared at Klein coldly, and out of control, Kle had no demeanor, snarling like a trapped beast, and even the disguised elegance and nobleness disappeared.

"But this time, we will not sit idly by about Losermar."

Jean finally said what he meant: "This time, our mage units in the Silver City will be dispatched to assist the Templars of the Holy See to completely clear the city of Losmar, and I hope that in the next few days , Seeing the surrounding Kingdom of Solent's army all withdraw from the area of ​​Lossermar. "

"The specific cleanup plan depends on the situation, but during the cleanup process, we do not rule out the possibility of using more than eighth-order spells."

"If you don't withdraw, you will be harmed by the spell."

"It's not a request or a negotiation. It's just a decision to convey our city of silver."

Jean said to Queen Shanelie, "His Majesty Klein may not be emotionally stable. I hope he can calm down and convey your words to him. I hope he can make the right choice before our people arrive."

"And you guys."

Gene glanced back at the ministers who were standing there: "Five years, five years! We who have been following the Gate of Chaos have not been able to hear the news of the city of Lothermar, you The security measures are really adequate! "

"I hope you don't forget that you are first of all humans, and secondly of the Soland Kingdom. As humans, I hope you understand who your real enemy is!"

"It's only been 167 years since the Chaos War. We old guys are still alive, but what about you? But you have forgotten the painful memories that Chaoland brought to Prandall!"

"Whether you work together to fight against chaos, or continue to enjoy yourself as you are?"

After Jean said, he tore open the cracks in the space and left the throne.

Gene's words were loud, and the ministers were all silent. Only the roar of Klein out of control and the soft words of comfort by Queen Shanelly were heard in the throne.

"I'm a king! He's just a magician!"

"He dared to be so rude!"

"Kill him! I want to kill him!"

"And that Tang En! Tang En Tang En Tang En! I'm going to kill Tang En!"

Shanelly watched Klein secretly weep, and he had completely lost himself in power.

Especially since last year, Klein has clearly noticed the pressure brought by the man from the south.

Within a year, the Illus Empire was renewed. The average income of its residents has increased tenfold, and the food production has increased tremendously. There are even a variety of incredible magical machines born. The change that brought to that country is called Earthshaking.

They can hardly imagine what kind of monster the Illus Empire will grow into this second year!

Klein is under pressure, and almost all of this pressure comes from Down!

Gene's words ignited the fuse, Klein was completely out of control.

And it is foreseeable that Klein will soon face the pressure from Down.

A group of ministers whispered and discussed for a moment, but it was still Duke Caton, after all, the queen sitting on it was his daughter.

Duke Caton whispered: "Queen, we all agree that we should accept the aid of the Holy See and the City of Silver. At least for now, they can solve the situation in Losermar, even for our Kingdom of Solent. In the future, they should also accept their assistance. "

Queen Shanelie sighed: "Father ... Duke Caton, I understand what you mean, and I will consider it."

"Stop! You old thing! We don't need assistance! We can solve the city of Losermar!"

Klein, who was completely out of control, roared: "I want to send an army! I want to bloodwash the entire city of Lothermar!"

"Sir, please stop talking nonsense."

Queen Shanelie sighed and said, "Sent to our army just to die--"

The furious Klein slaps on Queen Shanelie's face and roars: "Shut up! You idiot! The soldier's mission is to die for the will of the emperor! That is their honor!"

Watching his daughter toppled to the ground, Marquis Caton was distressed to death, but he was a courtier, and he could only watch his daughter suffer.

Chanelly weeping, covering her face, was sad.

Klein was going crazy.

Power obsessed him, and ambition expanded him. In order to realize his ambitions, even in his sixties, he did not even stand up to the kings. There were a lot of rumors in the field, but he didn't care.

What he wants is just the wonderful feeling of power.

"Aren't they coming? Let them in!"

Klein red-eyed and said aggressively, "What happens after you come in, you can't help them!"

The ministers got a chill in their hearts.

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