Things from Another World

Chapter 984: Old dog's counterattack

Just because of Klein's words, the city of Anthem was in chaos.

After leaving the palace, Marquis Topney Hogman hurriedly took the carriage home, and found his lover and child as soon as he returned home.

Seeing that his lover still had the mood to relax in the yard and enjoy tea, watching his son and daughter ride horses by the lake, the Marquis Hogman was suddenly suffocated: "What time is it, you are so leisurely !?"

"My dear, what's wrong with you? Why are you so anxious?"

Seeing that the Marquis Hogman was so anxious, Mrs. Hogman was a little overwhelmed: "Is something happening in the palace today?"

"what's going on?"

Marquis Hogman abruptly raised his tone: "I can hardly walk out of the palace today!"

A crackling sound, the delicate crystal cup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. Mrs. Hogman looked pale and helpless, saying, "Is it because our relationship with the south has been found !?"

"From today's response, Klein should have known our relationship with the Illus Empire long ago."

Hogman's face sank like water, and he took a teacup and murmured a few sips. Then he took a breath and said, "I'm thirsty, I didn't drink any water in the morning!"

"Slow down, you talk about it, what happened today?"

"Jean is here today."

"Jean? Which jean?"

"Which other? The owner of the Silver City! The legendary hero, Master Jean!"

The Marquis Hogman said angrily: "Klein, the idiot blinded by his ambitions, turned his face on the spot with Master Jean!"


Mrs. Hogman took a breath, and was shocked to speak.

That is the famous legendary mage, or the master of the Silver City. Any human and race will respect him. Klein turned his face with him! ?

"If that's the case, Jean is a hero after all, and he won't have a general knowledge of him."

Hogman looked at his handsome son and his beautiful daughter riding a horse by the lake, and a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "The most important thing is that the things in Lothermar city are exposed. Chel and Jean found Klein in order to solve things in Lothermar City! "

"That's a good thing."

Mrs. Hogman didn't quite understand why such a good thing made Klein so angry.

"So your women are long-haired and short-sighted! The current situation in Lothermar City is caused by Klein's weak rule and negligence, so after being exposed-ah, it's too complicated to explain to you."

Marquis Hogman was struggling to see the lady's confused face, and did not know how to explain the complicated relationship inside her.

"In short, you just need to know that the Holy See and the City of Silver know about the city of Lothermar, and also offer assistance to ask for solutions to this city, which is very bad news for Klein. "

Solving Lostmar City is a good thing for civilians, even for adventurers, and even for the citizens of the Kingdom of Solant. It is very bad news for Klein alone.

"I see, but I still don't understand why you are so anxious ..."

"If it's just the situation above, of course there is no need to worry, but, but ..."

Marquis Hogman lowered his voice and said, "But Her Majesty Klein had to die, and he decided to ambush the Holy See and the reinforcements of the City of Silver in Lothermar!"


Mrs. Hogman exclaimed, covering her mouth, looking at her husband in disbelief: "Is he crazy !?"

Not crazy! ?

Even Hogman felt incredible. Where did Klein come from? The courage, the Holy See, and the city of silver were at the same time. ?

What secret weapon does he have against the Pope and the Virgin? Or is there another legendary powerhouse that can compete against Jean?

If he can't beat Jean in strength, why should he fight against Jean? ?

Even if the ambush can instantly destroy the Templars and the Silver City's mage units, what does he use to calm Jean's anger?

He can even destroy the entire Solent Kingdom with his own power!

The anger of a legendary mage just feels terrible just thinking about it!

"The Kingdom of Sorant is dangerous, and we can't stay here anymore."

The Marquis Hogman whispered, "Take advantage of these two days, as soon as possible to sell property, fields, houses, gold and silver jewelry, and save the money in the Star Diamond Bank, you take the child servant south, Contact His Royal Highness Princess Aurelia as soon as possible, and she will send someone to greet you into the Illus Empire. "

Mrs. Hogman only realized the danger of the situation, and immediately held her husband's hand, and burst into tears: "What about you?"

"I? I can't go now. If I go too, I'm afraid that before the Templars arrive, Klein will catch up first and kill us all."

The Marquis Hogman laughed bitterly: "So I must stay here, and I won't have a chance to leave here until Klein goes to ambush the Templars near Losermar."

"Isn't it dangerous at that time?"

"Danger is definitely dangerous, but at least it will not be a fatal situation."

The Marquis Hogman sighed and said, "I'm afraid it's not just me now, but everyone else in the city of Sacred Song has begun to act ... Every effort has been made! "

As the Marquis Hogman expected, not only him, but also the Marquis Caton, who had returned home, had to do two things at the moment.

Although his daughter is married to Klein, he has no better cards to play, but that does not mean that he will have to pin all hope on Klein.

The Duke of Caton hurriedly found the housekeeper, and couldn't wait to ask, "What's the recent return on my investment in the Illus Empire?"

The white-haired butler took out his account book and glanced, saying: "Very good, Lord Duke, the net profit of our chamber of commerce last month after deducting various costs was 4,482 gold coins."

Having said that, the steward said with a little regret: "Now that the Illus Empire has been fully replaced with paper money, we cannot see the heavy gold coins."

Forty or fifty banknotes a month, it seems that the visual impact brought by forty or fifty packs of gold coins is stronger.

"Only four thousand gold coins?"

The Duke of Caton said very dissatisfied: "I remember that you promised me that I would be able to earn more than 10,000 gold coins in a month, and I will leave the money to you."

The steward smiled bitterly: "Master Duke, I promised so much, but I also did not expect that the power of the Datang Chamber of Commerce in the Illus Empire would be so huge! In that country, almost all industries are about to be Datang The Chamber of Commerce has a monopoly. "

"Whenever you want to make money, you can only engage in industries related to the Datang Chamber of Commerce. Processing parts for them is the most stable way to make money, but there are too many competitors, and we ca n’t qualify with our qualifications, let alone Our identities are also sensitive and it is not convenient to participate in competition, so it is difficult to maintain such gains now ... "

The Duke of Caton waved impatiently, saying, "I don't listen to explanations. All in all, you haven't fulfilled your promise and promised to cancel your bonus bonus."

The steward's face froze: "But Lord Duke—"

"No, but you are just a dog of our Caton family, what qualifications are there to bargain with me !?"

The Duke of Caton said coldly: "Now I order you to transfer the wealth of your family's book to the manor on the side of the Illus Empire as soon as possible, and, as soon as possible, transfer some of my farms and processing facilities in the Kingdom of Solant The factory was liquidated, and I hope to see the results within three days. "

"Three days !? This is impossible!"

The housekeeper exclaimed: "Even finding a seller is not something that can be done in three days. If you want to sell a good price, it will take at least a month!"

"I only give you three days, and the selling price cannot be lower than the average market price."

Duke Caton looked cold and said flatly, "Don't take care of your life."

This is to force myself to die!

The white-haired butler had a hard time in his heart and he was loyal to the Caton family all his life. Why did he find such a master?

The Duke of Caton turned around after giving the order. As for how the housekeeper would complete the order, it was not his consideration.

The old butler stood alone, his back looking particularly miserable.

He did not know how to complete the order of the Duke of Caton. Those estates of the Caton family were common orchards, and the output was mainly for wineries. This orchard was too many in the Kingdom of Solant. Home is already very difficult, not to mention not lower than the market price, it is even more difficult.

Even if you want to sell Duke Caton's face, someone must be willing to take over!

If the Duke of Caton now announces that he wants to deal with the family ’s fixed assets, I am afraid that the first person to come is not the person who makes a flattery, but the person who comes to inquire about the news-there must be a reason for such a big move!

The old housekeeper stared at the luxurious hall, and worked hard all his life, but there was no brick or tile belonging to him. What did he get after working so many years?

Suddenly, an irresistible thought came up in the heart of the old housekeeper.

This idea is so crazy that even the old housekeeper feels like he is suddenly crazy!

A voice in my heart said, this is to kill!

But another voice said that not doing so would be a dead end. In that case, why not fight for your own bad life and leave nothing for your wives and children?

The old housekeeper gritted his teeth, straightened his waist plate, and walked out of the door of the Caton family under the sun.

Let Duke Caton **** old dog's counterattack before he dies!

People, no matter how low their lives are, they must be dignified!

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