Things from Another World

Chapter 986: Force you on the road

Anthem City Palace, Throne Room.

"Viscount Hohenheim, why didn't your father come in person?"

Klein on the throne was dull, but after a few days of precipitation, he had recovered some sense, and still maintained a little grace in the face of visitors from the Hohenheim family.

Standing in front of him was Alvons Hohenheim, the younger brother of Edward Elric.

"Father, he is busy helping his Majesty to produce the magic energy machine you have designated. There is no time to split up. Therefore, I will be responsible for delivering the goods. He asked me to apologize to you and asked me to bring his greetings."

Alvons was smiling, dripping in his words.

"Never mind, Duke Hohenheim has done a great job for me in Solant, so let it be."

Klein said impatiently: "What's the quality of this shipment?"

"His Majesty, please see, this is the latest magic equipment produced by us using technology broken down from the magic equipment purchased from the Illus Empire secretly."

Alvons took out an armor and began to introduce this new armor in detail to Klein: "It uses multiple structures, which can be quickly mass-produced through molds and woven at the same time, but its defensive power is due to multiple buffers. The structure is greatly strengthened, and the defense power for piercing and chopping has been significantly improved. At the same time, we have enchanted the secondary spirit heart and secondary dragon scale magic lines for this armor, which has achieved excellent quality and can be improved. Equipped with a speed of action and a very good defensive effect, they can resist ten first-order spells, or a second-order spell's frontal attack, which can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers. "

"Not only that, because of the use of new technology, the output of this armor has also greatly increased. The 5,000 sets of armor that have been produced so far have been brought to the logistics department by us this time."

"There is also this sword, which also uses a new quenching process, which greatly improves the strength of the sword body, enchants the secondary armor-breaking moire and the secondary sharp moire, and the quality has reached the elite level, but the cost has been significantly reduced. The price has dropped from 10,000 gold coins to 8,000 gold coins ... Oh right, banknotes are now used, which is 8000 gold. "

"At the same time, we also developed a triggered magic trap based on the products of the Illus Empire, combining magic and assassin's trap technology, which can be buried in the ground in advance and triggered when the enemy passes, effectively limiting the enemy's actions. The scope and the ability to move mobiles are not expensive. One requires only 2,000 gold, which can kill a small team of people in extreme cases. "

Klein suddenly felt happy, and waved his hand: "The price is not a problem! How much is brought this time!"

Alvons smiled brightly and said, "This time we brought a total of 10,000 triggered magic traps, a total of 20 million gold, and then we can send them to the logistics department."

"What else to say together!"

Depressed for several days, and finally heard some good news, Klein's somber complexion finally looked better.

"Also we tried to copy a magic energy machine based on the magic energy combine, but we have not solved the problem in terms of power. Their magic engine will explode once it is disassembled. We have lost more than ten alchemists for this. . "

Alvons said with a heavy face: "So in the end we had to give up dismantling and directly use their engines and install them on our products."

Klein said, "I don't care what you do, what I want to see is the effect!"

"Of course! Your Majesty !, what we make is not a farm machine, but a complete meat grinder on the battlefield!"

Alvons proudly took out a drawing and presented it to Klein, saying: "Since it is not convenient to bring it into the hall, Your Majesty, please see this drawing."

The drawing on the drawing is a second-magic harvester, with a huge blade winch added at the front, which can crush and crush the enemies in front into meat sauce.

Klein looked at the stingy monster on the drawing and suddenly overjoyed: "Good guy! This is what I want to see! What's its name !?"

Alvons smiled slightly: "It doesn't have a name yet, please give your name."

Klein said without hesitation: "Just call it-a meat grinder, it must shine on the battlefield! Donn's idiot doesn't know where the magical machinery should be used!"

He knows more than you ...

Alphonse whispered secretly, and then said with a smile: "Good name, this time we brought ten meat grinders, we will surely help your Majesty become a great cause!"

"Only ten !? Too few!"

Klein frowned, and said with a frown on his face: "At least one hundred! I want to let those Templars who have no one in sight know what is real power!"

"No way, Your Majesty, after all, we can't develop the magic energy engine. The magic energy engine is the real core of the meat grinder."

Alphonse said with a bitter smile: "Because it cannot be dismantled, we have no way of knowing the principle of the magic engine, and there is no way to imitate it. Although we have proposed several theoretical models, we cannot achieve the same momentum after verification. standard……"

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, as long as it can be used! Next you must fully produce meat grinders. I hope to establish an army next year, at least maybe a thousand meat grinders!"

next year? Are you still the same thing next year ...

Alfons scorned, but on the surface it was a constant commitment to complete a better magic engine and a better meat grinder.

"Ten is ten, at least better than nothing. Such weapons can play a decisive role. I think they will be pleasantly surprised."

Klein laughed loudly.

Even when some ministers heard the good news brought by Alphonse, the panic in their hearts decreased a lot. Some people even started to think, is it a little anxious to sell the assets in their hands now?

What if Her Majesty Klein wins?

Illuth, Lord Ellington House.

Edward said: "Alvons has gone to the city of Sacred Music according to your request. Now it is not surprising that Klein should be excited about the so-called" new equipment. "

Tang En chuckled and said, "I hope these gifts will satisfy him."

"You are so bad."

Fiona next to him was a little speechless: "Even if Klein made this choice because of impulse in the beginning, now he will be stunned by the power of these new equipment, continue to adhere to the previous choice, it is too late to regret . "

This is where Down is insidious. Klein may have been impulsive at first, and he may compromise after calming down, but in order to prevent him from regret, he deliberately gave Alvons a gift and added a little to him. The confidence to win allowed him to stick to his previous decision.

This is the rhythm to kill Klein completely.

Edward said with a disdainful expression: "Klein is a arrogant stupid idiot, and now immersed in the powerful wealth of the Kingdom of Solant, he does not understand what the true power is."

"Isn't he right that he's a cocky idiot?"

Tang En spread his hand: "Too clever opponents are very troublesome to deal with. All kinds of conspiracy and calculations are too laborious to calculate. I hate them. I guess some people also hate them. They definitely like to see a strong crushing wave. . "

some people?

Edward was puzzled in his heart, but didn't care, and laughed: "In short, I am afraid that the Kingdom of Solant will become history this time. I wish my Majesty to regain the Kingdom of Solant in advance ... No, it should be the leader of Solant."

"It's a little too early to congratulate."

Tang En said with a smile: "Even if the city of chants is recaptured, the other lords of Solant will not necessarily accept this reality, maybe they will launch an army uprising in the name of King Qin to seek power."

Fiona said with a stern expression: "Then show their muscles and startle them all before they become distracted."

Tang En, Edward, Tina, and others looked at Fiona in surprise.

Fiona blushed and said, "I'm not worried that the war will affect the stable development of the economy. If we can finalize it, deter them, and let them surrender, we can minimize the impact of the war and quickly move the chamber of commerce. The market has expanded to the Kingdom of Solent. "

The Kingdom of Solant is a huge market. The development of new markets will bring huge benefits. If all goes well, the strength of the Datang Chamber of Commerce will once again leap forward and grow into a monster.

"Do you need anything else this time?"

Edward asked Down: "If we can, we can also design some sinister traps for Klein ..."

"No need."

Tang En shook his head and said disdainfully, "He ca n’t win on the front, and he wo n’t win on the overcast. This time, just in case, I'm ready in advance, right, Sasha Glott. His Majesty?"


The dragon king, who was reading with relish, looked up in confusion: "You call me?"

"It's okay, keep reading."

Tang En smiled and waved his hands. After the Long Island incident was over, Sasha Glott, who was finally able to relax, remembered Ellington's leisurely life. As a result, he found that the child almost had a comic book with a hand. I was shocked by the heavens, and suddenly I was addicted to the boy's blood comics ...

Therefore, the spiritual emptiness of the longevity must be solved by the rich entertainment industry ...

This time, in order to prevent the accident of Lostmar City, Tang En specially called Sashaglot and the original dragons. They were responsible for alerting in the sky. Once the chaotic believers were destroyed, the chaos of chaos appeared. Door, it's time for them to show their skills.

The powerful artillery armor is not for them to play with.

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