Things from Another World

Chapter 987: Local tyrant gold upgrade Dafa

East Camp, Ellington, military camp.

Due to the unexpected situation in the Kingdom of Solent, Down was transferred from the Great Rift Camp to a part of the elite, which was the first Ellington First Guard. Their equipment was the best and their combat effectiveness was the strongest. The ability to adapt to a variety of new equipment is also the strongest.

This time I went to Losermar City, because it was mixed with the Templars and entered under the guise of an identity, so the number could not be too large, only a thousand were transferred back.

Tang En stood on the high platform in front of the army and shouted, "Tell me aloud! What are you!"

"Warrior!" (Danny whispered: "I'm a ranger ...")


Tang En shouted coldly, "You are soldiers! You are soldiers!"

The brain fans roared: "We are soldiers! We are soldiers!"

"What is your responsibility !?"



Tang En shouted again: "Your duty is to protect your home and defend your country! It is to safeguard world peace!"

The brain residual fans roared again: "Our responsibility is to protect the home and defend the country! It is to protect the world peace!"

"Very good, that's it!"

Down looked down at the enthusiastic soldiers in front of him, and his voice was clearly heard in everyone's ears: "You are the pride of Ellington, the elite of Illus, and our most powerful soldiers. And my proudest man! "

Tang En's compliment made Depp, Locke, and the soldiers below them involuntarily straighten their backs, their faces glowed with redness, and their hearts were extremely proud.

"You have followed me in fighting robbers, fighting Warcraft, going to underground worlds, expeditions to overseas islands, fighting chaotic creatures, and killing purgatory demons. You are a well-deserved veteran on the battlefield!"

"I once said that I will not treat anyone who is willing to follow me, and you, as you have demonstrated to me, none of the people in Ellington are scum!"

"Now, it's time to give out rewards, and it's time to launch new tasks!"

Tang En pointed at them and said: "After a lot of fierce fighting, most of you have been promoted to the Black Iron level, and only a small number of them have stayed in the Bronze level. I am not reprimanding you, this I'm very satisfied with the results— "

At this point, a handful of people in the army bowed their heads in shame, His Majesty Tang En spent so much resources on them, and the army would be dispensed with some potions to enhance physical fitness and magic affinity, but they Talent is too poor, even with those baby jacks it is difficult to get up.

Sometimes they even feel sorry for Her Majesty's vigorous training.

"——Some people have even reached the silver level——"

Those few who broke the silver level were straighter.

"——You are all very good. Although there are good and bad talents, but you all work hard. I just want to say that talent is a gift from gods and parents. We cannot change it, but we can work hard to reduce our talents. The gap. "

"People can't change their birth, but they can change the birth of their children, so I hope you never forget the importance of hard work!"

"And I will give you a generous reward for your efforts!"

"Another opportunity is before you!"

Tang En pointed at them: "Now, take the cup in front of you, open the lid, and drink the contents inside! Then, push your blood with all your strength! How much benefit you can reap depends on your own efforts! "

The soldiers opened the lid, and suddenly the scent of fragrance came towards them.

"Is it wine?"

"Good fragrant wine!"

"Wait! What if I don't know how to drink?"

"Idiot, don't drink it for me! Your majesty gave it, it must be a good thing!"

"I won't give it to you! Fight! Even if you die, drink it!"

The soldiers trusted Tang En with no reservation. As soon as a thousand soldiers gritted their teeth, they raised their glasses and drank.

Under the table, Depp looked curiously at the translucent pale yellow wine in the glass, smelling the fresh and tangy wine, all curious.

"Rock, do you know what kind of wine this is?"

"Never drank it. The fragrance is so unique, it seems like some kind of fruit?"

"Why are you so wordy?"

Danny glanced at them obliquely: "Give me if you don't drink!"

"Shit! Why don't you grab Tom?"

Depp was so angry and funny that Danny drank that glass of wine in one breath.


Danny had just wanted to talk, and suddenly his face changed, and he became flushed in an instant. He was shocked and delighted: "--good guy! It's really overbearing!"

A fierce hurricane was rolled up on Danny's body, and the strong wind elements wrapped him inside, at the same time, amazing magic began to converge on the entire barracks.

"This, this is--"

Depp looked at the men in front of him in shock, and they all stared at each other. The whole body was bursting with strong blood power, and the surrounding air was stirred up and chaotically.

What's even more amazing is that the entire magic of Ellington was attracted to them, and the situation changed for a while!

DePlock looked at each other, no longer hesitated, and drank the wine from the glass.

The sweet and fragrant liquor is extremely soft. After drinking it, the lips and teeth will remain fragrant, but before they relish, the liquor that enters the abdomen will instantly become a heat flow into the limbs, and the whole body seems to burn. It was only a moment when Depp saw sweat on his forehead. He didn't dare to delay, and immediately tried his best to urge the strength of blood and resonate with the magic of the outside world.

The wine that Tang En rewarded them is, of course, the last private brewed from Sasaglotte on Long Island (see Chapter 951), a wine made from the rare fruits of Long Island, even giant Dragons are drunk, let alone humans.

The power contained in this fruit wine is nothing to the dragon, but it is extraordinary for human beings. The strong effect can even forcibly elevate their cultivation. It is because of this that Tang En will let them go all out. Promote the vitality of blood, absorb the benefits from fruit wine as much as possible.

Not surprisingly, after drinking fruit wine, these people will at least improve the strength of Level 5 and those with good talents can even improve Level 7 to 8. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to directly advance to a level.

If you replace it with the algorithm in the original game, it is equivalent to drinking this glass of wine to rise at least level 5. People with experience bonus talent can directly upgrade more than ten levels. Because this thing is a dragon specialty, it is extremely rare and rare. Therefore, it is said that it is absolutely fine for the local tyrant to upgrade the Dafa.

Although the effect of this thing will diminish, but as extravagant as Tang En, it is rare for people to use this treasure on soldiers.

In Tang En's opinion, he does n’t need this anyway. It is used for mass cultivation of fast-track fast-track people. Of course, people are the best choice.

This time the collective promotion lasted for a very long time, during which a large number of Ellington residents ran outside the barracks to watch, including those wild mages and the "exchange students" from the Silver City. Tang En did not stop, Letting them see the overall improvement of the strength of the soldiers is very beneficial to improving cohesion and self-confidence.

When the last person was promoted, the entire promotion process lasted more than an hour.

All the soldiers looked at their hands in disbelief and couldn't believe their reborn power.

As a result of previous continuous battles, they have greatly tapped their potential, which has been fully transformed into real strength under the stimulation of Longdao Fruit Wine.

This time, the poorest people have also been promoted to the silver level, the most powerful and talented ones, and even the gold level. Depp's core members have been carefully cultivated by Tang En. They are all excellent medicaments, this time they are all promoted to gold, approaching the peak of gold.

Especially those young people like Danny and Tom, they have more potential and get more benefits this time. This time they were promoted to the gold level. They still have a lot of time to use and have the opportunity to break through the limits of ordinary people. , Impact the realm of the Grand Master, and become a real strong.

And these are all brought by Tang En!

For Tang En, after this collective promotion, his men finally had a group of reliable and strong team trained in person.

These silver and gold uneven soldiers, coupled with the legendary quality weapons and equipment produced by Ellington, their combat effectiveness is absolutely outstanding!

In Tang En's words, that is, these people are constantly brushing up on their experience, or is he a divine pretending to take these low-level trumpet to brush high-level monsters, and he does not **** experience, these guys experience fast experience value Going against the sky, drinking the gold upgrade wine, and even directly upgrading several levels to more than ten levels, can the change be obvious?

Because the surprise came too suddenly, the soldiers were sobbing with joy, and there was a snore in the barracks.

For these people, their lives have been completely subverted.

In the past, they were just unknown civilians, who might face the loess back to the sky all their lives.

But Tang En's arrival not only brought them hope for survival, but also brought them a brand new life.

Before, who dares to say that in this life he has the opportunity to become an apocalypse? Or even silver and gold apocalypse?

Becoming apocalyptic means that they and their families will lead a happier life in the future. Even if they die in battle, Her Majesty Tang En will make their families careless for life.

"Good, none of you let me down."

Tang En stood up again and re-opened: "The reward for the advance has been given to you, now it is time to release a new mission."

"This time, your mission is to disguise yourself as Templar Knights, mix them with them, and head to the city of Losmar, in the Kingdom of Solent, to destroy the chaotic believers there!"

"The number of enemies you face is extremely large. More than 100,000 people have been corrupted by the atmosphere of chaos and have become fallen chaotic believers."

"But our enemies are not just chaotic believers, but also the army of the Kingdom of Solent!"

"You have a long history and rich experience. I'm assured that this task will be given to you."

"However, I don't want to see too many of the same kind, I don't want to fight with them, so I want you to show the power of Illus in the battle against the chaotic believers!"

"Shock them!"

"Conquer them!"

"Let them fear us! Submit to us! Soldiers defeat them!"

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