Things from Another World

Chapter 988: City of Silver, Teleport!

Great Rift Camp.

Lyon, head of the Templars, with 4,000 full members of the Templars, is being examined by Pope Jessolini XXIII and the Virgin Illy.

"My dearest children!"

"You are brave warriors!"

"You guys, a sharp blade against evil!"

"You, the holy light that purifies filth!"

"I'm proud of you!"

"The Holy See is proud of you!"

"The people of God are also proud of you!"

The pope was filled with holy light, floating above all people, and the sound echoed in their ears, and the warm holy light stirred around them, bringing them an inspiring effect.

"Now, evil shadows once appeared on the land of Plantar!"

"Chaos minions stepped out of the darkness and tried to corrupt the land!"

"The Kingdom of Solant! This fraternal kingdom of the North is threatened by chaotic believers at this moment!"

"Lothermar, a sad city, has now been completely captured by chaotic believers. All people, whether civilians or nobles, have been reduced to chaotic captives, devoured by the power of chaos, and become fallen. ! "

"As God's swords, can we sit and watch !?"


The Pope shouted, "We are members of order, we are natural enemies of chaos, and we-we must destroy them!"

"Destroy them!"

The Pope looked at Lyon: "Head of Lyon!"




Lyon turned and yelled, "Everyone listen! Order as a unit, enter the teleportation order!"

The Templars began to line up into the teleportation array. Behind the glimmering portal, there was a hall they were a little strange to.

"You are here."

Standing there to meet them was Tang En, who smiled slightly and said, "Take them out to line up, and wait for them to start reorganizing!"

Lyon nodded, and took the lead to leave the teleport hall.

After all the Templars arrived, they were assembled with a thousand elites in Ellington, all equipped with the same style of armor and weapons. At the same time, Tang En sent the logistics staff for everyone. We checked weapons and ammunition, emergency supplies, and other supplies.

"Check your gear! Once the war starts, you will not be able to quickly get supplies again!"

"Make sure you have enough ammunition! Make sure the walkie-talkie is working properly and the communication between the teams is normal!"

"Finally, you have got a blank homeward crystal in your hands! Don't bind here! Don't bind here! Don't bind here! Because it's important, say it three times!"

"If all of the above is confirmed, stand up and wait for the next command!"

In just a few minutes, a total of 5,000 people have been completely inspected.


Tang En took the front, pointed to the teleport hall and said, "Now, line up, return to the teleport hall, we're heading to the Silver City!"

Under the efficient operation of the teleportation array, the reorganization was completed, and the crusade with sufficient supplies passed through the portals on the teleportation array and came to the very strange city of silver.

The city of Silver is surrounded by very strong magic. The entire city exudes a magical atmosphere, floating magic crystal lights, brooms that automatically clean the ground, and various whimsical buildings abound, because most magicians The city is flying, so the street planning is also very messy. The mood of the low-level magician is not taken into account at all. The city is full of all kinds of narrow and dark alleys. In these alleys, some inexplicable shops can be found and sold With weird alchemy props.

However, those who are lucky enough to come to this city eat this set, and like to drill into various corners to find "mystery shops".

The lively and extraordinary Silver City was very quiet at this moment. Unicom Silver City and the floating platform below the land have been recovered to the edge of the city, and all outsiders in the city have been sent out of the city. The Silver City has entered unprecedentedly. State of war.

All the registered magicians of the Xingyue Tower are now distributed throughout the Silver City, casting a spell to stabilize the spatial structure of the entire city, even on Long Island in the east, you can feel the hugeness coming from the Silver City. Magic wave.

Xingyue Tower, Central Control Hall.

Gene is standing in the middle of the magic circle. The specific runes of the magic circle stand on the top of the entire Silver City. All three Supreme Councillors are here. A dozen extraordinary members are standing on the periphery. All the magicians are full. The dazzling magical brilliance, due to their forcible absorption, has caused the work efficiency of the source of magical power of the Silver City to reach its limit at this moment.

A stream of magic flowed from the surrounding magician, linking them and Jean, and through the unified deployment control of Jean, poured into the magic array under his feet, a layer of light film gradually covered the entire silver city.

"All passengers are in place! It's time to start!"

"Attention all! I have shared spatial coordinates, and the goal is the Kingdom of Solant, Lothermar City!"

"Ten percent of the magic output-the traction field is covered!"

"Twenty percent of the magic output-the target coordinates are locked!"

"Thirty percent of the magic output-the connection of the space tunnel is complete!"

"Forty percent of the magic output-the teleportation target is locked!"

"Fifty percent of the magic output-the space tunnel is open-"

Tang En, standing in the center of the Silver City, observes the city under his feet, waiting to witness the miracle.

This time, Jean decided to use the powerful power to send the entire city of Silver to the sky above Lorsemar through joint casting, and prepare to guard the mage army around to prevent accidents.

Driven by the magic power of the magicians, more and more powerful magic waves appeared in the sky, and the space around the silver city completely covered by the traction field was completely distorted. The silver city including the surrounding floating islands seemed to be from the entire world Stripped out in the same way.

As the magic they output becomes stronger and stronger, the sense of peeling becomes stronger and stronger.

"80% of the magic output-the space tunnel has been maximized-the traction field is working!"

Silently, the entire Silver City—including the nearby floating islands—was shaking and slowly drifting northward.

"90% of the magic output-the export of the target space has been opened!"

"100% magic output-teleportation begins!"

On this day, there are tens of thousands of people near the south coast of Ronentante. I witnessed a miracle with my own eyes-after being covered by a huge magic circle, the silver city in the sky disappeared instantly. It's up!

After a fierce tremor, Tang En noticed that the world in his vision was blurred for a moment, and immediately after that, he found that everything had returned to its original state.

He often used teleportation immediately to find that at this moment, the orientation of the Silver City had completely changed.


A tired face suddenly appeared next to Down, saying, "We have reached five kilometers above Lotheramar, and you can start at any time."

"Tech that surprised me."

Tang En gave a thumbs up and sighed, and said, "I'll talk to me in detail about the principle of this large teleportation."

Gene only thought of using this large teleportation to teleport the Silver City, but Tang En thought more-if this technology can be improved and loaded on a technically perfect space battleship, would it not be a space jumping engine? If you understand the principle, it is even possible to achieve super-distant interstellar navigation!

"Let's talk after the battle is over."

Jean's face was rather bad. Such a large city, including the floating island, completely took him as the core, and was transported from the southern coast of Miles to Lostmarr City. The pressure on him was not small.

"So rich, chaotic stench!"

As an elf, Aegwynn is most sensitive to the atmosphere of chaos. Second only to Nora and Down, she subconsciously isolates the surrounding atmosphere.

"Now that we are at an altitude of five kilometers, the chaos of Losermar City can still permeate here, and we can see how badly the situation of Losermar is ... under the crown of the Virgin?"

Tang En looked at Yi Luli.

"give it to me."

Illy was holding the blessing scripture, while holding the scepter of light. The pages of the blessing scripture were windless and quickly turned to the page where the divine "blessed land" was recorded. A loud chant sang prayers, and the thick divine light cut through the clouds of the sky, penetrated the magical shield of the Silver City, and landed on Illy.

Since the last blend with Tang Enshui, the power of Illumina's Holy Light has become extremely powerful, and with the blessing of the Light Scepter, the use of divine magic is even more handy.

A complex rune of divine words composed of holy light flew out of the blessed scripture, forming a ring in heaven, including the entire city of silver in it.

Everyone in the city felt the coldness of their body suddenly disappear, as comfortable as immersed in warm spring water.

Lyon and their group of Templar knights stared at Illy, only for a month or two. When did the divine power under the crown of the maiden become so powerful! ?

Even with the help of artifacts, this power is too powerful! ?

This is the "Blessed Land" that covers the entire Silver City!

Even under the Pope's crown, I am afraid that this is not possible!

The warm sacred light dissipated the chaotic atmosphere in the air. The sensitive Aegwynn was finally comfortable. She immediately took out the Long Steel Sword and entered the combat state: "I'll take the lead!"

Tang En stopped her: "Don't worry, we have a battle plan."

The elf was too susceptible to the corruption of chaos, and he didn't want to worry about Aegwynn anymore.

What made Jennifer so jealous was that Igwin actually listened to Donn and quieted down!

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