Things from Another World

Chapter 989: Airborne troops!

Down, they divided a team of 5,000 into a hundred teams, each team consisting of 40 Templar knights and 10 Ellington elites who played the role of firepower output, equivalent to each big brother with four nurses. , Four guarantees, one, is this game settled?

"Hurry up!"

Lyon roared loudly: "Team 001-010 is ready to land immediately! Team 011-020 is ready! Don't delay time!"

The marshalling team came to the edge of the Silver City in sequence and took to the floating platform. Under the control of the magician, ten floating platforms immediately broke away from the edge of the city and landed down to the city of Lothermar below.

According to Tang En's initial plan, there was absolutely no need to use any floating platform to land directly. The city of silver sent ten extraordinary magicians to follow, and when they were about to land, they were only required to apply slow fall.

It is a pity that Teleport City drained the magic pool of more than a dozen extraordinary magicians, and they have completely lost their casting power within a short time.

Suddenly the soldiers from the sky stunned the soldiers of the Kingdom of Solant who blocked the city of Lorthemar in the distance.

"Gods are up! They came down from heaven !?"

"Who are they !?"

"Look at the emblem on their armor! Is it the Templars !?"

A soldier pointed at the Templars in disbelief: "Jebni is on! Are they sent by the Light God to save us !?"

Heaven! ?

Some soldiers looked up at the sky, and after turning their heads around, they suddenly opened their mouths and shouted. They sat on the ground and pointed at the sky behind them, exclaiming: "Sky, the city of the sky!"

The other soldiers all saw the silver city in the sky behind them, and all of them were frightened.


A captain yelled in a desperate manner: "That's the city of silver! The city of wizards! The gods are up-it's a hell! Isn't the city of silver on the south coast! Why did you come to Lothermar suddenly?"

Even if the huge silver city floats at a height of five kilometers, it still has such a strong sense of oppression for the people below. After all, the city is too large. If you did n’t notice that they fell from the sky, who I never imagined that there would be an extra city on top of my head!

When they saw that huge city, they always couldn't help worrying about whether it would suddenly fall down and smash everyone to death.

The captain grabbed the neck of a soldier on the ground and shouted, "Correspondent! I immediately order you to inform His Majesty Klein behind! The City of Silver has appeared!"

"Yes Yes!"

After the floating platform landed with the first combat team, the team immediately formed a combat formation. In each fifty-man squad, the Ellington elite was the core, and one of the ten Ellington elite was A captain-level member, he carried space equipment with him in his possession of combat materials.

Immediately after landing, the captain released the prepared equipment.

"Hurry up! Don't worry about the idiots of the Kingdom of Solent! The Chaos believers have smelled us!"

The roar of the Hummer off-road vehicle and Harley-Davidson rang through the plains. They immediately started to move to the target location after getting on the car.

According to the battle plan, a hundred teams will be evenly distributed around the city of Lorthemar. They will weave into a large airtight net and gradually advance from the outside to the inside, a little space for the chaos believers. Compress them, forcing them all to the center of the city, and then finalizing them, completely solving them.

This method of combating decentralized operations using mobile advantages and siege support was proposed by Tang En. As soon as he proposed it, he was strongly protested. In these people's minds, the two armies confronted each other and attacked each other. It's combat. This scattered, sparse pull, a way of fighting that can't concentrate your own forces at all is simply nonsense!

But when Tang En briefly explained the benefits of such operations, the guys were all speechless and speechless.

Thanks to Tang En's strong sponsorship, the Knights Templar's mounts have also been changed from war horses to cheap and efficient Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Compared to war-horses that need feeding and training, Harley-Davidson motorcycles that only require regular maintenance and filling of magic crystals are obviously more knightly. Our favor.

Harley-Davidson motorcycles have brought them great mobility, much more powerful than ever.

Not to mention, now only the forces of the Ilurus Empire can have such a strong mobility in the entire Prandall. This is their unique advantage. They can be hit when contacted, and retired after the contact. This can save vitality and prevent unnecessary The loss of personnel can harass the enemy, weaken the fighting spirit of the enemy, and reduce the number of casualties caused by the enemy's large-scale offensive methods. The benefits are too many.

What's more, this time the battle is to fight less with more, elite fighting, the enemy is still crazy chaos believers, this can not let people too concentrated.

A small team landed from the Silver City, and a large amount of combat equipment was quickly deployed. Hummer off-road vehicles, Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and even comet flying motorcycles used to detect battlefield terrain were brought by them. In addition, those Ellington The elites are even a RPG launcher, with special warheads filled with various spells stacked beside them.

On the backseat of the Hummer, a 15mm high-speed machine gun is steadily mounted on the alloy steel frame. The machine gunner is already standing there ready to shoot. Next to him is a full box of bullets, those bullets. It is transported into the machine gun through the bullet belt. Because the barrel is cooled by the frost array, the high-speed machine gun can continue to shoot completely and uninterruptedly until all the bullets are hit.

In addition to the carrier-based machine guns, Ellington's elite also carried magic pistols, assault rifles, and extremely powerful chain saw swords. The powerful tactical significance of magic pistols is no longer to be said. It is only equipped with special The bullet's assault rifle is enough to make those chaotic believers unable to eat and walk, let alone the horrible special killer of chaotic creatures-the chain saw sword.

However, this is only normal. What is even more frustrating is that after the last battle in the Rift Valley, the mobile firepower platform of the tank gave Nokia some inspirations. As a result, he further improved the mobile array missile launcher. "Horseman", the mobility of this stuff is maximized-yes, this modification is a trailer design!

Behind the Hummer, there is a launcher capable of firing 80 mm caliber missiles in twelve bursts!

With sufficient ammunition supplies, these guys can completely bombard the entire city of Lorthemar outside of Lothermar, killing most of the chaotic believers, and then enter the city to clean up.

However, considering that Tang En is about to regain the Soland Kingdom, Losermar will also be his own, so in order to minimize the loss of property, Tang En did not order a saturated bombing— —If you really want to destroy it directly, he can get an eighth-order spell directly, so why let them do it?

By letting them participate in the war in person, they will learn more combat experience and be stronger in future wars.

Down, Jean, Angus, Aegwynn, Elsa, and Sashaglot and others stood on the edge of the Silver City, looking five kilometers below, and a squad of soldiers landed Then quickly dispersed, and began to implement the cleaning plan according to the predetermined plan.

"Lostmar you said is here ..."

Sasha Glott looked at the city below, with an inexplicable emotion on his face: "I didn't expect to re-establish a city here ..."

Tang En looked at him doubtfully: "What do you mean?"

"Nothing, it's all in the past."

Sasha Glotter smiled and uncovered the topic.

Gene said with a smile: "I don't think Clay would have thought that we would move so quickly."

"No, you are wrong, I think, he already knows."

Tang En squinted and pointed to the bottom and said, "Among the soldiers who blocked the city of Lothermar, there are already telegraphers retreating. I noticed that the telegraphers disappeared into the forest. If I guessed right, Klein should be there now, and Solant's soldiers should be gathering here. "

Don En guessed very well. The soldiers of the Soland Kingdom saw the landing of the Knights Templar suddenly and took out strange things, all shocked.

"Space equipment! They have space equipment!"

"Oh god! What's that !? Why run with them !?"

"The swords on their backs are weird! Why are there so many jagged !?"

"They—God! They rushed straight to the city of Lothermar-they were going to kill them!"

The Sorant soldiers hid behind the bunker, watching the Templars from a distance, seeing them sitting on strange vehicles and rushing directly to the city of Lotheramar, all stunned.

"Jebni is up! It is indeed the Templars of the Holy See! They are not afraid of the corruption of chaos!"

A devout bright Holy See believer calmed down and said very excitedly: "They must be able to purify the city!"

"But no matter how strong they are, they are too few!"

"Maybe there will be-wait! Look! More people have landed!"

The devout believer pointed inexplicably at the floating platform descending from the sky, and more and more people were sent down, approaching the city from all directions of Losermar.

"This time the Holy See has united with the Silver City !?"

The soldiers of Sorante were very surprised. They could let the neutral city of silver lay down and unite with the Holy See. The purpose was only to purify the city of Losmar.

A soldier suddenly exclaimed: "Not good! When we closed the city, the door was locked down! They couldn't get in!"

"They must have a way-what are they doing?"

The soldiers saw the Knights Templar suddenly crouched and hid behind the vehicle, and one of them stood against a cylinder.

"It must be some kind of weapon, maybe it can be broken--"

The soldier's voice had not fallen, and he saw a firelight burst out of the cylinder, and immediately followed the gates of the city of Lomamar, bursting into an extremely brilliant spark, the deafening explosion and the violent air flow swept across. In all directions, after the dense smoke spread away, the soldiers of Solande stunned and found that the solid city gate had been blown open a large hole!

"That is-what weapon !?"

An officer Solant looked at the big hole in disbelief, and even saw a fragment of a corpse through the hole!

That was definitely the Chaos believer who was just killed!

"The entrance is open! Let's rush!"

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