Things from Another World

Chapter 990: Request Missile Bombing!

The battle went fierce from the beginning.

When the city gates were blasted by the vanguard, they rushed into the city of Lothermar and were immediately attacked by the Chaos believers!

The overwhelming chaos believers are like zombies. After smelling the breath of order creatures, they immediately become extremely crazy and rush directly to the soldiers with flesh and blood.

Chaotic believers who have lost their minds are never afraid of sacrifice, and they are even happy to see themselves gradually entering the process of destruction-this is the evidence that they have completely collapsed.

Some of the chaotic believers with deeper corruption can even use the power of chaos to release some spells at this moment-condensing the power of chaos directly and bombing them out is their most effective means of attack.

Further chaotic believers can already condense tentacles like chaotic creatures, launching chaos rays with stronger attack power and longer range.

"Hisse-join us-hissing-feel the endless power of the **** of chaos, Kaos !!!"

Chaos spheres will also cause certain damage to chaotic believers, but they don't care about them. Instead, they are greedily sucking the chaos breath emitted from the chaos spheres like moths flutter fire.

"Blessing of the Holy Light!"

The Templars released the magic for the first time, and a piece of light fell from the sky, covering the vanguard.

The power of the Holy Light's blessing helped them block the erosion of the chaotic ball of light, and it also resisted the pervasive atmosphere of chaos around them, allowing them to return to their best condition.

"Don't be soft!"

Lyon roared and took the lead in launching the attack: "All fire! Kill them!"

"Da da da--"

After adding the power of the blessing of the Holy Light, the assault rifle also obtained sacred attributes, including bullets in the magazine, the explosive power of the special warhead, and the sacred attribute's evil-breaking special effects, which directly killed the chaos believers who rushed forward. .

Because the additional power on the warhead was too powerful, the bullet even penetrated the first layer of Chaos believers, causing considerable damage to the Chaos believers behind.

After Lyon emptied a magazine, he took out the magic pistol and aimed at the center of the five Chaos believers and pulled the trigger.

With a bang, a piercing chill suddenly erupted, and the Frost Nova froze the five chaotic believers in place, and immediately a large group of chaos breath began to corrupt the water elements.

But at this moment, Lyon had moved to the flash, and once again pulled the trigger, the figure flashed and appeared in the center of the Chaos believer.

He pulled out the chainsaw sword on his back and activated the chainsaw at an alarming speed, roaring, and devouring the surrounding enemies like a hurricane.

Holy Storm!

"Go ahead! Go ahead!"

The soldiers in the rear shouted loudly, using the Hummer off-road vehicle as the center, and continued to advance to the city center, while sweeping the missing fish around.

At this moment, hundreds of chaotic believers suddenly emerged in front of the street, and more than ten chaotic light **** whistled and smashed over!

A Templar knight raised his shield: "Shield of Light!"

The bowl-shaped golden shield protected the team members inside. After the chaotic light ball hit the shield of the light, part of it was bounced off and part of it was neutralized. The bounced chaos light ball blew the ground up and down the street. Houses on both sides were also damaged.

The machine gunner on the Hummer off-road vehicle immediately launched a counterattack. The 15mm caliber high-speed machine gun spit fire tongues. The horrific large-caliber bullets whistled into the body of the chaotic believer, interrupting their waist and interrupting it.

In just one round, the high-speed machine gun killed more than twenty Chaos believers!

But the number of Chaos believers is too large, and only a small number of dead and injured can not play a decisive role.

"Too many enemies! Change high explosive bullets!"

"Roger that!"

The machine gunner Ma Li replaced another box of bullets. The bullets in this box were all special warheads. Each bullet was attached with a micro-triggering magic array, which would explode when it hit the target.

Fireball is actually not very damaging to chaotic believers sheltered by the power of chaos, but the clever thing is that the warhead can penetrate the fragile shields with its strong penetration force, enter their bodies, and then explode.

The meaning of the explosion in the body and the explosion in the body is completely different. Even if it is a fireball, the explosion in the body is terrible.

The high-speed machine gun fired again, dense bullets were continuously fired forward, causing a series of explosions in the center of the Chaos believers.

The body of the chaotic believer was carbonized at high temperature as soon as it was blown up, and even the blood was evaporated, which is extremely powerful.

The speed of the high-speed machine gun is extremely fast, and a box can be shot in less than 20 seconds. It will be over. The chaos believers who rushed in front were also killed or injured, leaving only three or two kittens.

As soon as everyone was relieved, they saw hundreds of chaotic followers at the end of the street.

"Abominable, it's endless! The number gap is really too big!"

Lyon cursed and shouted, "Ready to throw a grenade!"

The members of the assault team immediately took out the grenade hanging from the waist.






A series of grenades were thrown into the team of chaotic believers, and the explosion of "Boom Boom" exploded. The grenades with both physical and spell lethal effects were very good. The steel **** and shrapnel of each grenade explosion could cover a range of ten meters. After a round of grenades were thrown, all the chaos believers who had just appeared fell.

Some Chaos believers have survived due to the physical obstruction of their companions, but the snipers in the rear will not let them go.


At the same time as the sharp sound of blasting sounds, the bullets fired by the electromagnetic sniper rifle will open the head of a chaotic believer. Although it can not shoot continuously, the extremely accurate shooting and powerful long-range advantages allow the sniper to be relatively safe. Play freely behind the battlefield.

"Clean the battlefield! Go ahead!"

Lyon gave an order and took the lead to walk forward, while carefully watching the corpses around him, and found that there were still chaos believers, so he went up and added a knife to completely harvest their lives.

The other soldiers advanced slowly while keeping vigilance to ensure that every Chaos believer had been killed.

"Hurry up! Go forward! Scouts find a small chaotic believer area ahead!"

"Three moments in the direction of the target, the grenade threw bombers!"

"Hidden enemies were found in the house on the right, loaded with Flame One-missile launch!"

"A target was found in the alley in the left-hand direction, ready for missile saturation bombing!"

At this time, the fire was ignited everywhere in Losermar, and the assault team descending from the sky relentlessly used its fierce offensive to make the chaotic believers here taste the wrath of order.

They used to be innocent.

But after being corrupted by chaos, they are the enemies of order.

Failure to purify them will only lead to a gradual decay of order.

For order, for the future of this world, they can only be cleaned up relentlessly.

The more the battlefield advances to the center of the city, the deeper the Chaos believers become, the more dangerous they become, and the more intense the battle becomes.

Noisy sounds, explosions, and screams kept ringing in the intercom without stopping for a moment.

"Squad 018 has entered the city, and the concentration of chaos has been further enhanced! Squad 018 has requested the headquarters' magical support!"

"The command received! The scout fired a golden guiding beam, and the divine lady was ready for divine support!"

A beam of golden light suddenly rose over the city. After standing on the edge of the Silver City, Iluli saw the golden guiding beam and immediately began to chant prayers. After a moment, the divine magic descended from the sky and directly centered on the golden guiding beam. Small half of the city.

"Squad 022 encountered a fierce counterattack, with a large number of enemies, located on Oak Street in the west of the city! Ask for support from nearby friendly forces!"

"Squad 100 received! Support 022 immediately!"

"049 team asks for support! We met-damn it! Suppress fire! Maintain the shield of light-we encountered a deeply corrupted unit, its desire to attack is very strong, we have three members forced to leave the battlefield-request Support! Ask for support! "

"Squad 099 received! We immediately went to support 049 and asked the scouts to direct the coordinates!"

"Squad 074 encountered a large number of chaotic believers, suppressing firing was invalid, and asked the command to allow missile cover bombing!"

"The command received, allowed missiles to be fired, and controlled the number of missiles as appropriate--"

Before the Depp words were spoken, I saw a block of bright sparks suddenly bursting in a block in the city of Lotherar below. Under the bombardment of the light cavalry missiles, the entire block was blown into ruins, jamming The chaotic believers blocking the assault squad ahead lost their bones under the power of the missile, and the entire area was cleaned up in an instant.

"What a waste!"

Depp scolded and continued to ask, "Team 074 reports!"

"Squad 074 received it, and the missile bombing effect stood out!"

After hearing the 074 team's report, the intercom suddenly exploded.

"028 (015, 031 ...) The team requested permission to launch missile bombing!"

At least a dozen teams applied for missile bombing at the same time!

Tang En, who was listening to Depp, patted his head and waved his hand: "Just let them."

The number of assault squads was originally small, but now it is found that the counterattack of Chaos believers is more sharp than expected, and it would be impossible to justify their use of weapons at this time.

"Request received, allow missile bombardment-"

As soon as Depp's voice fell, the entire city of Losmar was boiling—the dense missiles briefly lifted off from all over the city, then fell again, and the whole city burst into bloom in a blink of an eye!

In the recent round of bombing, at least tens of thousands of Chaos followers were blown to pieces!

Originally, Tang En also wanted to regain the city, and repairing it might save a lot of money. Now it seems that the entire city that can receive a complete incense is burned ...

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