Things from Another World

Chapter 991: Intergenerational war

Outside the city of Lothermar, in the blockade.

"Oh my God! What the **** happened in Losermar !?"

The soldiers of the Solande were all trembling with horror, looking at the thick smoke and fire light in the city far away, and they could hardly imagine what was happening in the city at this moment.

What kind of battle is such a huge movement?

Did the Masters of the Silver City launch a spell bomber on the city of Lothermar! ?

"From the situation just now, the number of them is only a few thousand people. Just rushing in like this is definitely a death!"

The commander on the south side of the Lothermaar blockade said firmly: "We must prepare in advance, after the stupid blasts the gate, the Chaos believers will definitely rush out!"

"But we are not their opponents at all now ..."

"A brief exposure to chaos breath is harmless to us, as long as it is out of the chaos breath coverage before being corrupted!"

The commander said coldly: "We must organize a group of death squads in advance to prepare to block the loopholes in the gate!"

"Communicator! Send a message to the rear and tell Her Majesty the situation in Lothermar!"

"Roger that!"

"No matter how powerful the Templars are, they will be exhausted in the face of hundreds of thousands of chaotic believers!"

The commander of the Southern Front was in a very bad mood. He didn't know whether to pray for the Templars to win or whether to pray for their death.

"And the support of the mage team in the city of silver, now the mage team has not moved yet-"

Before the soldier's words were finished, he paused suddenly, exclaimed after pointing at the sky: "Look! It's a spell! The Master of the Silver City has finally started!"

In the distant sky, huge fireballs descended from the sky and landed precisely in the city of Lotheramar.

As the commandos approached the city center, they were under more pressure, and the number of missiles was limited. In order to save part of the firepower, they had to ask the headquarters to notify the mage to initiate support.

The Silver Mage's Mage is also very efficient. They controlled the floating platform to escape from the Silver City, and came to the sky above Lorthemar, then took a high advantage and began to bomb the chaotic believers below.

Under the control of the mages, the power of a Pyroblast from the sky is not much worse than a missile, and it is more accurate.

"What a terrible battle."

Victor looked down at Losermar City with emotion: "I'm afraid this is the worst battle that Prandall has fought since the Second Chaos Invasion War."

"You forgot the confusion caused by Gillard."

Tang En said lightly: "Because of his fall, the direct and indirect effects and losses are not much less than this battle."

"That is not controlled by you, so the loss is acceptable."

Victor shrugged: "This time things are different in Lothermar City, Klein may be crazy."

"He's crazy."

Tang En pointed to the mountain area south, and said casually: "Now Klein's army has been ambush there, waiting for the Knights Templar and Mage to be exhausted to harvest the fruits of victory."

"That's because he doesn't know your strength, if he knew how big the difference between the two sides, he wouldn't be so stupid."

Victor looked at Tang En: "Maybe you have a responsibility at this point."

Tang En's very innocent show of hands: "blame me for not making all the information public?"

Victor is no longer entangled in this topic, looking at the following emotions: "This is a massacre. The thorough slaughter of the city is for the whole world, and it is still the only correct choice ..."

"They were innocent during their lifetime, but after being corrupted, they are no longer innocent."

Tang En's eyes were cold and ruthless, and he looked at the souls who flew into the sky after death, and did not even order the spirits to lead them to the spirit hall.

Because those dead souls are all civilians, even if they are left behind, there is no help. Returning their souls to the kingdom of death is the best choice.

When the fighting continued until noon, one hundred assault squads were considered to have completely cleaned up the outer city area and entered the inner city one after another.

After entering the inner city, due to the more residents here, the pressure they face suddenly increased, and even sometimes the Templars ’magical defenses lost their effectiveness under the attack of Chaos believers, and they had to frequently ask Iluli Cast divine support.

The number of deeply corrupted chaotic believers has increased dramatically, the number of chaotic light **** has gradually decreased, but the number of chaotic rays has risen linearly. The penetrative and more powerful chaotic rays have brought tremendous pressure to the Templars, causing many people to suffer.

There were no dead or wounded in the battle in the outer city in the morning, but after entering the inner city, the casualty began to gradually appear. Dozens of Templars have accidentally penetrated the body with chaos rays, and have to activate the homeward crystal immediately to return to silver. City is purifying.

Some unlucky guys were hit on the head by chaos rays and died directly on the spot. The souls of these war dead were intercepted by the spirits and immediately sent to the spirit hall.

Even in order to break through the streets blocked by chaotic believers, the assault squads had to frequently use light cavalry missiles to saturate bombardment, blasting out a way.

But even so, they still couldn't make it, gradually surrounded by crazy chaotic believers.

"His Majesty!"

Depp hurriedly shouted: "Squad 091 is surrounded! Ask for air support! Request the use of tanks!"

Tang En nodded: "Agree, go on with the order, all tank squadrons immediately change their armed forces and start forcible assault!"

"Roger that!"

Depp was overjoyed, ran back to the walkie-talkie and shouted, "Your Majesty allowed the 091 to 100 tank squadrons to immediately change their armed forces, board the tanks, and assist other squadrons to forcibly attack!"

"Squad 091 received!"

"Squad 092 received!"

"Squad 093 received!"

"Squad 094 received!"


From 091 to 100, these ten squadrons are special squadrons with tanks. Since there are only ten tanks that can be put into use at present, there are only ten tank squads. These ten tank squads are centered on tanks and can become ten. A mobile firepower platform, the fire support range can cover an area of ​​five kilometers in radius, if there is no house cover, their support can even completely cover the entire city of Losmar.

After the 091 team received the order, the captain immediately took out the bulky tank from the space equipment: "Hurry up! The driver, gunner, and deputy gunner will board the car immediately!"

Several members quickly turned in large-scale personal equipment, and Mali got into the tank. The captain finally boarded the vehicle, then held the assault rifle on the turret, and immediately launched a fierce counterattack!

"The tank has started!"

"The main gun is reloaded!"

"The secondary gun is reloaded!"

"Ask Blessing of Light!"

"In front of the target-fire freely, bomb his mother!"


The main gun of the tank that had received the blessing of light blazed and fired shells. The amazing shells roared through the chaotic followers along the way, blasting them all into meat sauce. After the shells landed, a second explosion occurred, a fiery flame. Roaring into the sky, the surrounding streets and houses were lit, and the heat even burned the land into lava.

The blockade made of flesh and blood may block Hummer off-road vehicles or Harley-Davidson motorcycles, but it can absolutely not block the anger of the King of Lands.

Just one main gun killed more than a hundred Chaos believers!

The secondary artillery fired following it also achieved brilliant results, winning dozens of heads.

The members of the 091 team cheered behind them, and the captain on the turret waved his hand magically forward: "The blockade is torn! The 091 team is moving forward! Crush them!"

"Chong Chong!"

The heavy tanker was roaring forward, the all-terrain tracks ignored the potholes, bumped into crooked pillars, crushed the gravel that blocked the road, and rushed into the inner city in an overbearing manner!

In the Battle of the Demon in the Great Rift, there was not much glorious tank. At this time, relying on heavy armor and strong firepower, it finally showed its fangs in the city lane battle.

No chaotic believer can stop its progress, and any chaotic believer who tries to stop it is either interrupted by a large-caliber bullet or rolled into a meat sauce under the track-against a small number of chaotic believers, they even have shells Not willing to launch.

Just run it over with a tank, yes, that's enough.

Ten tanks were distributed throughout the city of Losmar. After the advancement began, other squadrons came together, centering on the tank squadron, and began to burst into the inner city.

After they got together, security and firepower have been further improved, and the blocked door has been encountered?

The main bombarded his mother!

Encounter a large number of believers in chaos! ?

Hussar missile bombed his mother!

Encounter the enemy hiding behind the attack?

Grenade threw his mother!

Unwilling to show up when confronted by the enemy?

Altitude spell support, hit his mother!

If the Chaos believers still have consciousness, they will be beaten by this special team. This is not an equal war at all. This is the gap between the times and technology.

If Clay stood in the city of Lothermar at this moment and witnessed the war at this moment, he would definitely change his mind immediately and never dare to fight the team's idea again.

in case……

Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

So everything is still moving at the set pace.

Assault troops have entered the inner city, and a large number of chaotic believers have appeared in front of them. Even under the protection of the blessing of the light, the soldiers can still feel the weird breath in the air.

The concentration of chaos breath has been further increased.

"They have entered the inner city. According to the information provided by Texas, the density of residents in the inner city is higher, and there are many apocalyptic, which is more dangerous after corruption."

Down en beckoned to Aegwin: "Let's get ready."

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