Things from Another World

Chapter 992: Klein's Abacus

"What !? They rushed straight in?"

When Klein received the news, he stood up arrogantly, exulting: "They really rushed in!"

The signal soldier nodded, and said with a shocked expression: "After they landed from the sky, they took out a bunch of strange things, and then blasted the city gates and rushed in. It should have been fighting now."

"Really help me too!"

Klein laughed loudly: "Even if it is a Knights Templar, you will definitely die if you rush in! Without the power of the Knights Templar, the Holy See is just a mascot!"

There are more than 100,000 chaotic believers in Lostmar City. That city is now an out-of-the-ordinary purgatory. Whoever enters and dies, even if the Knights Templar is protected by the power of the Holy Light, it can temporarily resist the chaos. Definitely not long.

After those chaotic believers surround them, they will only die in despair after exhausting their energy-no, they should be companions who become chaotic believers!

How ironic it was that the Templars, who originally believed in the **** of light, Jabilni, had fallen into chaos—but it was really fun!

Klein was also worried that the army he had convened could not completely destroy the Knights Templar and the Mage of the Silver City. Now looking at them so recklessly, I'm afraid they can't wait for them to come out-even if there are really a few The Templars escaped, and they were exhausted without any harm. They could easily kill them.

After killing the Knights Templar and the Mage of the Silver City, he could immediately send his troops south, drive straight ahead, break through the gates of Yalinks, and force the Pope to recognize him as the King of Prandall, and then he could sing all the way, Start conquering Ronentante!

As for the Kingdom of Grace, it is an intractable goal. It is not too late to start at the end. Anyway, their people are going to starve to death, and dragging on will only be good.

Just as Klein was gazing at his own abacus, another correspondent ran into the camp in panic.

"Report, report! Don't stop me! There is an emergency!"

"Put him in! What's the matter?"

Klein stared at the signal soldier: "Is the Templars completely gone?"

Knowing that it would not be so fast, Klein couldn't help but fantasize about hearing the good news.

"No, it's not!"

The signal soldier said with a look of horror: "They have entered the city of Lotheramar! The battle in the city is now very fierce! The mage team of the Silver City has participated in the battle, and the city of Lotheramar has been exploded!"

Has Silver City joined the battle so quickly?

Klein turned his thoughts and suddenly laughed. Isn't this taken for granted?

The Templars recklessly stormed into the lair of chaotic believers, and under such tremendous pressure, how could the Silver City continue to sit and watch?

They shot well. The more mana they consume, the weaker they will be after the battle, and the greater the gap will be.

As for Jean ...

Klein sneered. He was betting that Jean, who built a neutral silver city "for the future of Prendall," was a hero and a good man, betting he would not use high-level spells on those soldiers.

Once the entire Knights Templar army is overwhelmed, the mage regiment is severely defeated, and they will be taken captive to stay away from the Silver City. The Illus Empire will lose its greatest support, and who else can stop him! ?

"... Your Commander is worried that Chaos believers will escape from the gap in the gate, so he is organizing a death squad to repair the wall!"

"Good job, tell him, it's better to plug the gap!"

Klein issued a very fierce command to block the Templars in Lothermar.

The correspondent opened his mouth, gritted his teeth, and said, "Observe!"

"This is the best opportunity."

After the correspondent left the tent, Klein muttered to himself: "Chaotic believers, don't let me down!"

Lossermar City.

As the commando entered the inner city, the pressure of progress suddenly increased a lot. After the chaos believers from all sides gathered together, the rich chaos breath had begun to spawn the chaos minions. Although the small chaotic creatures waving their tentacles did not have much Threat, but limited the power of the mage group-after the emergence of chaotic creatures, they can no longer continue to cast aid without fear.

As soon as the Chaos Minions grow up by accident, the commandos will suffer.

Without the assistance of the mage, the pressure on the frontal battlefield is even greater, but fortunately now the tank has joined the battle, and the psychedelic gold deck has become the best shelter. Nor can it be broken, and while they are attacking the tank, scattered commando members can launch raids from the flanks, and accurately target the most threatening targets.

The snipers hiding behind the team are the most important at this moment. They are hiding behind the bunker, using hawk-eye to aim at the target, one shot, no bullets, and directly clear the most threatening targets-those are Corrupted Apocalypse.

After the apocalypse is corrupted, due to its own foundation, it is more dangerous than the civilian chaos believers. They rely on the instinct before the fall to use their own power. The chaos breath is attached to the power of blood, and it has a strong corrosive ability and lethality. Very strong.


A corrupted tomahawk fighter is entwined with black and red blood, and the raised tomahawk rises with black gas, like a burning black torch. He splits with an axe, resisting the light of the front Templar. The shield burst, and the entire person was forced back several meters.

"So strong!"

The Templar keenly shuddered, pulled back the chains and shields, pulled out his assault rifle on his backhand, and changed his style.

"Da da da--"

Dense bullets bombarded the tomahawk fighter's flesh armor, and the tomahawk warrior advanced against the bullet in the crunching sound of crumbling. After being corrupted, the destruction and killing of the toma could make him desperate to kill these people in front of him.

The breath on them is really annoying!

"At least a gold-level battle-axe fighter! Change to armor-piercing shells!"

"No time--"


A sharp blast sounded, followed by the murderous Tomahawk fighter's head exploding like a watermelon, and the heavy body fell to the ground.


The Templar released his trigger and waved his hand towards the sniper partner behind the bunker.

The sniper is strong in concealment. Before the attack, no one knows where the attack will come from. Because of the high speed of the bullet, the target being attacked has no time to use spells or blood armor. What's more frustrating is that Tang En Not only has an electromagnetic sniper rifle been developed, but also a powerful special warhead.

Yes, generally speaking, electromagnetic rifles and electromagnetic cannons fire mass bombs, but the ghost guy Tang En is very happy to add some materials to the bullets used by electromagnetic sniper rifles in order to improve their power.

The double-piercing warhead with a strong penetrating power just launched. I am afraid that even the grandmaster of the gun will be semi-disabled, and the user is only the apocalypse who has just been promoted to silver. This shows that the electromagnetic sniper rifle is equipped with How powerful the special warhead is.

At this time, the scout over his head quickly avoided several chaotic rays, and his voice sounded in the intercom: "More than one hundred chaotic believers appeared 400 meters away in front of the team and were approaching us, and found the trace of the apocalypse! One, two-there are five fallen apocalypse! They are extremely fast! No weapons are seen, and it is suspected to be a ranger or assassin! "


The captain below changed his face and immediately ordered: "Load the light cavalry missiles immediately!"

"The missile is reloaded!"

"Four hundred ahead of the target-no! Between 350 and 400 meters! Launch!"


Twelve missiles screamed and blasted out. The street in front was suddenly torn apart. Flames, ice, and hurricanes echoed each other. The earth turned into mud.

After they were attacked, they immediately launched a counterattack. Dozens of chaotic light **** whistled and smashed over, and there were also many chaotic rays in the process.

Seeing a large number of spells flying, the Shield of Light alone could not resist those spells. A Templar rushed to the front, raised his shield, shouted prayers, and a layer of dazzling golden shield blocked the entire front. The team is protected!

Aegis of Light!

The chaotic ball of light slammed on the shield of light. The feet of the Templar's feet were firmly rooted in the ground. The severe impact kept him coughing for blood, but the prayers never stopped for a moment. Gushing out of him, maintaining the shield of light!

The captain burst into tears and roared: "The main gun fired!"

The main gun of the tank beside him roared and fired a cannonball. The cannonball roared through the body of the chaotic believers along the way, banged on the wall and exploded thousands of kilometers away. This gun killed more than twenty chaos. believer!

"The target moves slowly! The missile saturates and fires!"

"Roger that!"

One by one, the RPG launchers were resisted, and their teammates helped to load the ammunition and launched immediately.

There are too many enemies, even blocking the entire street. RPG can easily hit them without aiming at all. Missiles hit the target one after another, explosions, hot flames and sharp shrapnel will chaos believers who are difficult to move. Ripped to pieces.

After one round of shooting, two-thirds of the enemies were killed, and the remaining few Chaos believers were strong, including the five Apocalypse. They are also the most threatening, causing damage to the Aegis of Light. The pressure is also the greatest. The Aegis of Light cannot support them under their fierce attacks, but--


Five bullets screamed from the rear and opened the brains of the five fallen Apocalypse, killing them in one shot!

"Good job! You worked hard! Go back!"

The captain asked the Templar knight, who had consumed all the Holy Power with the Light Shield, to return to the Silver City, and he pulled out the chainsaw sword: "Leave it to us, kill them!"

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