Things from Another World

Chapter 993: Battle upgrade

Looking down at Lor'themar from the Silver City, you will find that the entire city is now completely submerged in the flames of war. The flames of war have gradually become denser from the outer city to the inner city, and the crossfire points have appeared more and more frequently. The burning fire lit almost the entire city.

"In a way, the atmosphere of chaos is like a highly contagious plague."

Jean, who was still in the Silver City, looked down at Lothermar, and said in a deep voice, "The terrible thing is that this plague is an incurable terminal illness."

"You remind me of the death plague spread by Necromancer."

Angus frowned: "It would be even worse if there were Necromancers among Chaos believers."

Chaos believers themselves have lost their minds and have a strong tendency to self-destruct. If they are mixed with the necromancer, they will only make a big news.

"It won't be too bad, rest assured, Tang En is here."

Jean now has a strong confidence in Tang En, that guy's strength is a mystery, sometimes he doubts that Tang En has entered the legendary demigod.

"Even if Tang En can't carry it ..."

Jean stunned and sat down on the back of the chair, sasha grote watching the comics, whispered: "Isn't there any Dragon King them ..."

Angus smiled bitterly: "I wish I wouldn't use them ... Thann said before that they called Sasha Glott just in case, if they were really used, it would explain the situation It's out of control. "

"Is the situation out of control now?"

Jean swaggered, and the advent of Chaos Minions made all the mage who had just aided the commando now withdrawn.

But now the assault team has not entered the central city area, where the concentration of chaos is higher. From the sky, it is extremely depressing, just like a demon castle that is constantly exuding black gas. It is foreseeable that there will definitely be there More chaotic creatures appeared.

Angus said suddenly, "I'm a little worried about Eggwin."

"Get out, worry that it won't be your turn!"

Jean sipped in a sour mouth: "Fighting with me for more than a hundred years, in the end, Tang En picked the fruits. Are you happy now?"

Angus looked disdainfully: "Ah! Even if I don't fight with you, do you think Aegwynn can look after you, your old asshole? Aegwynn obviously preferred to be with me!"

"Shut up both of you."

Sasha Glott said without looking up, "Aigwin has never liked you, don't be affectionate yourself, that girl is a bit silly, I think even Tang En is a little overhang."

Dragon King's face is really merciless!

Angus and Gene both felt hot pain on their faces.

"How's the situation?"

Sasha Glott looked up at Jean.

"Assault team pressure is a little bit high. Down has already gone down with Aegwynn and Elsa, and under the crown of the Virgin Elully, she is preparing for divine support there."

Gene looked worried at Ellie in the distance.

As more and more chaotic believers are destroyed, the chaos atmosphere gathered around them becomes more intense. Since the city of Lorthemar itself has become a point of chaos gathering, after the death of chaotic believers, all these chaos gathering Over the city of Lothermar, it became richer.

Illuli is preparing a large-scale divine spell. Although it can't completely neutralize those chaos breaths, but solving some of them can also reduce the probability of native chaotic creatures. It is not easy.

"It looks like we won't be using it for the time being."

Sasha Glott went back to watching the comics.

I hope I have never used you ...

"Boom boom boom !!!"

In the city of Losmar, the commandos are struggling to advance. After entering the inner city, the missiles do not bomb continuously like money. They who have red eyes have completely ignored the future of the city. They only have one target in their eyes now. Is to destroy all enemies!

"A lot of enemies were found ahead--"

"Blast it!"

"Chaos minions on the right--"

"Blast it!"

"Native chaotic creatures appear on the left!"

"Fucking his mother-what !?"

"Well !!!"

The heavy tank was suddenly hit, and it suddenly slid sideways to the side of the street and rammed into a nearby house. A strangely-shaped primitive chaotic creature suddenly appeared in front of everyone. The body, like a child's graffiti, was patchwork The scalp was numb, and the tentacles that were constantly shaking suddenly launched a surprise attack on the soldiers around!

"Be careful-Shield of Light!"


The Shield of Light blocked the tentacle raid, but the strong impact also directly knocked the Templar out and slammed it into the back of the Hummer off-road vehicle.

The native chaotic creature rushed towards the tank buried in the house after hitting the front Templar knight. It seemed to be able to detect that the tank threatened it the most!

"Fire! Fire!"

"Da da da--"

"Where's the missile !? Launch soon!"

"Recharging, it's too late--"


A sharp cracking sound sounded, and the sniper bomb penetrated into the body of the native chaotic creature, directly running through its body!

"Good job-wait !? It was not fatally injured!"

Although the sniper bomb penetrates the body of the original chaotic creature, it does not cause much damage to it. After all, its body is composed of the power of chaos, which is not as weak as the order creature.

The torn body was twisted and repaired. The native chaotic creature stood still for a while. After twisting the eyeballs on the body for a moment, they suddenly stared in one direction.

Belo, crouching behind the wall, was suddenly cold all over the body. He felt that those eyes seemed to be around him, looked at him in all directions, and saw him inside and out.

He was overwhelmed by inexplicable fear, and he couldn't even move. He had no strength to escape. He could only watch as the tentacles suddenly turned to his place.

"not good!"

The commando captain's face changed greatly: "Bello fast-"

He didn't even say the word "escape", the tentacles of the native chaotic creatures ejected dozens of chaos rays at the same time, and those chaos rays gathered together, the target pointed directly at the sniper Belo!


An X-shaped emerald sword qi descended from the sky, followed by a strong figure from the sky, and the whistling sword qi shattered all those chaotic rays.

It's Eggwin!

The next moment, she floated towards the native chaotic creature like a wind of lightness. It seemed slow, but the speed was incredible. In a blink of an eye, Aegwin with blond hair fluttering in front of the native chaotic creature!

Aegwin's attack is both elegant and stern. When facing chaotic creatures, she has no mercy at all, and once she starts attacking, she will never die!

With your hands, the sword shines!

Emerald Hymn-Shower!

The dense light like a rainstorm completely drowned the original chaotic creatures. Those tentacles were smashed by the sword gas in an instant, and a sharp sword gas penetrated into the body of the chaotic creature, destroying its body with a lot of holes, like A leaky bag dried up.

But it's not over yet!

When the shower stops, what follows is the "new sprout" that is waiting to germinate—the slightly gathered sword qi does not burst, and continuously accumulates strength, layer after layer, until it breaks through the critical point, and then— It broke completely inside the chaotic creature!

Emerald hymns-sprout!

With a bang, the terrible sword air broke out completely, and the chaotic creature had not even had time to fight back, and had been completely torn into pieces by Igwen!

Longsteel Long Sword has the power of purification, and is completely built to suppress chaotic creatures, and Aegwynn is always committed to destroying chaos. At this moment, she is fully engaged in combat.

At this moment, she was completely free from the gentle and pleasant person on weekdays, and she did not have that innocent and pure look. There was no expression on her face, and her eyes were as deep as a pond.

Tang En, who was behind her, saw Aegwynn at the moment, not only wasn't scared, but this idiot who was stuck in the unrequited love, but felt that this kind of Aegwynn had a different charm, it was just like a worldly one. Noble goddess-let him have the urge to be trampled by her!

Tang En was frightened by the cheap ideas suddenly born in his own heart.

"It's not over."


Aigwin pointed to the creeping fragments and said, "They haven't completely disappeared."

This is the point that is most disgusting to the Prandall clans. If there is no restraining power, even if the chaotic creatures are torn to pieces, they will be restored to their original position, even if they are not in their original form. Secondary form, very difficult to entangle.

"Your Majesty Tang En!"

The rescued assault team immediately ran over to salute, and then said, "Leave it to us!"

The captain beckoned to the Templars next to him, and the Templars immediately walked forward, then chanted aloud, and the rich divine light descended quickly, and then fell on the chaotic creature fragments.

Holy fire, using holy flames to burn target attacks, causing sacred damage, is also a restrained force for chaotic creatures, which can completely destroy those fragments.

"Come on."

Tang En nodded and waved his hand, and the buried tank was pulled out by him. Then he rushed into the sky with Aegwynn again, merged with Elsa, and flew to other areas again.

The fighting in the inner city was very fierce at this moment, and powerful enemies began to be encountered everywhere. He wanted to help them through the difficulties as much as possible.

"No, the fighting is so fierce that we cannot take care of everyone."

Aigwin said to Tang En very seriously: "Let's break up! Let's target the chaotic creatures directly!"

Tang En shook his head decisively: "No! I'm not assured!"


Aegwynn shook the Longsteel sword and frowned at Tang En for the first time: "Are you treating me as a weak person who needs protection?"

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