This aura is deadly

Chapter 10 Psychic Murder

Diana Prince bent down and passed through the yellow warning tape. She saw the completely black office building with a strange green glow. She is less than 30 years old, with a strong figure and firm steps, and her eyes are as sharp as a knife.

County police from Opportunity City surrounded the building. Several black vans from the PWAT Psychic Weapons Special Tactics Unit were parked on the side of the road, with white special team badges printed on the side of the van.

They set up a temporary command post and it looked like they had already sent people in.

"I am Lieutenant Morgan." A soldier wearing PWAT's iconic black combat uniform stepped forward and introduced himself. He had white hair on his temples, a business-like tone and expression, and a specially modified MP5 hanging on his waist. between.

"CPA, Diana." Diana replied, flashing her ID. There was a very eye-catching dark yellow round shield badge embedded in the leather case. There was a row of letters under the badge: Central Psychic Intelligence Agency.

Diana looked at her watch, 10:50 p.m.

"Team Alpha and Team Bravo have cleared the building, and it only took 6 minutes. We are currently trying to adjust the frequency. The psychic explosion effect occurred about half an hour ago, and we arrived in time." Morgan introduced the specific situation to Diana.

"I saw the ambulance. Are there any civilian casualties?" Diana asked, looking at the white ambulance in the distance.

"I suggest you go in and see for yourself." Morgan replied.

"Is the light slit still stable? I don't want to be locked up for several hours like last time." Diana asked, looking at the several light slits opened by the psychic explosive device.

"The people from FPI have already gone in first, as well as the forensic doctors. The explosive space this time is very stable." Morgan pouted and motioned Diana to look at another black SUV.

The SUV had "FPI" printed in bold white letters on the door. Diana let out a sigh. Of course she knew it was a Federal Psychic Investigation vehicle.

Because CPA and FPI are under the jurisdiction of the General Administration of Spiritual Energy, their departmental functions partially overlap, which leads to friction between the two parties.

"Those guys are always haunting." Diana muttered, walking towards the slit of light and tying her long curly chestnut hair into a ponytail.

She unzipped her brown leather jacket, took out a strange-looking revolver from the holster, turned the cylinder and checked the bullets. It was a modified Rhino revolver that fired the .357 Mag Magnum round.

"It's safe in there now." Morgan reminded looking at Diana's back.

"Professional habits." Diana jumped into the crack of light without looking back.

With a snap, Diana jumped from the crack of light into the green-lit hall. At a glance, the floor was littered with the corpses of human-faced dogs, and a dozen PWAT members were scattered in the hall with guns on guard.

A human corpse fell near the reception desk in the lobby. The body was outlined with white chalk. The blood on the ground had long dried. The forensic team was taking photos and collecting information.

Diana counted the number of human-faced dog corpses on the ground, and then looked at the bullet holes on the surrounding floors and pillars, already making her own judgment in her mind.

"This guy is so unlucky. He killed so many human-faced dogs and still escaped without his life." A forensic doctor wearing glasses stopped what he was doing and talked to Diana.

"Is there anything on this guy that can prove his identity?" Diana walked over to the body and looked at it carefully.

"There is a wallet, a D-class investigator from Weber Spirituality, named Parker." The forensic doctor took out a transparent evidence bag, which contained Parker's wallet.

"Where's his gun?" Diana asked.

"Not found." The forensic doctor replied.

Diana frowned.

Every time a psionic firearm is fired, it will transmit a coordinate signal to the "firearms management department" of the Administration. This signal is not an electrical signal, but a psionic waveband, which comes from the psionic power injected when the investigator pulls the firearm. It will not be shielded in the explosive area.

In fact, the reason why the Administration was able to dispatch PWAT to control the situation so quickly was precisely because Parker fired the first shot.

Someone must have taken the gun.

"There must have been two people here at that time, because we collected two kinds of bullet casings, one is a white disciplinary bullet casing, and the other is a 9 mm ordinary bullet casing." The forensic doctor explained, taking out another evidence bag, which contained all the bullet casings. It's a bullet casing.

In other words, Parker was protecting another civilian. After Parker died in the battle, that civilian took Parker's gun? Diana secretly guessed that people without psychic powers would not be able to use psychic firearms, and the civilian would probably be in trouble.

"Did the civilian escape?" she asked.

"It is very possible that he escaped, because we did not find Parker's gun on the other body." The forensic doctor answered.

Diana raised her eyebrows, another corpse? She felt that this matter was not simple.

"Where are the sacred objects? With so many human-faced dogs dying here, there will always be sacred objects dropped, right?" Diana actually cares more about the sacred objects than Parker and firearms. After all, the main function of CPA is to collect all the sacred objects. And create files and save them.

"I don't know. We didn't see the sacred diamond when we came in. You should ask Badr from FPI. He is investigating with another team of forensic doctors on the eighth floor. Maybe he will tell you something useful." Forensic doctor He spread his hands.

"Oh, Badr, who else can run faster than him..." Diana had a headache when she heard the name. He was an FPI operator. Every time a psychic explosion occurred, he would rush to the scene immediately. Get the sacred diamond first before CPA.

In fact, FPI also has the right to recover sacred objects, but they do so in the name of "seizure" and "care."

It was very unwise to take the elevator in the explosive space, so Diana climbed the stairs to the 8th floor along the safe passage. There were four PWAT team members on guard in the corridor. She came to a slightly spacious office and saw several The medical examiner is examining the body of a black man lying on the ground. A few steps away from the body, a tall black man in a black suit leaned against his desk, playing with a diamond.

That's Badr.

Diana knocked on the door when she came in, causing everyone in the office to turn around.

"Diana, I knew you would come too. But I didn't expect you to come so late." Badr said with a smile.

"You must have had a lot of fun while I was away, Badr. Tell me, how many holy objects did you harvest tonight?" Diana replied angrily. She knew that the diamonds that those dogs exploded downstairs must have been all. He was "detained".

"Oh, you have wronged me this time. I'm afraid the situation is a little complicated this time. Look at this."

Balder said, flicking his wrist, and the small diamond in his palm suddenly turned into a dagger.

"Sacred object...where was this found?" Diana asked.

"In his throat." Badr looked at the corpse on the ground with his eyes. After the black man died, his face was chewed off by a human-faced dog. The death state was ugly.

"A murder? Is the murderer a supernatural being?" Diana's heart tightened.

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