This aura is deadly

Chapter 9 Hunting B124

Chen Ke stood up and came to the body of the blond man.

After the artery was severed, the blond man's blood flowed all over the floor, from the center of the hall to the door of the toilet. At this moment, his whole body was pale and cold to the touch.

He originally wanted to change into men's clothes, but the blue sportswear had been stained dark black by blood, and Chen Ke didn't have time to wash it, so he had to give up.

However, the triangle bag he was carrying was originally red, so it was hard to see if it was stained with blood, so it was still usable.

This bag allows Chen Ke to carry more things and free up his hands to do other things. It is more convenient than carrying all the stuff in his coat pocket.

There was another thing on the man's body that made Chen Ke's eyes shine. It was a gun holster hanging on his waist. The left side sheath can accommodate a full-size pistol, and three spare magazine sheaths are included on the right side.

This is a very useful thing for Chen Ke. He can put the commonly used 9mm pistols into holsters and cover them with woolen coats. Every time he takes out the gun, he can go much faster, at least without taking the gun out of his pocket. .

Chen Ke began to rummage through the contents of his triangular bag. He found at least three 9mm spare magazines. Each magazine held 12 rounds of bullets, just for his Glock. However, the model of this magazine did not The method was inserted into the handle of the Glock, and the blond man's FN509 had been dismantled by Chen Ke.

Looking at the gun parts in the pool of blood, Chen Ke shook his head. He was too lazy to put the gun back, so he simply took out all the bullets from the three magazines and put them directly into his bag.

What’s funny is that there is actually a rolled-up body bag in the bag. It seems that the organization’s plan is very careful. Chen Ke didn't know whether the organization miscalculated his strength, or whether the blond man underestimated the enemy. In short, the assassination operation failed. Maybe they are still waiting for a reply now, right?

There is also a mobile phone in the bag, which is exactly the same model as the one in Chen Ke's hand, but it cannot access the Internet. He turned on the phone and looked through the communication records and phone book, and then turned on his cell phone for comparison.

He found that the blond man had not contacted "Mr. Blueberry", but had many one-way contacts with another number.

"...2005.06.21B330, demolished."

"2006.09.01C193, demolished."

"2007.01.1C426, demolished."

"2008.07.21B503, demolished."

"2009.03.22 10:52 pm:B124, dismantle."

Looking at a series of repeater-like text messages, Chen Ke fell into deep thought. Judging from the time of sending and receiving the text messages, this blond man should be a veteran killer in the organization.

What's terrible is that the latest text message was sent just 20 minutes after Chen Ke escaped from the building. Based on the content of the text message, it is inferred that this "B124" should be his killer codename in the organization.

He also discovered that the codenames of the assassins decided by the organization had two prefixes: B and C. Chen Ke guessed that this prefix should represent the killer's strength level. Of course, it may also be a simple classification based on different mission types.

Continuing to look through the man's mobile phone, Chen Ke discovered that not long ago, the man had a brief text message contact with another number:

"Is the package home?"

"Yes, come in through the window."

"I'm downstairs."

"Red windows."

Chen Ke sneered. He came to the woman's body and saw an iPhone dropped on the ground. Naturally, he couldn't unlock it, but he wouldn't touch the phone. To put it bluntly, the organization conducts location tracking and surveillance through everyone’s mobile phone.

On a sudden thought, he picked up the blond man's cell phone, took out his own cell phone, checked the number, and called "Mr. Blueberry."


Pankya was pacing back and forth in front of the computer, his eyes never leaving the old wired phone on the table. The "executioner" has been dispatched, and if the operation goes well, Slavin should call himself now.

Slavin is Pankia's confidant and the executor of the "Executioner Plan", specializing in dealing with disobedient "guns". Slavin has never let Pankia down, and this time should be no exception.

A sweet polyphonic ringtone sounded, and the BlackBerry vibrated on the table.

Pankiya was stunned for 2 seconds and quickly grabbed the phone, but when he saw the unfamiliar number on the screen, a wave of doubt came to his mind.

There is no way a stranger could call this number!

In addition to the relic hunters under his own jurisdiction, some operators within the consortium, and Slavin and his grandfather... no one else knows this number. This number has also been added to the operator's red list, and it is impossible to make sales calls. Come in.

Could it be his grandfather?

You can't tell, the old man has been getting more and more irritable and impatient lately... A drop of cold sweat fell from Pankiya's forehead. He pressed the green answer button.

"I'm Pankia...and you are?"

"So Mr. Blueberry's name is Pankya."

After hearing the familiar voice, Pankya raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened.


"B124 is still alive, you should be very sorry."

Pankya put one hand on the table, a vein popping out on his forehead.

"Lin Mo... I don't know what tricks you are playing, but if you think you can play me!" He was furious and shouted into the microphone.

", you sound grumpy, but I should be the one who's angry."

"What do you want to do? Huh? Want money? Or something else?"

"Countdown. How to turn off the countdown. I just want to know this."

Pankiya was stunned for a moment, counting down? He racked his brain to recall, trying to find relevant information about the word "countdown" from tons of black operations and transactions.

But no matter how he recalled it, he couldn't find even a little bit of relevant things.

"Lin Mo, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Mr. Blueberry doesn't know the countdown? Didn't you put this thing into our heads yourself?"

"No matter what you say, Lin Mo, you are dead. There is no benefit in fooling me! The Si Group will use all its resources to hunt you!"

Pankiya threatened, feeling like the other person was teasing him with something that didn't exist.

"It won't do any good to threaten me Pankiya, I will come to you, remember to send more professional people next time."



The other party hung up the phone.

"Shit! Shit! Fuck! Say! Fuck!"

Pankya roared in the room and threw the BlackBerry to the ground. The battery cover flew away with a bang, and the phone rolled under the bed.

He was actually mocked by an Asian killer under his command. Pan Kiya was so angry that he wanted to fly to the City of Opportunity himself and cut Lin Mo into pieces.

Polyphonic ringtones came from under the bed.

Pankya sighed, leaned down, got under the bed and fished out his BlackBerry. It was Slavin calling.

"Boss, the hunters have evacuated. There is no loss. There is a lot of harvest." Slavin reported.

Pankiya breathed a sigh of relief and finally heard good news. At least the old man could explain it.

"Slavin, B124 just called me, which means the executioner failed." Pankiya said.

"This is impossible...C095 is an experienced executioner, and this is a sneak attack..."

Pankya got out from under the bed and sat back at the table. On the news website, various developments of the unexpected incident in the Opportunity City office building are still being reported in real time.

"Boss, we just lost B124's signal, and C095's... he may have destroyed the phone." Slavin's voice sounded anxious.

"I don't know what B124 wants, but since he wants to play a cat-and-mouse game with us..." Pankya said coldly.

"I will mobilize all the executioners in Opportunity City to hunt down B124..." Slavin understood.

"Don't miss it again..." Pankiya said and hung up the phone.

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