This aura is deadly

Chapter 104 Silence

Even when Chen Ke put a gun to his head, the fat man didn't panic too much. It was obvious that he was an experienced driver on the road.

One of Chen Ke's bullets smashed two of his fingers. He covered the broken fingers and looked at Chen Ke with gritted teeth, his eyes full of hatred.

"Do I know you?" the man asked.

"It's not important. You work for the Si Group?" Chen Ke asked.

"Hahahaha...many people work for the Si Group, why don't you join them..." The man laughed.

Chen Ke's face darkened, and he hit the obese man's forehead hard with the handle of his gun. Blood immediately splattered everywhere and a hole was made.

"Ah!!! You son of a bitch!" the man cursed.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me what the Si Group got from the Xijin Building." Chen Ke asked coldly.

"You know quite a lot... If it was something else, I might tell you, but this matter..." The man's original arrogant expression disappeared, and he seemed to be very afraid of the Si Family Group.

"Say, or I'll put lead bullets in your head." Chen Ke put the muzzle of the gun against the man's temple.

"The question you asked is very dangerous. I don't know where you came from, but if you want to go against the Si Group... Friend, this is my advice to you... Find a place to bury yourself, It's better than being captured and used as a sacrifice by them..." the man said seriously.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Ke was confused.

"That is an inhuman realm... The Si Group has gone too far... That old man... wait..." the fat man said breathlessly, suddenly looking at his right hand.

His right hand slowly turned black, and the blood vessels bulged, as if there were black centipedes walking under the skin.

"What did you do to me?! You..." the obese man said in horror. His neck gradually turned black. His whole state was exactly the same as the man Chen Ke met on the dock.

Chen Ke let go of the man and slowly backed away, watching him writhing in pain on the ground. The obese man tore his suit frantically, trying to confirm if something was wrong with his body, but his movements became slower and slower, and his eyes and ears , black and red blood flowed from the nostrils.

"Ah... you devil... you... vomit..."

He fell to the ground, vomited a mixture of blood and undigested matter on the floor, and finally buried his face in the vomit and stopped breathing.

[Alienated individual level: ordinary]

[Status: dead]

[Form: Creature]

[Category: Sin]

[Attribute: Witchcraft]

A message box pops up next to the man's body, indicating that he died of evil witchcraft.

There was an unpleasant smell from where the vomit was wafting. Chen Ke covered his nose. The hem of his trousers was grabbed by a hand. He looked down and saw that it was Patsy.

Patsy also slowly turned black, his eyes shed tears of blood, he stretched out his hand and threw a small key to the ground.

"Prito Bank... No. 209..." He finished speaking with difficulty, vomited a mouthful of black blood on the ground, and died.

Chen Ke sighed. He wanted to ask for some useful information through these two people, but it turned out that they all died from a witchcraft curse.

It seems that the risks of cooperating with the Si Group are ridiculously high. All insiders will be cursed by witchcraft to ensure that the secrets are not leaked...

However, Pazzi triggered the witchcraft without saying anything. He didn't know what the mechanism of this curse was.

Chen Ke picked up the keys, put away the gun, and returned to the door. After looking outside to make sure no one was there, he closed the door as if nothing had happened and left the nightclub through the main entrance.

Hall had been waiting across the street from the nightclub. He was beaten badly by the bouncers and his face was still stained.

I was surprised to see Chen Ke coming out of the main entrance unscathed.

"Where were you just now? Why didn't you help me?!" he scolded.

"I'm sorry Hall, but you really helped me attract a lot of attention just now, allowing me to have some alone time with Patsy." Chen Ke smiled.

"Wait! Did you find Patsy?! Did you ask for anything? What on earth was Heinard doing? What did they grab in the last operation?" Hall, who was originally full of resentment, immediately calmed down and kept asking questions.

Chen Ke handed the small key to Hall.

"What is this?" He looked at the small key in his hand and asked doubtfully.

"The clue is that this is the key to a storage box in Prito Bank. Patsy gave it to me. If we can take it out, we should be able to know the whole story." Chen Kedao.

"He gave this to you?" Hall asked.

Chen Ke nodded.

"You're so easy to dismiss! What if he cheats on you? I think we should rush in, forcefully pull him out and take him away." Hall was a little excited.

"Listen, listen...Hall, Patsy won't lie to me, he won't." Chen Ke stopped Hall and told him to calm down.

"How do you know? You have never dealt with him..." Hall shook his head.

"He's dead, Hall, he's dead." Chen Ke explained.

Hall looked at Chen Ke in surprise.

"I didn't kill him. He died of some kind of curse, just like the man in the dock crew's studio. He gave me this key before he died." Chen Ke said.

"Then we'd better go back and show Pihom." Hall said.

Chen Ke agreed, and the two stopped a taxi and immediately went to the six-shooter revolver shop in Pihom.

safe house.

Everyone gathered around the long table in the hall and looked at the small key on the table. Chen Ke described the final circumstances of Patsy's death, and insinuated that this situation was like witchcraft in the movie.

"I know this kind of inhuman curse. In the past, when Heinard and I were smuggling at sea, many crew members were also cursed similarly." Lucina said suddenly.

Chen Ke looked at Lucina, hoping she would continue talking.

"There is a type of woman who can cast a spell on others. They are like witches. This spell is called silence among smugglers... It is an oath-keeping spell."

"In other words, they were all forced to make an oath. Once they break the oath, they will die?" Chen Ke asked.

"Theoretically, this is true, but Madfak... the process of swearing this spell does not need to be very rigorous. The caster only needs to trick and induce the recipient to say and do words and actions similar to keeping an oath. Let the oath stand..." Lucina said.

"For example..." Chen Ke frowned.

"For example, nod, say OK, smile to show acquiescence, no matter what you think, the oath will stand..." Lucina said.

Chen Ke took a breath of cold air. This silence spell seemed to be a skill specially used to deal with those old people in society! If you fall for a trick, you can't regret it. If you dare to cheat, you will die...

"But don't worry about being easily tricked, because all women who know the Silence Spell are bald and have purple patterns on their foreheads. I don't know why they become like this. Maybe it's this kind of spell. Caused by..." Lucina spread her hands.

"So you've seen that kind of witch?" Priskin asked.

"Hainard has dealt with them. He knows how to deal with these women. He told me." Lucina said.

"That's it for the popular science about witchcraft. Everyone, now we should talk about business." Pihom, who had not spoken for a long time, interrupted the conversation. He put his hands on the table and glanced at everyone present.

"Prito Bank is a small bank in Hollyoaks. It contains the things we need. It may be a trap. But we only have this clue now. Maybe this is the only time we can figure out the truth of the matter. Opportunity." Pihom said solemnly.

"We only have one key, but we don't have an account number, password, or any credentials, so the bank won't let us open the lock without any hesitation," Hall said.

Pihom nodded.

"Hainard may be cooperating with the Si Group, or it may be some other organization, but no matter what, we have to figure out who the enemy is." Chen Ke added.

" mean...we are going to rob a bank, right?" Puriskin said.

Chen Ke, Hall, Lucina and Pihom nodded.

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