This aura is deadly

Chapter 105 [Three-day robbery: Prito Bank]

Priskin took a breath, but his expression looked particularly excited and excited, as if this was something he had been looking forward to.

Chen Ke noticed that everyone seemed to be like this. They had a difficult and challenging attitude toward bank robbery, rather than treating it as a vicious crime.

"Robbing a bank is not fun. I thought everyone would be more serious..." Chen Ke spread his hands.

All Chen Ke knew about the bank robbery was nothing more than two words: shot to death on the spot.

He rushed into the bank with a gun and a hood, stood there and yelled, and then asked the managers to open the vault door...

He shook his head, stop talking. Even Chen Ke knew that in the real world, most banks don't store much cash, and some small branches don't even have vaults.

But fortunately, Chen Ke's goal is not money, and they also have the key to the safe deposit box, so the operation should be easier to succeed.

"You are right, robbing a bank is not a simple matter. There are many things that need to be considered." Pihom nodded.

"Tell me what you think." Chen Ke made a gesture of invitation.

Pihom pretended to cough a few times, pulled out a piece of A2-size white paper from the cabinet under the table, picked up a blue marker and drew a blue dot on it.

Using the blue dot as a metaphor for Prito Bank, Pihom began to explain his preliminary analysis and plan.

Prito Bank is a small village-sized bank located in the Hollyoaks area where wealthy people gather. The specific building structure and location are still unclear.

The entire Hollyoak area may have the best security facilities in Opportunity City, with two medium-sized county police stations, and the medical department of the Psychic Administration is also there.

"This is very tricky. The Bureau theoretically won't come back to take care of ordinary bank robberies, but if we miss it that day and there happen to be psychic agents nearby..." Lucina shook her head.

"That's just a medical department. I don't think they will care about it." Chen Ke analyzed.

"There is no shortage of heroes in this era, especially after Superman ended World War II. The most popular thing these days is superhero movies. After all, with psychic powers, all superpowers have become possible..." Pihom also had a hint of worry. .

Yes, with psychic powers, combined with sacred objects and skill secrets, a person can indeed become a superhero... The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility...

Chen Ke feels that he still has a chance to protect himself if he encounters agents of the Administration, but he does not want to show his abilities in front of the postman and agents.

After all, I have no psychic powers!

He relies on burning his lifespan to use skills and holy objects, and he doesn't even understand what's going on with this lifespan countdown!

"Can we go at night and steal things out of the bank?" Chen Ke suggested. After all, robbing a bank in broad daylight is really too dangerous.

"You think it's safer and more private at night, but quite the opposite." Pihom shook his head.

"Why?" Chen Ke asked.

Hall then started to learn more about science. It turned out that the alarm systems of all banks in the United States were directly connected to the county police stations in their jurisdictions. These alarm systems were divided into two modes: manual and triggered.

During the day, bank staff and customers will frequently operate bank equipment and enter and exit various restricted areas, so the alarms will be changed to manual triggering mode, and at night, these alarms will automatically switch to automatic triggering...

"No one knows where or what to do to trigger the alarm. Once the alarm is triggered, you will be immediately surrounded by policemen and there will be no time to get through the vault door, so you can't sneak into the bank." Priskin added, he told Have a clear idea of ​​how long it takes a drill to drill through a door.

"We can destroy the lines near the bank first..." Chen Ke said.

"That's even more unrealistic... If the bank's alarm system is disconnected, the county police station will send someone over immediately." Pihom shook his head.

"We need at least, um... ten minutes to get the door open. And then we need at least ten minutes to escape," Priskin said.

"Ten minutes...that's a bit long. Is there any other way to open the vault door quickly?" Chen Ke shook his head.

It takes ten minutes to get through the door. If you are surrounded by the county police, wouldn't it be like being made into dumplings and playing tower defense?

"The managers in the bank do not have the authority to open the door. All bank vault doors are controlled by the head office's online system. To open the door, the bank branch president needs to apply through the system." Pihom said.

"So complicated!?" Chen Ke wiped his forehead. It seemed that he had simplified things.

"This is also the reason why they hide their secrets in the bank. Moreover, this matter also involves the Silence Spell... We still don't know what Heinard has robbed, nor do we know what he and the Si Consortium have done. What kind of deal was made, so I first assume that the things they hide there are dangerous..." Pihom said slowly.

Everyone nodded silently. Indeed, it would not be fun if the box was opened and cursed by the group...

"We need to prepare three express vehicles and plan two escape routes. When escaping, we will go in two directions. A group of people will be used as bait to lure away the county police and change vehicles in the middle. Therefore, it is impossible to use the current vans. We must use A sturdy, powerful muscle car. We must first understand the situation around the bank and prepare the supplies that will be consumed..." Pihom looked at everyone.

"This sounds like it's not something that can be done in one day..." Chen Ke commented.

He looked at the countdown in the corner of his eye, which showed that he had 18 hours left to live. It should be okay to get through tonight, but not so much the next day.

"We may need three days to do this, two days to prepare, one day to implement the plan, and then wait for a while to avoid the limelight." Pihom said.

Chen Ke blinked, not knowing what to say. Spending three days seems normal to others, but for Chen Ke, it is a challenge...

"The main target of this operation is the contents of storage box No. 209, but we also need to grab some money to cover up the purpose of the operation. At the same time, it is best for the escaping vehicle to be stolen, so as to avoid tracing and also It can save a lot of money. The principle of action is still to avoid conflicts as much as possible, don't kill civilians, and don't exchange fire with the police easily," Pihom concluded.

"I'll fix the car problem, but I need a helper. One person can't drive three cars. Madfak, can you drive?" Lucina said.

"Are you kidding?" Chen Ke replied.

Lin Mo can definitely drive, Chen Ke has no doubt, but he just doesn't know how well he can drive. And I also have a driver's license, but my grocery shopping skills cannot meet the requirements of racing and chasing.

"I'll arrange an escape route." Hall said.

Priskin said he would arrange the necessary weapons and drills himself.

"I'll let Bain get the building plan of that bank, and then I'll go on an on-site inspection with Chen Ke tomorrow." Pihom smiled.

"You want to take action personally?" Hall was a little surprised.

"I haven't gone out for activities for a long time. I really miss the crazy days 30 years ago." Pihom said, hugging his chest.

Chen Ke didn't say anything. He was currently thinking about where to kill some alienated monsters at night to recharge himself.

"Chen Ke, you look worried, which makes me very worried." Pihom said to Chen Ke beside him.

Chen Ke knew what Pihom was worried about. Pihom was worried about Chen Ke leaving before the battle. After all, robbing a bank is no small matter.

"I really want to act now, Pihom. Really, time waits for no one." Chen Ke forced a smile.

"Very good... It seems that I have been worrying too much. You are still as energetic as ever, but many things need to be considered in the long term. You have to get used to looking at one thing from a longer cycle..." Pihom began to preach.

"I never think about what will happen 20 hours later... People have to live in the present." Chen Ke said with a wry smile.

"Hey, don't you have to sleep and eat?" Lucina asked with a smile.

"For me, it's just entertainment..." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"People will always grow, and you will understand the benefits of long-term thinking in the future." Pihom laughed.

Chen Ke also laughed. He has grown a lot. A day ago, Chen Ke only thought about things within 5 hours.

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