This aura is deadly

Chapter 110 Getting down to business

Chen Ke took a long breath and felt like he was covered in cold sweat. Synchronizing memories into his soul brought him extremely high mental pressure.

Especially when the synchronization failed, Chen Ke felt like he was torn in half.

He put his hands on the ground, sweat dripping down his cheeks and into the soil. The interface in his field of vision still showed the soul with a slight white halo.

Chen Ke tried to enter his memory again. Things around him just started to dim and fade away, but suddenly returned to normal again.

A line of small words appeared in the corner of his eyes:

"The killer experience required to synchronize memories is not enough."

Chen Ke sighed, could the so-called killer experience mean the experience of assassination and killer duel?

It seems that you can't do anything out of the ordinary in the soul's memory, otherwise you will be disconnected from the synchronization and waste an opportunity to explore the truth.

Heinard had conducted various transactions with the Si Group in 2007, and Chen Ke could have learned something from this.

He was a little annoyed by his reckless behavior in the memory sequence, but it didn't help. However, it was not impossible to continue exploring in the future.

Dawn is approaching, the sky is slightly white, and the remains of the taxi in the open space in the distance have been burned into iron frames. Since there is not much grass on the dirt, there is no big fire, leaving only black on the surrounding ground. Scorch marks.

Fortunately, this road was too remote and not the only road leading from Lafite Road to Guntie District, so not many cars passed by and no one called the police.

Chen Ke stood up and patted the mud on his body. The collar of his suit and shirt were stained red with blood, and his neck and collarbone seemed to have been washed with blood.

Although the killer had reported the news of his death to the Si's Consortium, the Si's Consortium would still become suspicious if he did not return to the team for a long time.

But at least, during this period of time, they will not send out killers again.

Chen Ke wiped off his fingerprints on the sniper rifle, and then put the gun into the hands of the killer's headless corpse. There was no way to cover the footprints.

There are many things in this world that cannot be understood with common sense. Perhaps these strange things are some kind of common sense in this world.

Chen Ke has gradually become accustomed to the life of staring at the countdown. He feels like the second hand on the dial, running clockwise all the time, chasing the pace of the hour and minute hands in circles.

After going through some twists and turns, after walking a long distance, Chen Ke finally took advantage of the tailwind of a private car and returned to his rental apartment at 7 o'clock in the morning.

Throwing the pistol into the washstand, Chen Ke turned on the faucet and took off his blood-stained suit, tie and shirt. He wanted to wash off the blood stains and dirt on his clothes and carefully check his neck.'s just like new. Chen Ke touched his Adam's apple with satisfaction, recalling the tearing feeling caused by the bullet passing by, and still felt lingering fear.

When he was resurrected for the second time, he saw a lifespan consumption prompt. Each resurrection must consume a lifespan equivalent to 30% of Chen Ke's current lifespan. In other words, if his remaining lifespan does not reach 30% of the upper limit, , that means you really can’t survive...

"Even if you can revive for the second time, you can't regard this ability as your trump card... If you become dependent, you may die faster..." Chen Ke was secretly afraid.

People can have a way out, but they can't place all their hopes on the way out.

You must always leave room for real safety, and the retreat is the last resort that will be used when the last resort is desperate.

Chen Ke looked at the blood on his body. It was all sprayed out from his neck after being grazed by sniper bullets. It was red from the collarbone down to his chest and abdomen.

Chen Ke frowned. It was really troublesome. As long as there was a fight, he would have to waste a set of clothes... After all, reality is not about playing games. After the fight, he would still be clean.

He took out his cell phone and called Lester. He hesitated before dialing because he didn't know if the number Lester gave him was real.




Chen Ke impatiently tapped the edge of the glass of the washstand with his fingers, looking at himself covered in blood in the mirror.

"Chen Ke, I didn't expect you to call." Lester's awkward voice came from the receiver.

"I thought you would give me a fake number... Lester, does your suit shop provide door-to-door service?" Chen Ke asked.

"What? Did you stain that suit?" Lester asked.

"There's a lot of other people's blood on it. I don't know how to wash my suit. Can you help me clean it before night?" Chen Ke said.

"Give me your address." Lester said simply.

"Then, Lester, bring me a new set, including shoes..." Chen Ke said.

"Well...then I'll give you a new set in the same size as last time, but it's not free." Lester smiled.

"How much?" Chen Ke asked.

"Bring shoes and socks, a total of four thousand five hundred joint coins." Lester replied.

"I will pay you in cash when your people arrive. My address is..." Chen Ke pinched his nose.

"I understand, don't delay things tonight, Chen Ke." Lester smiled and hung up the phone.

It was around 8 o'clock that the guy sent by Leicester arrived at Chen Ke's apartment. He was a young man wearing a blue uniform and a blue peaked cap.

Seeing the blood-covered clothes, the young man was a little nervous. He put the clothes away, put the new suit on the table, and ran away quickly without saying a word.

Chen Ke shook his head, took off his nightgown, put on his new suit neatly, and put on his pistol, wallet, holy diamond and mobile phone.

At this time, Pihom called.

"It's time, Chen Ke, let's go to Prito Bank today. Can you come to the gun store before 9 o'clock?" Pihom said.

Chen Ke certainly had no reason to refuse, after all, this was business.

He hung up the phone and quickly went downstairs. Ten minutes later, Chen Ke appeared in the safe house.

Lucina and Hall were sleeping soundly on the sofa. The picture on the wall-mounted TV was the PS3 fighting game "Tekken 5: Resurrection of Darkness".

"They fought iron fist all night last night, and Hall didn't seem to win." Pihom said helplessly, holding his chest.

"I heard that they are going to arrange escape vehicles and routes." Chen Ke said.

"Lucina will look for cars tonight. Hall is very familiar with Opportunity City. He will have his own ideas." Pihom said.

The two walked out of the gun store. Pihom was wearing a jacket and a cowboy hat today, like an old western cowboy. He drove his car out of the garage, which was a red Ford pickup truck. .

"Come on Chen, I'll take you for a drive. Seriously, you should get yourself a car." Pihom opened the passenger door and asked Chen Ke to get in the car.

"If it's really necessary, I'll consider it." Chen Ke got in the car and sat down, fastened his seat belt, and the two of them drove towards Prito Bank in the Hollyoak District.

Thanks to Elian Black for the 10,000 starting coins, and Zuopai Thought for the 100 starting coins! Thank you to everyone who has been accompanying this book!

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