This aura is deadly

Chapter 111 Prito Bank

It takes an hour to drive from Rolling Iron to Hollyoaks, even on the Ring Road.

Pehom could see that Chen Ke was completely unfamiliar with Opportunity City, so he always wanted to get some past information from him. Although he had never seen Chen Ke do it, Hall and Priskin had.

The two of them added fuel to the fire about Chen Ke's performance, and when it reached Pihom's ears, they exaggerated it a lot. This made Pihom very curious, which is why he wanted to go with Chen Ke in person this time.

Chen Ke didn't want to talk too much about his life experience and past events, because he couldn't figure it out himself. As the killer of the Si Group, Lin Mo's past was definitely not that simple.

And from his memory, he saw what Miles looked like. That was a man who looked very dangerous.

It's not that he looks evil, but... he feels like a calm and capable hero...

This is the scariest thing...

In the Kingdom of Van Heder, his teammates also left messages on the wall, reminding everyone to be careful about this person...

If it is not necessary, Chen Ke does not want to have any head-on conflict with him unless he is absolutely sure that he can be killed.

Chen Ke combined his previous life experiences with what he saw and heard in this world, and made up some lies about his life in the Feihuang Republic before coming to the United Federation, to fool Pihom's inquiries about his past.

There was no talking all the way, and accompanied by the melodious jazz music on the radio, they finally arrived at the most secluded high-end apartment area in Hollyoaks around 9 a.m.

Looking out the car window, I don't know when the car has driven into rows of luxury villa areas. On the hills in the distance, there are also luxurious white houses with outdoor swimming pools.

Opportunity City is really a contradictory and wonderful place.

It seems that each area has its own theme atmosphere, just like a huge theme park.

There are always no people on the streets of Rolling Iron. The abandoned factories and deserted shops make the whole area look extremely depressed. Even the sunlight is cold-toned.

The limited lively area of ​​Lafite Road is full of a happy and drunken atmosphere. The colorful neon lights and the bustling crowds on the streets make Chen Ke feel quite energetic when he comes to this city.

The deep anchorage area did not leave much of an impression on Chen Ke, but every time he recalled that at dusk, the shattered bodies of the crew on the ocean-going whaling ship anchored in the port, and the horrific claw marks on the side of the ship, made him inexplicably Panic and confusion.

When we arrived at the Holy Oaks area, the sky was clear and even the wind seemed to be sweet. On the sidewalk on the street, sexy women wearing navel-baring sportswear running past for morning exercises from time to time, and the private cars parked on the street are obviously of a higher quality.

"The places where rich people live are really different." Chen Ke shook his head and sighed.

At 9 o'clock, most people have already started their day's work. Only those from wealthy families who have no worries about food and clothing have just gotten up and started doing morning exercises.

While most people have to work for a living, another small group of people can use their assets to make money more easily by stealing the fruits of other people's labor, and live a leisurely and wealthy life. They openly use the power of the media to guide public opinion, trigger meaningless internal strife, and keep their own interests permanently stable.

"Look." Pihom gestured.

Chen Ke looked in the direction pointed by Pihom and saw a one-story independent bank on the corner of the street, with its own parking lot, backed by a gas station, with a high-end apartment residential area on one side and a villa area in front of it.

That was Prito Bank, their target.

"Let's drive around first and see how many entrances and exits it has." Chen Ke suggested.

Pihom agreed and drove slowly past the bank, while Chen Ke was responsible for observing the bank's architectural structure.

There are four glass doors on the front, and as expected, there should also be rolling shutter doors. There are six windows on the side wall, which can be accessed even if they are broken.

One side of the gas station is blocked, but from the front view, there should be a small alley that can be accessed to the back.

The parking lot has a barbed wire gate, but it should be open during the day. The parking lot looks semi-public, and bank employees and social vehicles can park inside.

There is a small green door on the back side with a monitor above it. And from this angle, you can see that there is a passage on the roof of the bank, and you should be able to go up to the roof from the inside of the bank.

Although the roof of the building cannot be seen from this perspective, Chen Ke guessed that the bank's distribution box should be on top. This line should be separate from the police station. It should be able to cause a short power outage without alerting the county police.

"There are three entrances and exits, one at the front and one at the front. There should be another one on the roof, and the windows should be sealed," Chen Kedao said.

"There are too few shelters inside, too many windows, and there are only three streets to walk from the bank. It's too blocked." Pihom shook his head.

"Yes, the road we came from is not suitable for escaping. We can't get rid of the county police helicopter and convoy on the Ring Expressway." Chen Ke said.

"As for the escape route, let's see if Hall has any other ideas. Let's first see how quickly this small bank dispatches police..." Pihom said, picking up a strange handheld device.

"What is this?" Chen Ke asked confused.

"The directional EMP jammer, Bain gave it to me, I just need to press the button at them..." Pihom smiled.

Pihom pressed the button. The device was very quiet, but Chen Ke could detect what seemed to be happening in the bank.

"There's a power outage?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, all their online systems were forcibly interfered with and then disconnected. Of course, it was only for a short time. This has the same consequences as triggering the alarm system." Pihom said.

The two sat quietly in the car and observed.

Just 3 minutes later, four S.W.A.T personnel carriers and five police cars rushed to the scene. More than 40 heavily armed special police officers jumped out of the cars. They were equipped with HK416 and heavy body armor. Even plain-clothed county police officers , also armed with Remington shotguns and MP5s.

The police team rushed into the bank, restrained the customers inside without any explanation, and arrested two suspects on the spot.

"Something's wrong, Chen Ke. For a small bank, such efficiency and intensity of dispatching police is too abnormal." Pihom asked doubtfully.

"You see, their equipment is used for attacking and killing. It is a bit redundant to deal with robbers." Chen Ke reminded.

In addition to automatic rifles, grenades, tear gas, etc., this group of S.W.A.T is also equipped with grenade guns, PSG-1 sniper rifles and shields...

"They came prepared and came specifically to fight a tough battle..." Pihom nodded.

"The good news is that there is something incredible hidden in this bank, and we will never go in vain..." Chen Ke said with a smile.

"We must have a way to control their alarm system, but if we are really forced to engage in firefights with them, we must have powerful enough guns and strong enough cars." Chen Ke added.

"This is not a problem. I am just afraid that you will shrink back." Pihom said.

"Are you kidding?" Chen Ke smiled.

"Hehe, that's what I want you to say." Pihom smiled and drove away carefully.

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